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Interview with robotics professor What’s behind Kuka’s “Automation
Selma Šabanović. for everyone” strategy?


2_ 21
Fascinating robots emulate the
movements of living creatures. the magazine

Cover Theme 3


Robots are fascinating.


They’ve always instilled hope

and fear in us. Large factory
machines for a while, soon



Interview with robotics professor What’s behind Kuka’s “Automation
Selma Šabanović. for everyone” strategy?


2_ 21
Fascinating robots emulate the
movements of living creatures. the magazine

coworkers and vehicles, tiny or

virtual. They are conquering
industries and private spheres.
What are they? What are
their capabilities? A search for
mechanical systems, intelli-
gence and interaction, even
ethics and emotions.
4 Essay Essay 5

Human or
By Claus Möhlenkamp, Chief Executive Officer,
Freudenberg Sealing Technologies

Dreams of robots are old – very old. The Greeks of antiquity berger, one of the pioneers of industrial robotics, was once There has long been movement in the industrial robot mar- One thing is clear: The robot market will continue to grow.
told tales of an animate bronze statue called Talos. In Buddhist quoted as saying. “But I can recognize a robot when I see it.” ket. Machines are continuing to learn here as well. They are And this growth will be accompanied by progress on the
India, automatons were envisioned as tomb guards 3,000 years Engelberger died in 2015, and today he might be shocked at designed to work, move around, and communicate with mechanical side. It will involve joints that function even more
ago. Long ago, engineers in Rome, Athens and Egypt were the sight of robot dogs, autonomous vehicles, chatbots, the human workers more and more independently. We are talk- precisely and find a home in more industries and areas of
already constructing machines and statues that moved with Mars rover, robot mowers and one-armed industrial machin- ing about people and machines here. There is a related hu- application, sometimes under extreme conditions, from the
deceptive verisimilitude, even if hydraulics and wires were like- ery – the diversity of robots and autonomous appliances has man fear that robots one day will be more intelligent than we Arctic to the ocean depths. All of this means that the demands
ly the mechanisms at work. Dreams of robots are old – very become immense. But experts still argue about a key issue: are – and will ultimately achieve world domination. This fear on seals are increasing – and so are the opportunities for us,
old. For millennia, humans have pondered whether intelligent What distinguishes a robot from just another machine? is based in part on a misunderstanding of intelligence. Freudenberg Sealing Technologies, to capitalize on our exper-
human-machines could do our work for us, even as they Machines can use or interpret terms without ever under- tise and quality standards. We have compiled examples along
considered the opportunities and risks that this might entail. For example, at first glance, software bots bear little resem- standing what the term actually means. Intelligence is not these lines in the latest edition of ESSENTIAL. We are curious
blance to robots. After all, they only exist virtually. In terms of just computing power, but encompasses senses, emotions about the future and are sure we will be able to make a contri-
But the automatons of ancient mythology and the early appa- what they do, however, they are surprisingly similar to autono- and the power of imagination. The most advanced robots bution to it. The robots of the 21st century will no longer have
ratuses were not “authentic” robots. The objection is justified, mous machines made of metal and plastic. They work inde- today do not even come close to these capacities and may the hidden wires of their ancient antecedents – but a great
and it leads us directly to the question of what an “authentic pendently. With the help of artificial intelligence, they learn how never attain them. many of them will have seals.
robot” is. “I can’t exactly say what a robot is,” Joseph Engel- to respond to unforeseen events on their own. Advances in
information technology have opened up completely new possi- In fact, we shouldn’t forget that the rate of progress in robot-
bilities. Statistically speaking, every household in the United ics is often overestimated. When artificial intelligence got its
States already has six smart networked devices, ranging from start in the 1950s, the interpretation of human speech was ex-
smartphones and cars to vacuum cleaners. Many of these de­ pected within a decade. But robots have had problems with it
vices are not yet robots, but they are already starting to collect down to the present. The paradox formulated by Hans
information about us, interpret it, and interact with us in the Moravec in the 1980s still applies: The biggest challenges for
Robotic dogs, autonomous truest sense of the word. The gulf between them and what
most of us would call “robots” is not very wide. At the same time,
robots are often the functions that are the easiest for humans.
This especially includes our perception and our motor skills.
The most dif f icult
vehicles, chatbots – the increased networking of smart devices such as catalytic Despite advances in sensor systems, many machines still do challenges for robots
the diversit y of robots is converters is a boon for the entire service robot segment. It ena-
bles the robots to access even more information and be more
not perceive their environments well and are incapable of pick-
ing an object up from the floor. Depending on the yardstick,
are of ten the easiest
incredible. easily controlled with an end-device. Service robots are conquer- small children learn 10 to 1,000 times more quickly than for humans.
ing every industry: logistics, safety, education, retail, medicine the most advanced neural network. In the future, some devel-
and caregiving. The latest edition of ESSENTIAL shines a spot- opments will surprise us – and others will not materialize
light on some of these industries and potential applications. as quickly as expected.
14 48
Androids at

In an interview, robotics professor the Blackboard
Selma Šabanović on technological Where can robots play a useful
progress and emotions. role in education?

03  04 08 42 46
In Fifty Words Essay Story Board Not a Single Drop of Oil Put Through Their Paces
The robot: human or Why the matter of Robots are the stars of comic New robotics work­ Gearboxes, lubricants
machine? robots and people is so books, support muscles and places: different and seals are tested in
fascinating. investigate the unexplored. requirements for seals. Weinheim.

20 27 28 52 59
Automatically Autono- By the Numbers Two Arms and Three Stars Are You Still Mowing? Now I’m Telling You
mous? The term “robot” first Fully automatic restau- Mowing robots also have to Both logical and
Our perceptions are saw the light of day 101 rants and kitchen aids are function long-term under dull-witted, AI helps us
shaping our views of years ago. on the way. harsh conditions. in our daily lives.
autonomous vehicles.

30 33 40 60 64 68
Grasping or Thinking Essential Sensors Infographic No Getting Around Them Organized Ants Worth-Knowing
Why it is so difficult One small component Robotics is on the advance How companies and Autonomous robots bring News from the world
to duplicate the human is crucial for innovation worldwide, in industry and countries are benefiting goods to their destina- of Freudenberg Sealing
hand. in robotics. the service sector. from robots. tions – safely and precisely. Technologies.

22 34 54
“Swab Please, Making It Easy Copyright by Nature
Dr. Robot” What’s behind Kuka’s Human beings can be inspired
How robots are changing health- “Automation for everyone” by nature, even in the
care and doctors’ everyday routines. strategy. field of robotics.
Deep Deep Down
Robots are sent into realms that human beings cannot investi-
gate. The machines give people a look at unknown worlds and
increase their knowledge. Researchers not only rely on these
high-tech machines to travel on distant planets. They are also
used to explore locations on earth, such as the ocean depths.
Even with special submersibles, humans cannot descend to the
deepest point of the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean. So far,
only robots have made the dive – most recently, a softbot from
the University of Hangzhou. Certain diving robots can now au-
tonomously follow animals and thus document their way of life.
The one pictured here is used to inspect oil and gas pipelines in
the South China Sea.
Stable Corset
Crustaceans and insects such as this cicada have an exoskeleton.
It protects and supports their body with its reinforcing external
structure. Humans have been inspired by this. As early as the
1960s, there were efforts to ease the lifting of heavy loads with
mechanical aids. Today functional and lightweight exoskeletons
are the answer. These wearable robotic systems recognize when
movements are attempted and muscles are stressed, and they
provide extra support automatically. In manufacturing and logis-
tics, exoskeletons help workers lift heavy objects and handle
work over their heads and shoulders. Exoskeletons also have
medical applications, making it possible for older people and
those with mobility problems to stand on their own two legs
and walk short distances on their own.
True Fiction
In Japan, robots enjoy huge popularity, fed by countless ani-
mated films over many decades. The start of the successful
Gundam franchise dates back to 1979. A unit of battle robots
bearing the Gundam name had a leading role in the first TV
production in the long-running series. Manga graphic novels
and movies followed, and the fan scene expanded. Last year, a
robot from the series even made an impressive leap into reality:
A giant 18-meter (59-foot) version of the Gundam RX-87-2
weighing 25 tons today stands in Yokohama Harbor. Now a
tourist attraction, it took six years to design and build. The im-
pressive eye-catcher can kneel down and even move its arms
and fingers thanks to its 24 moving parts.
14 Interview – Dr. Selma Šabanović Interview – Dr. Selma Šabanović 15

“We talk about

Dr. Selma Šabanović

Selma Šabanović is an associate profes-

sor of informatics and cognitive science at
Indiana University, Bloomington, In­diana,

robots as though
in the United States. She directs IU’s
R-House Human-Robot Interaction Lab,
which she founded. Her research has
combined the study of the design and
use of interactive, assistive robots as well
as their consequences. Šabanović is edi-

they were off in

tor-in-chief of the magazine “ACM Trans-
actions on Human-Robot Inter­ action”
and co-author of the book “Human-
Robot Interaction: An Introduction.” The
book published in German by Hanser in
2020 is especially geared to students and
anyone who wants to develop an over-

the future”
view of the state of research. It deals
with sub-fields ranging from mechanics
to ethical questions.

More and more, the interactions between robots and people will be
close in the future. Scientist Selma Šabanović of Indiana University even
makes the case that robotics has long become part of our daily life –
only we do not perceive it. A conversation about emotion and cultural
perspectives and why robotic vacuum cleaners of all things have been
so successful.
16 Interview – Dr. Selma Šabanović Interview – Dr. Selma Šabanović 17

But as soon as they have

sensors, they become robots.
Only sensors give machines the
ability to plan and execute.”

DR. ŠABANOVIĆ, WHAT IS A ROBOT? WHAT ABOUT AN AUTONOMOUS CAR? long employment in one company was still in force not so long
WHERE DOES BEING A ROBOT BEGIN? That’s a robot as well. Think about parking assistants or cruise ago, workers have been retrained. That was one difference. We
That is the question that people are constantly asking, and control. Those are functions that meet all the parameters for can feel its impact even today.
every expert has a slightly different answer. To me, it has robotics. The car steers on its own, relying on its own sensors.
something to do with embodiment, that is a body that inter- To be honest, this is very exciting. We often talk about robotics IN THE WAY THAT ROBOTS ARE VIEWED
acts physically. Robots can perceive their environments and as though it were off in the future. If something already exists, MORE POSITIVELY IN JAPAN?
interact with them. This would not include smart speakers, for we accept it as a given. We associate robots with something Think about the high-profile representatives in pop culture. In the
example. They do have artificial intelligence, but they do not futuristic, but in some sense we already interact with robots in West, they are characters like the Terminator. In Japan, it tends
move, whereas a social robot such as “Jibo” can interact verbal- our everyday life. to be characters like the android Astro Boy who confront war
ly, but it can also move spatially, and that motion qualifies as and injustice. That doesn’t mean that everyone in Japan views ro- Paro Robots
an interaction with the environment. WE OFTEN GET THE FEELING THAT PEOPLE botics positively. But there are differences in the way stories and
FEAR ROBOTS. WHERE DOES THAT COME FROM? archetypes have been established in the public consciousness. The Paro is a robot resembling a
SMART SPEAKERS SUCH AS ALEXA AND ECHO CAN The fear was around before the term “robot” emerged. There baby seal whose sensors recog-
TURN LIGHTS ON OR ADJUST WINDOW BLINDS. are old myths about machines that looked so human that they SO ARE THE GLOBAL DIFFERENCES ROOTED nize when it is held or petted. It
That’s right. In that sense, as part of a smart home, they could fooled us. This has to do with a central question that concerns IN DIFFERENT AREAS OF APPLICATION? reacts with sounds and move-
qualify as robots. us as human beings: What does it mean to be human? What is It often has to do with research funding. In the United States, ment. Studies show that it not
it linked to – appearance, behavior, the soul? And isn’t the hu- for example, the Army is investing a great deal in robotics. In only decreases feelings of loneli-
WHERE DOES THE DIFFERENCE BEGIN BETWEEN man body just a machine? This has been a preoccupation Japan, it was initially industry, and this led to greater progress ness, but stimulates connections
AUTOMATION AND ROBOTICS? down to the present. in the consumer sector. Overall, the growth in the service seg- between nursing home residents.
At the point where the machine perceives its environment and ments has not been as rapid as people expected. The vacuum It has been available in Japan
reacts to it adaptively. Industrial robots that are fully pre-pro- AND THEN THERE IS THE ISSUE OF JOB LOSSES. robot Roomba is a success story, but it has been a relatively since 2006 and in the United
grammed to process the same part at the same location are con- Yes. Whenever we invent machines, we expect they will unique example. States since 2009.
sidered automation. But as soon as they have sensors and are change the way we work. But these concerns are actually of-
programmed to react dynamically to sensor input, they become ten more related to the way technology is integrated into soci- WHY, OF ALL THINGS, A VACUUM ROBOT?
robots. The sensors make it possible for machines to plan and ety. In Western industrialized countries, automation has led to Because it has clearly defined uses. It does what it is supposed
carry out actions in response to changes in their environment. layoffs. In Japan, on the other hand, where the principle of life- to do, and its users do not expect its performance to be highly
18 Interview – Dr. Selma Šabanović Interview – Dr. Selma Šabanović 19

We will have to teach future

generations that these
machines are not people, even
if they simulate emotions!”
advanced. The lesson for every robot developer is where can IS IT A PROBLEM TO ASCRIBE EMOTIONS TO ROBOTS?
existing technical capabilities be matched up with exactly That depends. If older people who are alone attribute emo-
what people need. Decades ago, people working in logistics tions to their robot-pet “Paro,” I don’t consider that to be bad.
had the vision of the robot-controlled “lights-out factory.” That They were designed for that purpose: to have a positive effect,
is probably not going to happen. to inspire happiness in others. We reflexively anthropomor-
phize things. It helps us to be social. But it is a problem, for ex-
INSTEAD PEOPLE AND ROBOTS WORK HAND-IN-HAND. ample, if soldiers anthropomorphize the robots that they send
The crucial challenge remains: How to marry a robot’s out to dispose of bombs. It will put them in danger. This kind of
strengths to those of a human being. Collaboration is the buzz­ behavior has been observed. So we are going to have to teach
word for the future. future generations that these machines are not human even if
they simulate emotions.
Smart speakers often don’t understand children because they THE FUTURE OF ROBOTS?
speak differently than adults do. At the institute, we now have There are very different conceptions of their future, in any
a research project underway on the use of robots with older case. One is shaped by films and books. A future in which ro-
people, for example, in caregiving. Seniors also speak and hear bots wander around as individuals. But robots are quite limit-
differently than younger adults. Engineers and developers ed at this point. The opening question, where we began the
have to rethink these issues. Previously, robots had been test- conversation, suggests a complex challenge: the interaction
ed using ten employees in the lab. But the new development with the environment. The notion of robots being able to
may well have totally missed the target audience: When we wander around in human form is still a long way off. The
talk about robot-human interaction, we should pose the right same is true for robotic interactions with the countless un-
questions at an early stage: What should the robot be able to certainties in an urban environment. But there is a future
do? What are the objectives? What are the limits? And what where robotic technology will be implemented in everyday
data is the source of the robot’s knowledge? Otherwise, there things, and it is practically here. We don’t have robots like
is the risk that entire social groups will be excluded. those in the film “I, Robot.” But we have delivery robots –
they are real. And we have robotic technologies incorporated
That is an exciting question because we humans continually
see emotions in things unconsciously. When a robot is pro- WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR ROBOTS’ FUTURE?
grammed to approach a light source, observers respond with Brighter, hopefully. It is for the focus to be on people and socie-
statements like, “Oh, it loves the light!” So if robots show emo- ty. What do we want to accomplish with the technology? This
tion, it helps them with their interactions with humans. A de- is important so we can base laws and rules on that vision. And
livery robot that slows down when it approaches you can be how can robotics help us improve our lives? Socially, economi-
seen as exhibiting caution. This may help in certain situations cally and psychologically. Technology should do that. It should
even if robots lack emotions. not be an end in itself.
20 Autonomous Driving 21

Time to authorize autonomous trans-
port? The readiness to do so varies
Autonomous vehicles seem to be a special around the world. The French manu-
facturer Navya in Lyons has already
species of robot. The differences cannot be developed a range of small buses –
and currently sees its greatest market
justified on either technical or commercial opportunities in Asia.

grounds. They lie in our view of driving.

In “The Love Bug,” when a Volkswagen Beetle named Herbie The actual difference is not in what the robot vehicle does, autonomous vehicles makes sense. In China, if you have There still isn’t a single self-driving vehicle that you can buy
was poised to jump off a bridge one night, even the hard- but in our view of the activity. As we see it, creating the same a sufficiently high opinion of yourself, you are already driven right now. Why is that? Only a miscalculation explains this. The
est-core car-haters sympathized with his plight. He was about weld seam 24 hours a day is a monotonous activity. So is around by chauffeurs. By contrast, acceptance only reaches full range of technology deployed in a robot car adds tens of
to be replaced by a red Lamborghini. As absurd as the scene is, mowing the lawn for an hour every morning. We feel that 52 percent in Germany, the quintessential automotive thousands of euros to its price. For a personal vehicle, the value
the more than 50-year-old Disney film offers a visionary an- these activities require little intelligence. They do not evoke nation. for the money is just too little. “For the foreseeable future, we
swer to a fundamental question: How do you deal with a robot powerful emotions. Driving a car, by contrast, is a cognitively will rather see assistance systems with expanded functions in
automobile? We can’t help but talk to it and think our way into demanding activity unless it is traveling straight ahead for Enormous Progress, No Series Production cars,” said Thorsten Gollewski, who is responsible for autono-
this artifact of steel and circuit boards. And we will develop hours and hours through the American West at a constrained When it comes to autonomous vehicles, German automakers mous mobility systems at auto supplier ZF Friedrichshafen.
feelings – at any rate, more than we would for the robots that speed. If a technology can replace us, then, at a minimum, it are back in the forefront technologically. Alarmed by images of “At present, a higher level of automation is mainly appealing
mow our lawns or work next to us in plants. must be a very special machine. Anything else would threaten a Google-programmed Toyota Prius in 2012, premium manu- for trucks and people movers.” The business model is the ra-
our self-image. facturers launched development programs with budgets in tionale: In freight transport in developed countries, wages and
But why is this the case? From a technical standpoint, a vehicle the billions. The technological progress has been enormous ancillary costs make up about one-third of the total lifecycle
that propels itself without human intervention is not funda- This premise is supported by polling on the acceptance of au- over the past ten years, and even complex traffic situations in costs. By contrast, the depreciation of the vehicle costs only
mentally different from a mobile industrial robot. It is certainly tonomous driving. It is especially high in those markets where urban centers are largely expected to be mastered. Legislation accounts for about 9 percent. In the end, it is a rational calcula-
equipped with a more extensive system of sensors and higher driving ability is not held in particularly high esteem. For ex- is moving quickly as well. Germany was the first country to tion that determines whether autonomous vehicles come into
performance computers, but the basic governing principle is ample, a mobility study by auto supplier Continental found pass mandatory rules for the use of fully automatic vehicles use – and that applies to robo-trucks as well as their colleagues
the same: recognize, calculate, take action. that 89 percent of drivers in China believe the trend toward without a supervising driver on public roads. on the shop floor.
22 Healthcare Robots Healthcare Robots 23

“Swab, Please,
Dr. Robot!” Can robots perform more precise incisions than
human surgeons? Theoretically, yes. Nonethe-
less, autonomous machines won’t be operating
on us for now. But medical robots have long
been used in operating rooms – and they may
be in our bloodstreams someday.

A robot was deployed in an operating Surgery at the Heidelberg University

room for the first time back in the 1990s. Hospital. But there was another issue
The “Robodoc” system was supposed to that only became apparent later. “In iso-
revolutionize surgery. It was able to cut lated cases, the robot also cut away
bones more accurately and evenly than musculature,” Müller said. “And even
the human hand. It had important ap- with bones, there might be deviations
plications for the implantation of artifi- that a human surgeon would likely have
cial hips as well. The more exact the cut, noticed during the operation – but the
the better fit for the prosthesis. And the robot would not. In a retrospective in
more quickly and effectively it will be 2009, the magazine DER SPIEGEL called
able to bear loads. Robodoc is based on it a “lesson in German medical history.”
a customized industrial robot. Its assessment: The belief in the bless-
ings of modern technology blinded
“It was also very precise,” said Dr. Beat many a doctor and even patients at the
Müller, Manager of the Department of time. Perhaps Robodoc had come along
Minimally Invasive and Robot-assisted too early.
24 Healthcare Robots Healthcare Robots 25

Three decades later, more and more ro- ly demonstrated. “The areas where it is
bots are at work in operating rooms. really stable can be automated more
They have different names and look dif- easily,” Müller said. One example would
ferent. Müller welcomes robotics and is be a biopsy through the skull. But he
a supporter of so-called “minimally inva- knows of promising research projects on
sive surgery,” which damages tissue as automated intestinal sutures and au-
little as possible. It requires a different tonomous camera work during minimal-
approach and was viewed skeptically ly invasive surgery. In any case, ro-
thirty years ago. Perhaps that is why he bot-supported medicine is appealing,
is so open to innovation today. “I’ve albeit expensive. “I have underestimat-
always wanted to try out new things,” ed it for a long time: The market is too
he said. “My experience with them has small. For developers, it is less attractive
been good.” Today’s generation of oper- than robotics for the consumer sector,”
ating room robots combine the two he said.
aspects: Doctors today can perform
minimally invasive surgery more easily Still, there is movement in the sector. It
Prof. Dr. med. Beat Müller with robotic support. turns out that medical robots do not
have to operate arms or wield scalpels.
Beat Müller received his license But Müller immediately makes it clear In May 2020, a team at the Stuttgart-
to practice medicine in Zurich in that working with mechanical aids is not based Max Planck Institute for Intelli-
1997 and moved to the Heidel- the same as working with autonomous gent Systems published a report on mi-
berg University Hospital nine robots. The “Da Vinci System,” the most cro-robots the size of a blood cell. The
years later. He has been interest- frequently installed operating room ro- spherical robots could be introduced “My focus has always been
ed in minimally invasive surgery bot today (with around 5,000 units into the blood to deliver medicines to to develop our methods fur-
from the start of his career. Since worldwide), is ultimately nothing more the exact spot where they are needed. ther,” said Dr. Beat Müller. He
2010, he has led the department than the extended arm of the surgeon. The micro-robots can move and navi- is open to new ideas.
of Minimally Invasive and Robot- “It doesn’t do anything that the doctor gate against the blood’s circulation.
assisted Surgery in Heidelberg. isn’t doing,” Müller said. Only the doctor “Our robots can independently identify “It is like having a microscope
During his tenure, the depart- no longer stands right beside the pa- cells of interest, such as cancer cells,” in the patient’s stomach”:
ment has been honored for ex- tient – the surgeon sits at a display and said Yunus Alapan, a post-doc in the The Da Vinci System (at
cellence. controls the operation with a lever. Physical Intelligence Department. “And right) can be controlled re-
“That is better ergonomically, and you they can release molecules of active motely.
more or less have a microscope in the agents during their travels.” These
patient’s stomach.” This allows incisions micro-robots are still a long way from
with a precision that a human hand human trials, however.
would scarcely be able to achieve.
In addition, entire swarms of the robots
True automation in the operating room would be needed to ensure reasonable
is tricky given the complexity of the hu- delivery of a drug. In November 2020, re-
man body, especially with regard to soft searchers at Switzerland’s ETH Zurich
tissue – as the “Robodoc” so emphatical- presented a concept for a “micro-vehicle”
26 Healthcare Robots Fact Check 27


blood is drawn two billion times every

year,” Project Manager Martin Yarmush
told Smithsonian magazine. The British
National Health Service (NHS) has been
testing intelligent chatbots since 2017.
Their artificial intelligence is expected
to lighten the doctors’ workload during
consultations. The logic is the same
101 Years
in each of these fields: Robots can take

over repetitive tasks, giving staff greater
latitude for work that requires human he word robot is international. It
intelligence and intuition. After all, is written similarly in many lan-
patients’ questions raise certain issues guages and tied to the same
again and again – ideally, with robotic meaning. The term itself dates back 101
help, doctors would have more time for years. In 1920, the Czech author Karel
Operating minimally invasively: thorough diagnoses or discussions. In Čapek wrote the play R.U.R. (Rossumovi
Many surgeons balk at the the future, “house robots” could ac- Univerzálni Roboti), in which a company
expense. Robotic support makes company people home and sound an of that name creates humanoid ma-
this step much easier. alarm in an emergency, lightening the chines. They are supposed to be a work-
load on hospitals or allowing the elder- force that serves humanity and brings
ly to spend more of their lives at home. about well-being and social peace. But
The appropriate prototypes have long things take a dramatic turn. The ma-
been developed for many of these chines begin to envy mankind and
concepts. attain mastery over it before they are
that is taking a similar route. But the threatened with their own doom.
work involves only experimentation Müller, the surgeon in Heidelberg, is
with materials at this point. drawn to robotics-related innovations. Čapek reportedly wanted to use the
“Robots don’t take work from the sur- English word labor to refer to these
One thing is clear: Even outside the op- geons – they make the surgeons better,” artificial creations. But his brother Jo-
erating room, medical robots will be rel- he said. “I find that to be a very appealing seph convinced him to use roboty. It
evant in the future and are expected to vision.” He doesn’t have the feeling that comes from the Czech robota, which

take over many tasks. “Robot nurses” patients are intimidated by surgical ro- means hard labor or drudgery and can
could monitor patients, draw blood or bots – on the contrary. “Robots are more be traced back to the old Slavic word
help with hygiene. That would leave hu- precise than people, are controlled by rab (slave). In 1921, R.U.R. made its de-
man beings with more time for jobs that people, and a human can contribute flex- but in today’s Czech Republic and
they can do better than robots: commu- Da Vinci systems are in use ibility and respond to different situa- quickly found its way to international
nication and personal closeness. In worldwide. They were initially tions.” But he said it is crucial for patients stages. The word roboty has been car-
2018, Rutgers University in New Jersey, invented for remote surgery. to understand exactly what robots in the ried over into other languages, and the
USA, developed a prototype for a robot operating room do. “You cannot give the term now stands for machines that can
that can draw blood and even immedi- impression that robots create mischief execute certain functions performed
ately analyze it. “In the United States, without anyone noticing.” by humans.
28 Food Service Food Service 29

Two Arms and

Three Stars has been realized: It can handle more
complicated dishes and different cook-
ing steps automatically.

The automated robotic kitchen has

struck a chord: Customers simultaneous-
ly expect speed and individuality. Special
requests don’t confuse robot cooks,
whether they involve special ingredients,
Robots working as kitchen helpers are scoring peanut allergies or low-salt dishes. All it
takes is the push of a button. By the end
points for their precision and hygiene. Fully of 2021, an Illinois-based company called
Nala Robotics plans to open its first auto-
automatic restaurants and android waiters Two robotic arms, more than mated restaurant where a robot arm will
5,000 recipes. “Moley” even team up with artificial intelligence to pre-
are still a sensation. It is not hard to under- handles complicated ones. pare thousands of recipes. The company
is still not talking about the technology
stand the trend toward robotic food services. behind the plans.

Robots Can’t Taste Their Cooking

In the future, will the next three-star
restaurant be run by a chef with circuit
boards and a processor? At least no one
What is often thought to be the world’s At the tables, the guests order off a in growing numbers, for the same rea- chopped potpourris with mixed ingredi- is ruling out the possibility of an actively
oldest robotic restaurant is not really a screen, and robots deliver and serve the son that they are widely used in the ents. The automated equipment cannot “creative” artificial intelligence that can
restaurant. “Robo Restaurant” in Tokyo food. Cooks and chefs need not worry food industry. Robots can handle rou- handle more complex menus. The res- invent completely new dishes – thanks
already had robots that danced on stage about the robots taking their jobs, tine tasks such as cutting, chopping or taurant advertises meals that start at $8 to Big Data and deep learning. But for
back in 2012. The concept was theater however. In the end, they are just logis- stirring at very high speeds – and their and that are ready in “less than three now, robotic cooks will come up short in
and entertainment, not cuisine. Still, it tical robots. The “Robot Restaurant hygiene and precision are impressive. minutes.” one area: They can neither taste nor
was highly successful, even if it was de- Complex” in Foshan, China, goes a step That makes them an attractive prospect smell the foods they prepare. They know
cried as a tourist trap. More recently, a further. Forty robots, some of them in for the food industry with its standard- Customized Ingredients: how to cook low-salt meals, but they

growing number of robot-equipped res- the kitchen, handle operations for up to ized processes. No Problem don’t know what “salty” dishes taste like.
taurants that actually cook and serve 600 diners around the clock. A “noodle In 2015, the British startup Moley intro-
food have opened their doors. robot” can prepare 120 noodle dishes “Spyce,” a restaurant in Boston, has had duced a prototype for a fully automated The “Robo Restaurant” in Tokyo has now
per hour, its operators estimate. It only a fully automatic kitchen since 2018. In- kitchen with two robot arms that hang closed its doors permanently. The pan-
The “Robot Restaurant” chain in India noodle dishes per hour takes up four square meters (43 square gredients are mixed and stirred there – from the ceiling, stir sauces and cut veg- demic has delivered a death blow to the
has robots that bring meals right to are prepared by robots feet) of space. and the cooks are only responsible for etables. They can also operate several stage show. The guests had been almost
diners’ tables, and it is chalking up suc- in Foshan, China. assigning the recipes and for adding a burners. The robot kitchen has mastered exclusively tourists, not locals. As lucra-
cesses. The chain has branches in Chen- Cutting, Chopping and Stirring splash of dressing on the food at the more than 5,000 recipes and went on tive as the idea was, the owners might
nai and the Indian technological center Industry experts have no doubt that end. It arrives almost exclusively in the market this year for about 300,000 have been better off betting on a real
of Bangalore, among other locations. robots will soon be moving into kitchens bowls, and the meals are mostly finely euros. With this kitchen, the promise robotic kitchen.
30 Mechanical Hands Mechanical Hands 31

Grasping is Harder Robotic technology has made astonishing progress in a num-

than Thinking
ber of areas, but there is still one part of the human body that
gives engineers headaches: the hand. Although even infants
can reach out and grasp objects, robots are pushing up against
their limits if they attempt the same feat. An assessment.

In 1996, for the first time, a computer defeated a neously to the object that the person wants to
reigning chess champion. Garry Kasparov lost in raise. It is only at the time of gripping that the final
a contest with a closet-sized computing whiz position and the pressure the fingers apply are gen-
known as “Deep Blue.” The duel was emblematic of erated.
everything that computers would soon be expect-
ed to do. Twenty-five years later, the expectations But how do you implement this on a machine? The
have only partly been met, at least if one were to Berlin-based researcher developed a soft robotic
consider a drugstore in your neighborhood as an hand with silicone fingers that can only be activat-
example. Shelves are replenished with ten-packs of ed with compressed air. In this way, the hand
toilet paper or small boxes of face cream. Employ- is adapted to the object without being precisely
ees mostly handle these tasks. Many of them would programmed in advance. It is designed to handle
be happy to turn them over to robots. But robotic everything from a mobile phone to a vase for flow-
technology is pushing at its limits in these cases. ers, and from a banana to a teddy bear. This type of
Whether large or small, soft or hard, the products hand, currently just a prototype, could easily find
keep coming, one right after another. And tomor- uses in the food industry, sorting fruit and vegeta-
row they will look different than they do today. bles, for example. These foods are especially sensi-
These tasks overwhelm robots. The question is: tive to excessive pressure.
How can they be taught to grip?
Applications in Caregiving?
Soft Hands from a University This type of hand could also be an option for robots
The Technical University of Berlin is in the forefront in caregiving situations. Robots are already used in
of research on the issue. In a Westdeutscher Rund- the field, but the “hand problem” has prevented
funk broadcast, researcher Raphael Deimel de- their widespread deployment. The humanoid robot
scribed one of the main problems: “People are try- “Pepper,” a joint French-Japanese development
ing to re-create the human hand, but they don’t from Alderbaran Robotics and Softbank, is a classic
really know the most important part of this.” example: It is 120 centimeters (47 inches) high and
Deimel’s team has explored the problem and has is equipped with arms and plastic hands with a ser-
undertaken extensive experiments since early in vo drive. It can speak, sing and move its arms and
the 2010s. In the process, the researchers found hands. “At first we thought Pepper could already
that the fingers of the human hand adapt sponta- grasp and handle ‘fetch and carry’ tasks or clean
32 Mechanical Hands Everyday Object 33

How much pressure can a cherry

tolerate and how does the hand
know where to place it. These are
tough questions for robots.


Schunk, a company based in Lauffen am Neckar. It

has equipped the hands with nine motors each and
numerous sensors. All the control, regulating and
performance electronics are integrated into the
wrist and the interfaces are standardized. That
means the hand can be combined with other robot
arms. In the robotic kitchen, the hands competently
use mixers, knives, egg whisks, faucets and stove
tops. The entire assembly does not come cheap
though. Still, for a little more than a quarter of
a million euros you can take possession of a very
unusual status symbol. At least it’s very unusual
for now. These robots make more sense for large
kitchens, and their manufacturers admit this. The
arms and hands in this kitchen need a great deal of
space, both on and above the working surfaces –
and they are much too large to solve the problems
in drugstores.

The quintessential robotic hand Dematic, a logistics company based in Heusen-

stamm, is taking a different approach, betting on
has not yet arrived. The more hands tailored to a particular task. To help with the

straightforward its uses, and the sorting process on a logistics company’s delivery
vehicles, it relies on “pushers” to guide packages

more standardized the objects to onto the shelves at the right locations. As the
shelves are filled, the problem posed by different
be grasped, the better.” package sizes is rectified with fingers of different
dimensions. This enables a massive package to be A section on things A robot has a body, software, and magnetometers to navigate
gripped with two large fingers. Narrower fingers perhaps even arms … so far, so and determine its position. Just
come into play for smaller and lighter packages. The that can be found good. Nonetheless, it is just a one camera has millions of light
approach also keeps the intermediate spaces on the machine that is incapable of in- sensors. A meaningful response
and run a vacuum cleaner,” said Dr. Karsten Schwarz shelves within acceptable limits.
everywhere, yet are teraction. And it doesn’t know requires data of this kind. In
of Halle University. “It can’t do all of that. Its hands so small they often where it is. Human beings have the future, sensors will become
are really just for gesturing and stabilization during The bottom line is that the quintessential robotic their five senses. A robot needs even smaller and more digital –
its operation.” Schwarz works on the FORMAT hand does not yet exist. The more straightforward go unnoticed. Still, sensors to receive impressions – and they will be everywhere.
project at Halle University, which does research on the application and the more standardized the ob- in most cases, significantly more Incidentally, humans also need
these types of robots. ject to be gripped, the better. There are a few prom-
they are extremely than just five. Depth sensors to sensors to capture things that
ising approaches. But for now, the human hand re- important. Like a seal… recognize a room. Tactile sen- our senses are unable to clearly
Robots at the Stovetop mains a masterpiece that is difficult to duplicate sors. Devices to measure accel- identify. A thermometer is one
The outlook is a bit better in the kitchen: Moley, a technically, especially in combination with the hu- eration, along with gyroscopes example.
British company, has developed a complete, fin- man eye, brain and arm. Incidentally, even Deep
ished kitchen unit with two robotic arms. The core Blue was unable to move pieces on the chessboard
elements are the two five-fingered hands from on its own. A human being had to do that for him.
34 Company Profile: Kuka AG Company Profile: Kuka AG 35

it Easy

With its new strategy, Kuka wants to make automation Shaken or stirred? Robots are taking
on more and more tasks – in part
available to everyone. A key component of the initiative because the programming is becom-
ing much easier.
is a new operating and ecological system that greatly
simplifies programming. But classic machine building
virtues are still important for success in the market.
36 Company Profile: Kuka AG Company Profile: Kuka AG 37

More than just hardware: The

subsidiary Swisslog is automating
complete warehousing systems.

huge manufacturing space
somewhere in Germany. Minute
by minute, the floor vibrates as
huge presses form steel sheets. Orange
robotic arms load and unload the press-
es. A bit further into the same plant, Close Relationship
other robots weld sheet metal together,
and a vehicle body emerges piece by In the last few years, the business relationship be-
piece. If you stand in a body shop today, tween Kuka and FST has become much deeper. One
it is hard to imagine that it was people – key reason: With the Modular Sealing Solution
not robots – who did this occasionally 1 (MSS1), FST has developed a system that is
dangerous work up until the 1990s. But low-friction and extraordinarily robust. Working
with the opening of global markets, the with Kuka and a gearbox supplier, Freudenberg has
auto industry became a pioneer of auto- installed the MSS1 into a robot for the first time.
mation. Kuka benefited from the trend “The results impressed everyone. The sealing func-
right from the start. The Augsburg- tion performs reliably and the seal is kept compara-
tively compact at the same time,” said Dimitrios
Tsituridis, Key Account Manager at Freudenberg
A new industrial world: Sealing Technologies. In all, Freudenberg now sup-
What can be automated, will plies around 200,000 radial shaft seal rings annual-
be automated. based company built the first robotic ly to Kuka and the component supplier that it has
welding transfer line for Daimler-Benz in designated. In parallel, FST is increasing the level of
1971. The world’s first industrial robot The new operating system automation in its own manufacturing operations –
with six axes of movement followed in “iiQKA.OS” makes robotics accessi- and, in turn, a growing number of Kuka industrial
1973. There was little demand for it ini- ble to (nearly) everyone. robots are being put to use there. “We certainly
tially, but its technology paved the way know that the quality is the highest,” Tsituridis said.
for an upturn in the 1980s. Robots con- Kuka subsidiary Swisslog supported a major auto-
quered auto factories, and Kuka as- mation project in Italy. The Pinerolo distribution
sumed the pole position in Europe. center, which mainly sends replacement car parts
to Italian customers, uses an automated warehous-
Kuka expert Benjamin Baumann now ing and picking system. A fleet of autonomous vehi-
foresees a comparable revolution for cles takes items from racks and transports them to
small- and medium-sized enterprises. geting activities that have posed prob- the employees who handle the actual shipping.
“We are facing a shortage of skilled lems for automation in the past. Per-
employees in every industrial country haps it has not paid off financially. Or
due to demographic changes. That the activities have been automated only
means unergonomic and monotonous rarely – or not at all. The functional test-
activities will increasingly be automated ing of electronic components is one ex-
in smaller companies as well.” A product ample. “In theory, there are no limits to
architect, Baumann is working on the our imagination,” Baumann said. “A high
implementation of a new growth strat- degree of system flexibility – along with
egy for the venerable company. “Auto- easier programming – is the precondi-
mation for everyone” is the program tion for smaller companies to be able to
behind the strategy. It’s especially tar- use robots profitably.”
38 Company Profile: Kuka AG Company Profile: Kuka AG 39

Robots that can recognize

how full a glass of beer is as it
is poured (left); robots that
weave and shape architectural
components (middle) – and
even robots that play drums
and keyboards on the stage
(right): the areas of application
seem endless.
Read more on Kuka’s Mission these conditions.” In the case of cobots,
2030: the payloads and rotational speeds are
en-de/future-production/ generally less. In return, the require-
kuka-mission-2030 ments are greater for the precision of
the motion sequences. “That’s why the
friction caused by the radial shaft seal
ring must be kept to a minimum,” Tsitu-
ridis said.

Growth in China, Too

Programming Without Special Expertise ing over to robotics. The operating sys- The initiative is starting off with a cobot, stand out for their extreme robustness Kuka is one of the world’s largest provid-
There has been great progress in pro- tem takes over the hardware-related the “LBR iisy.” With a payload of 3 kilo- and longevity in industrial environ- ers of robots with an installed base of
gramming – often called “teaching” – in tasks and controls communication. Spe- grams (6.6 pounds), it is one of the ments, and they increase the productivi- about 350,000 units globally. It sees
recent years. For example, knowledge of cialized apps – made available through smallest robots in the Kuka portfolio. ty of their users. I see this technical enormous opportunities for growth as
high-level languages has not been need- an ecosystem also called “iiQKA” – take But it is nonetheless a high-tech solu- standard in their cobots as well.” Tsitu- automation continues to advance. The
ed for a while. Instead, a motion se- over application-specific tasks, such as In theory, there tion. Its six joints contain sensors ena- ridis knows what he is talking about. Chinese market is especially appealing
quence directed by a human can be re-
corded and translated into programming
controlling a welding device. So compo-
nents typically provided by outside com- are no limits to bling it to respond to the slightest con-
tacts. This puts the LBR iisy in a position
Among other uses, the seals that he sells
are employed where any robot endures
since the “Factory to the World” is see-
ing rapid demographic shifts. Kuka has
codes. “Robotics for everyone” insists on
programming totally without the spe-
panies – laser sensors or gripping sys-
tems, for example – can be integrated,
our imagination.” to work in close proximity to people –
and, simultaneously, with extreme pre-
special stresses: in its joints. Rapid accel-
eration is followed by braking that is
owned the Chinese company Midea
since 2016 and has good market access.
cialists that smaller companies cannot Kuka has entered into a series of part- Benjamin Baumann, cision. Dimitrios Tsituridis, Key Account quick and precise in equal measure. Tsituridis’ Chinese colleagues are natu-
afford to hire. The new operating sys- nerships to fill out its ecosystem. “That Product Architect, Kuka AG Manager at Freudenberg Sealing Tech- “From the standpoint of the seal, it is ex- rally in discussions with Kuka experts in
tem “iiQKA.OS” is expected to allow takes care of interface problems and nologies (FST), is closely watching his tremely challenging to reach mainte- China. He is confident that “Automation
this. It carries smartphone-style think- manual programming,” Baumann said. customer’s development. “Kuka robots nance intervals of several years under for everyone” is a vision with promise.
40 Infographic Infographic 41

Robots are becoming more and more important to industry and to con-
sumers. But where is the center of industrial robot manufacturing, what
Robotics on the Rise sectors are turning to robots, and where are startups heavily involved?


2.722 Operating inventory (in thousands)

Electric/Electronics: 672
industrial robots service robots
In 2019, revenue
rose by
Metal and Machinery: 281
2.214 110 %
2010 2019 2010 2019

ASIA IN THE LEAD COUNTRIES 13,741 robots 173,000 robots
in the workplace
Robot density* 2,200,000 robots 23,200,000 robots
1.688 million robots in Asia/Australia in private use INDUSTRIES AND AREAS OF APPLICATION

580,000 robots in Europe 1. Singapore: 918 (2019, in units)

389,000 robots in America 2. Rep. Korea: 855 THE FUTURE Logistics: 75,000

3. Japan: 364

Worldwide: 113
20 %
of all service robot suppliers
In the
Defense: 19,000

*Robot density = the number of robots per 10,000 employees

are startups.
Public sector: 20,000

PRODUCTION PRODUCTION Households: 18,600,000

75 %
(e.g. robot assistants, vacuum cleaners

47 %
and monitoring robots)
In private
Entertainment/leisure: 4,600,000
(e.g. robot toys, robots to build,
of all industrial robots are “Made in Japan.” of robots for private use are robots for experimentation)
“made in the USA.”
Oil and Grease Seals 43

First on the shop floor, now

in the kitchen, a cold storage
unit or a hospital as well:
The new locations where
robots work have had a real
impact on the requirements
for them, including seal

ater spurts out of pipes. Spray flies in

Not a Single
all directions. In the middle of it all, a
robotic arm holds a single metallic part in
its gripper. The part is being cleaned. That’s how a
film promoting a robot manufacturer begins.
“Robots were traditionally found on the shop floor,”
said Timo Furrer, Vice President Global Sales at

Drop of Oil
Freudenberg Sealing Technologies, commenting on
the video clip. “In those cases, the same basic
requirements were always in force, 25°C [77°F]
standardized movements.” But industrial robots
now work in cold storage units and washing cells.
This changes the requirements for them.

Furrer keeps an eye on many segments and indus-

tries. “The market for robots is booming,” he said.
Automation is expanding and conquering new
fields. And robots need seals. Dirt or water cannot
be allowed to enter their highly sensitive gearbox-
es. “More and more robots work in an environment
filled with dirt, dust or water,” Furrer said. Seals are
44 Oil and Grease Seals Oil and Grease Seals 45

needed because every robot gearbox is filled with a pizza with salami and motor oil on it,” Furrer said.
lubricant in the form of grease or oil. Every effort But many service robots and their hardware are
must be made to keep the lubricant from escaping. based on industrial-robot models. Much as an auto-
“Years ago, the leakage might have been tolerated maker doesn’t know whether a customer drives its
in some industries,” he said. “Today the quality cars in Alaska or Dubai – whether it must be
requirements have increased considerably.” equipped to withstand cold temperatures or fine
desert sand – a robot manufacturer doesn’t neces-
Motivation and a Challenge sarily know where its models are going to be used.
Achim Ströhle has made the same assessment. He The result: the demands on robot components are
is the Global Segment Director Industrial Machines increasing across the board.
& Robotics at Freudenberg Sealing Technologies. A
while ago, Ströhle noted that some customers con- “That naturally gives us an edge because our focus
sidered minor leakage in grease-lubricated hous- is on seals that meet especially high demands for
ings to be a given. “We first became aware of how quality anyway,” Furrer said. It takes little special
widespread it was when we were at a trade fair expertise to seal vacuum robots against normal
with some international teams and we queried very household dust. Challenges arise where a number
different manufacturers on the subject.” The no- of requirements run into one another: “For exam-
tion was that a little grease now and then was just ple, when a seal must withstand higher stresses
how things worked. After all, seals are imperfect. when it is supposed to meet the hygienic standards
Ströhle and his team saw the problem as a chal- of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) at
lenge, especially with regard to the robotics market, the same time,” Furrer said. Or when the material is
and it motivated them. simultaneously exposed to water and extreme
temperatures. In most cases, combined expertise in
materials and applications is required. “We have Water sprays from all sides: The
the materials and the technology to solve this.” robotic arm in the washing cell
needs seals that protect its gearbox
Operating life is another issue. Especially for auto- from extremely fine droplets. A Glass of Water or a Cup of Coffee …
mated processes, it is crucial for individual compo- There is a great deal of movement in the market in
People don’t want nents to function for years if at all possible. “Every every direction. One of its characteristics is that
breakdown, every repair costs a lot of money if an some projects do not achieve success as quickly as
their pizza with salami entire installation comes to a stop,” Ströhle said. He first assumed. Furrer recalls one example: Softbank.

and motor oil on it.” is proud of the progress that Freudenberg Sealing
Technologies has made in meeting the desires of
ing up right now, and any of them could become
the next big thing,” Furrer said. Many of these new
The Japanese robot manufacturer turned away
from the strategy of developing humanoid robots
Timo Furrer these customers – among other products, it has de- companies focus on – and have special expertise in and put its efforts into simpler applications such as
Vice President Global Sales, veloped a seal that guarantees complete leak-free – IT, artificial intelligence and improved user-friend- cleaning robots. “Robotics is still a trend,” Furrer
Freudenberg Sealing Technologies operation in oil-lubricated gearboxes. liness, and still source their hardware from the said. “There will still be surprising developments,
major suppliers. But not all of them. “The manufac- but no one in the industry at this point knows
“Robotics Is Still a Trend” turers that come from the IT world, in particular, do which of them will be successful.” Whatever hap-
Freudenberg Sealing Technologies still mainly sup- not always have the importance of seals on their pens, more robots will have to be sealed against
The bottom line was that the leakage of grease or plies major industrial customers – but Furrer and radar right away,” Furrer said. “What happens, for dirt and water in the future – and they will need to
oil is unacceptable if a robot is working in an oper- his team have long kept an eye on the startups of example, when a user inadvertently spills a glass of stay leak-tight. Freudenberg Sealing Technologies
ating room or the food industry. “Nobody wants a the robotics scene. “There are a lot of them spring- water or a cup of hot coffee on the robot?” knows how that works.
46 Test Stands Test Stands 47

Standard testing cycles

do not meet the needs
of today’s robots. De-
tailed tests can be run
at the test facility in

Putting a System
Weinheim, Germany.

Through Its Paces

The interplay of gears, lubricants and seals determines how
precisely and trouble-free robots can function, making the abil-
ity to thoroughly test this interaction in advance all the more
important. Freudenberg Sealing Technologies’ test facility in
Weinheim offers more than standard cycles.

Robots do have arms, but they don’t often execute very demanding move- Testing the robot itself is expensive. Greater Precision, Smaller challenging temperatures and rotational in depth,” Sattler said. “We don’t just
have muscles. So the joints of a robot ments,” said Dr. Daniel Frölich, Head of Simulations under highly realistic condi- Installation Spaces speeds. Though it was first largely es- send the usual tables with figures. We
are unable to move without a drive sys- Engineering at Freudenberg Sealing tions make more sense. In Weinheim, In addition, technological advances are tablished to meet the company’s own derive recommendations for action
tem. And every drive system needs lubri- Technologies. The driveshaft moves in Freudenberg Sealing Technologies has increasing the demands on robots: needs, more and more customers have from them.” The bottom line is that
cation as well as a seal. “Robots at work one direction and then switches to an- established one of Europe’s largest seal- Rotational speeds continue to increase, come to appreciate the test facility in manufacturers want recommendations
other, sometimes with high accelera- ing test facilities. Around 250 test cells cycle times are in decline, machines are Weinheim. “There was increasing de- that are as constructive as possible, re-
tion. “There is enormous diversity,” add- are on the floor. “Here we can adjust becoming more precise – even as instal- mand from outside the company, and garding the potential impact of lubrica-
ed Holger Sattler, Design Engineer, everything from rotational speed ramp- lation spaces for gearboxes are becom- we noted how the services made sense tion adjustments on the overall system,
Product Development. “A typical indus- ing to temperature and pressure,” ing smaller and smaller. “Even the lubri- for many manufacturers,” Frölich said. for example. “This often relates to the
trial robot has six axes, and every axis Frölich said. The service is not only avail- cants continue to advance,” Frölich said. “To help our customers even more when optimization of new products,” Frölich
has a different profile and rotates differ- able to its own operations but to other “But that can bring unexpected phy­ problems with a radial shaft seal’s tribo- said. “Robots were once work machines.
ently. And the gripper usually has to companies as well. After all, standard sical-chemical reactions, and the lubri- logical system arise, the Oil Seals Indus- Today even minimal films of moisture
move more quickly than the arm.” testing cycles often cannot handle the cants act on the seals more aggressive- try Division established the ‘Simmerring are no longer tolerated.”
Robots in action often Testing Robots Is Expensive
diverse nature of today’s robotics. In
some cases, growing numbers of robot
ly.” And this in turn can be devastating
for a robot’s operating life. Long lifespans
Engineering’ service department.”

execute very demand- So how do manufacturers determine manufacturers and suppliers do not have become the rule in robotics. To be sure, there are universities and
whether the interaction of the compo- know how their gearboxes will ultimate- labs that make test facilities available.
ing movements.” nents is working properly in this compli- ly be used. “We work very closely with This makes it all the more important for “But we naturally have an advantage:
cated sequence of movements – espe- our customers. Active consultation is the interaction of the gearbox, lubricant We offer expertise on sealing systems
cially with regard to seals and lubricants? crucial,” Sattler said. and seal to be thoroughly tested – at that other institutions cannot provide
48 Robotics and Schools Robotics and Schools 49

Children like to create and

try things out on their own:
Using simple materials, they
can work out the basic ideas
of robotics at school.

Android at the
Teaching thrives on empathy, creativity
and social relations. Can robots play a
meaningful role in education? Absolutely –
and in very different roles, ranging
from a vocabulary trainer to a seat-
mate. They aren’t merely changing the
school routine – they are transforming
education itself.

“You do that really well,” Elias, the teacher, tells the

pupil. His eyes light up as he speaks, but in an
unusual color: neon blue. And his voice sounds a
bit tinny. Elias’s surname is “Robot” and he is not
human. He literally stands eye-to-eye with the
pupils only when he is mounted on a desk. “Elias
Robot” has a humanoid form and is the co-instruc- Fascination as a Positive Effect class and teach. The children’s fascination with feel nor make judgments creates a safe space
tor teaching English to Finnish primary school Humanoid robots today have mastered a great a robot can even have a positive impact on them. for the students. It matters less who the students
students. He drills them with vocabulary and deal of what teachers are expected to do: listen, Robots are definitely capable of identifying are and more what they are capable of doing.
motivates them to speak. In fact, he even dances explain, dictate, praise and correct. They have feelings and responding to them. The fact that Robots don’t condemn students for making
Gangnam style if he has to! the ability to stand physically in front of the they are nonetheless machines that neither mistakes either.
50 Robotics and Schools Robotics and Schools 51

has a similar level of knowledge as the students, Elias Robot

the class goes on an excursion. The students then
teach the robot. Educational experts know how The language-learning robot “Elias” is based on “Nao,”
well explaining things helps to internalize learning its humanoid predecessor. It is already a standard, es-
content – and strengthens self-confidence at the pecially in education and research. The software com-
same time. A robotic fellow student can also be pany Utelias Technologies has geared its Elias model to
beneficial from a health perspective: If a pupil is se- the instruction of children. Elias has mastered more
riously ill or suffers from an immune deficiency, the than 20 languages and allows conversation in real
robot can substitute for him in class. The child con- time.
trols the process from home and can see teachers
and fellow students using a camera – and even
communicate with the help of light signals and a AV1
voice function. The digital connection makes it pos-
sible to keep up with the material and maintain a This robot from a company called No Isolation repre-
connection with a student’s social milieu and sents children who are confined to their homes or a
friends. The robot from the Norwegian company hospital because of long-term illness. With the help of
“No Isolation” is called the AV1. its sensors, the pupils sit in the classroom virtually and
can even communicate. It is expected to help them
Educational robots can begin working even before maintain their connection to the school and their social
primary school. For example, parents of kindergar- lives.
A robotic head on a loudspeak- ten students in Singapore face a tricky decision: Do
er is enough to allow pupils to they send their child to a kindergarten where the
participate in instruction. children can play with the robotic telephone “RoBo- OVObot
The “AV1” makes it possible. HoN” and the robotic astronaut “Kirobo” – or per-
haps to the “R2D2 Lab,” the “In3LABS,” or the Robo- The Finnish startup OVObots developed this teaching
to Academy? One website in the Southeast Asian robot especially for math instruction. It assigns prob-
city-state even highlights “the 10 best robot class- lems and responds with immediate feedback. It can
es” for children. The clear message: It is never too also recognize children’s individual capabilities.
early to learn robotics. With the “Kibo Robot,” for
example, four- to seven-year-olds learn to assemble
Ideally, “Elias Robot” doesn’t act as a teacher, but their own robots and program them by assembling
rather as a tutor and guide. The robot from the wooden blocks end-to-end.
Finnish company Utelias Technologies conducts
vocabulary drills with individual students. The In play, children develop a basic understanding of
advantage: While the robot chats with the more technology – and much more, as Kibo’s scientist-in- A co-worker has now taken over at the robot-teach-
advanced students, the teacher can concentrate on ventor Marina Umaschi Bers notes. She compares er Elias’s school in Finland. It is shaped like an egg
Robots create a safe space for those who need more help. Teachers can take ad- programming with a playground. Children can try and is very quickly identified as a robot as well:
vantage of the robotic support and create more things out – and even create them. “What is 67 plus 52?” asks a robot named “OVO-
the students. They do not space for individual help. This only becomes a bot.” It stands on the work group’s table like an owl

make judgments when there disadvantage when the fascination leads the class
to regard the robot more as a toy or buddy and to
Programming Starting in Primary School?
The children also work with one another on a team,
and looks at the students with large eyes. A math
problem lights up on its display. Using voice recog-
are mistakes.” lose the focus on learning. developing character strengths. That’s why Bers
makes the case for teaching programming in prima-
nition, the OVObot poses questions and hands out
points based on how well pupils answer. Teachers
Robot Seatmates Strengthen Self-confidence ry school – along with arithmetic, reading and can use it in small groups that need drilling even as
The concept of the robot as a friend and classmate writing. In some cases, robotics is already on the they continue to teach. The math robot unfortu-
could be exactly the right approach: When a robot curricula of secondary schools. nately doesn’t have a dance in its programs.
52 Mowing Robots 53

which in turn can cause cracks in the

mower’s plastic wheels. “For such cases,
we have developed a modular plastic

seal,” Geiss said. In this design, the seal is
he sun is beating down merci- braced between two plastic carriers. are designed to cover up to 5,000 square
lessly, but the black mowing ro- They in turn are connected with the meters (about 5,980 square yards) of
bot is unimpressed. It completes housing or the plastic wheel. “With the lawn. “That is why each component of
lap after lap across the lawn. A short same material pairing, this kind of seal the powertrain has to create as little
time later, a storm rolls in, and the rain is carrier stretches to a similar degree with friction as possible – including our
heavy. An integrated sensor recognizes the environment. It thus seals effective- seals,” said Dr. Daniel Frölich, Develop-
it immediately. On its way back to its ly even with substantial temperature ment Manager at Freudenberg Sealing
outdoor charging station, the robot fluctuations,” he said. When the seal Technologies. Working with the innova-
fights its way through several yards of was designed, engineers made sure that tion’s first customer, a German manu-
wet grass clippings of its own creation. there was no dead space where dirt facturer of mowing robots and many
It then waits patiently at the station could penetrate. That helped to keep other motorized and garden devices, he
until it is sent into action on the next starting torque low while protecting the developed an especially low-friction ver-
sion of a modular plastic seal. The

Are You Still

sunny day. seal from wear.
Freudenberg solution has been in use
Small components from Freudenberg Counting square meters since early 2020 and has performed im-
Sealing Technologies help make it possi- per battery charge pressively. “We are unaware of any
ble for a machine exposed to the ele- Impermeability alone is not enough. breakdowns in the field,” said Frölich.
ments to traverse a lawn again and Mowing robots draw their energy from That’s no surprise since it underwent
thorough tests before series production

again reliably. Seals make sure moisture lithium ion batteries that are supposed
and especially clippings and dirt do not to power them across an area as large as began, including test-stand trials with
penetrate the device’s wheels or hous- possible. For example, premium devices so-called “standard dirt.” The approval
ing. This is not just important for a long came after the customer’s endurance
operating life. In extreme cases, it keeps tests of the complete mowing robot in
packed, dried-out soil from decreasing various climate zones.
drive torque to the point that the robot
is unable to resume operation. Other manufacturers of mowing robots
are now showing an interest in the mod-
“The demands on seals of this kind are ular plastic seal. It is giving Freudenberg
much greater than one would think,” an opening into the fast-growing market
There are better ways to spend your Saturdays than mowing said Dr. Stefan Geiss, Technical Director, for service robots used at home. The In-
Oil Seals Industry Division, Freudenberg ternational Federation of Robotics calcu-
the lawn. But mowing robots are only a source of satisfaction Sealing Technologies. “Mowing robots lates that global sales of automated
are exposed to extreme fluctuations in home aids is expected to more than
when they keep operating even under harsh conditions. Seals temperature.” Beneath the housing, double from 27 million to 55 million be-

temperatures during the summer can tween 2020 and 2023. Mowing robots
from Freudenberg Sealing Technologies help them do that. reach levels similar to those in a parked account for a significant share of the
car on a sunny day. Yet in the spring and business; the market research firm
fall, the robot has to withstand frost at Technavio puts its annual growth rate at
night. The temperature fluctuations square-meter (53,820-square- 19 percent. One happy result of the
lead to different degrees of stretching in feet) lawns are handled by these trend: Most subdivisions ought to be
the plastic and metal components, premium devices. less noisy on Saturdays soon.
54 Nature as a Source of Inspiration Nature as a Source of Inspiration 55

ve G .

er K
e s o.
sr &C
ig SE
We take nature as a model

lr o
Al es t
again and again when
we create or improve

by Nature
products. This is true
in robotics as well.
Thanks to bionics, Festo, which specializes in automa-
tion, combines robotics with bionics.
the field has some This robo-flying fox is an example.

surprising develop-
ments to offer.

We all know them: R2-D2 und C-3PO Technology in 1992 and has been part tasks optimally, based on the particular
from the Star Wars films. They are both of the Korean Hyundai Group since the assignment.

robots, though they could hardly be summer of 2021. “Our robots end up

more different. While C-3PO is a totter- moving like humans and animals not But who would need a robotic dog like
ing humanoid, R2-D2 is roughly waist- because we designed them to look like this? Boston Dynamics points to the pos-
high and looks like a barrel. Nonetheless, humans and animals but because we sibility of Spot inspecting dangerous, in-
he is amazingly nimble on his three feet made them balance. Balance and dynam- accessible and remote environments or
and he can even climb stairs, albeit with ic motion are characteristics we have transporting loads on unpaved terrain.
difficulty. However, they both seem previously only seen in animals,” the The German chemical and pharmaceuti-
ancient when you consider all that to- company notes on its website. Boston cal company Merck has turned to Spot’s
day’s ambulatory robots can do. They Dynamics has made surprising progress services as part of a pilot project. The ro-
not only act autonomously – they even in its development of robotic move- botic dog has conducted inspection
do flips and somersaults and leap over ments that are stable and dynamic in rounds in the company’s thermal exhaust
obstacles, maintaining their balance all equal measure. Anyone watching videos cleaning facility. It is initially doing the
the while. of the robotic dog Spot is amazed to see work via remote control, but is capable of
how closely its movements resemble operating completely autonomously with
A Robotic Dog in the Industrial Complex those of actual dogs. The robot, which the help of smart control software. In that
Boston Dynamics has created As they imitate the movements of their weighs 25 kilograms (55 pounds) and is case, Spot finds its way on its own using
a stir worldwide with its human and animal models, ambulatory 80 centimeters (31 inches) high, is now cameras and sensors. It records and com-
robotic dog Spot. One unit robots from Boston Dynamics are set- being manufactured in series produc- municates data automatically during its
costs about $75,000. ting standards. The company emerged tion. The price per unit: about $75,000. rounds, and even climbs grating stairs and
from the Massachusetts Institute of Spot can be programmed to handle circumvents obstacles when necessary.
56 Nature as a Source of Inspiration Nature as a Source of Inspiration 57

Lamellae made of foam, carbon

quills, a motor and all manner of IT
make it possible for the robotic
swallow to fly.
Nature as a Reference Point a German company that specializes in
Atlas, the humanoid ambulatory robot automation technology. Fifteen years
from Boston Dynamics, is further proof ago, it founded the Bionic Learning Net-
of what is technically possible. Atlas has work. On its core team, Festo experts
more than 28 hydraulic joints that allow and international universities, institutes
it to jump, rotate and do flips. Navigat- and outside companies work on the
ing a parcourse is no problem for the ro- transfer of animal capabilities into ro-
bot, which is about 1.5 meters (59 inch- botics.
es) high and weighs 176 pounds. Its

Co v e d .
Nature illustrates how

many sensors allow it to orient itself and Elephant Trunks, Fish Fins and

& r
SE se
to t s r e
maintain its balance. For those who Chameleons as Models
to achieve maximum

© ll rig
think of robots as stationary machines Festo has built robots that can flap

or even R2-D2, Atlas must seem like a through the air like a flying fox and make
window to the future. performance with a headway in the water like a sepia with

minimum of energy
longitudinal fins. Not to mention an am-
It is becoming clear that robotics can bulatory robot that propels itself on legs
draw a great deal of inspiration from
nature. For many scientists and engi-
consumption.” like the African flic-flac spider. If the ter-
rain is suitable at some point, it gathers
neers, this is an important reference Karoline von Häfen, itself into a ball and covers much of its moving. Nature has an abundance of
point in the evolution of robots. That’s Head of Corporate Bionic Projects, route with a kind of rolling locomotion. solutions to offer in this respect,” said
no surprise. In the course of evolution, Festo SE & CO. KG There are other Festo developments Karoline von Häfen, Head of Corporate
the animal world has had enough time that resemble their source of inspiration Bionic Projects, on the Festo website. For
to adapt perfectly to its environment. in a specific way: “Automation technol- example, the trunk of an elephant was
This is something that fascinates Festo, ogy typically involves grasping and the model for a lightweight, pneumatic
robot. The robotic arm includes various
bellows segments and rotary drives.
This makes it significantly more agile
than typical industrial robots and allows filled with a slight overpressure, so it ments led to huge weight savings. The
it to work around objects. curves flexibly around the target, grip- robot also ended up using 75 percent
ping and then moving it. less energy. Festo’s von Häfen recently
© Various grippers fit the “elephant trunk expressed her enthusiasm about na-
All sto
rig SE
ht & C
robot,” each combining functions from More Bionics, Less Energy Consumption ture’s potential to the Frankfurter Allge-
e s o. K nature as well. The special gripping The Biomechatronics Department at the meine Zeitung newspaper. “It shows
er v G .
ed fingers were modeled after the tailfins Ilmenau University of Technology is how you can achieve the maximum per-
of fish. If pressure is applied to them, geared to nature as well. Like Festo with formance with a minimum of energy
they don’t bend. They react by curving its grippers, it adopts very specific capa- consumption.”
around the pressure point. The gripping bilities for its innovations. “If bionics is
fingers adopt this principle and adjust to inside, you don’t see it from the out- GE Research is learning something from
This small underwater robot glides the contour of the object being grasped. side,” said Department Director Hart- nature as well. During the summer of
through the water like a cuttlefish. The food industry makes use of this ca- mut Witte in a conversation with TÜV 2021, the U.S. firm created a sensation
Two servomotors drive the silicone pability to sort fruits and vegetables. Nord, which oversees technical security with a soft robot inspired by the loco-
fins on its side. Another gripper operates like the tongue controls. For example, scientists from motion of earthworms. The robot worm
of a chameleon. As the animal hunts for Witte’s department co-developed a bores through the earth independently
food, its tongue shoots out, strikes the climbing robot, drawing on the move- and without joints. It navigates around
prey and curves partly around it to pre- ments of a rat. But it didn’t look like a rat subterranean obstacles autonomously.
vent its escape. A robotic gripper made at all. The development of a robot with a It uses artificial muscles based on those
of silicone behaves similarly. Its casing is lightweight design and rodent-like move- of an earthworm to generate its motion.
58 Nature as a Source of Inspiration Perspective 59

The approach allows it to dispense with

joints and gives the robust, hose-like ro-
bot a sharper curve radius. Moreover, it “I am here.”
is capable of forcing itself through con- Robust and agile: In this video,
strained spaces and of grasping and Boston Dynamics presents N OW I ’M T E L L I N G YO U
moving objects. GE Research is not only its robotic dog Spot:
interested in highlighting new ways of
excavating tunnels – it wants to open watch?v=wlkCQXHEgjA
up new possibilities for robotic inspec-
tions and repairs as well.

The example shows how bionics-based gate difficult-to-access environments. one of its factories. Over the course of
robotics is supporting people who do And the field is poised to spur collabora- time, employees have begun to say hello
burdensome, difficult work and investi- tion between human beings and robots to them. Robotic dogs seem to appeal to
too. As an example from automaker human emotions. In turn, employees
Ford shows, the trend encompasses may be more willing to collaborate with
more than intelligent soft robots. The robots if they can relate to them as liv-

company is using two robotic dogs in ing creatures.

A l e s to You may already know me from your experience with voice Unless the cat’s behavior is atypical. Then I don’t recognize
igh SE
ts & C assistants. I am a form of artificial intelligence. Some of you it because, as a form of AI, I am emotionless.
se o. KG
ed .
look at AI critically. I know this from the information that
. I’ve been fed. There are concerns that we will be smarter We are helpers, each with a different specialty. We recog-
than human beings at some point, although I don’t even nize street signs. We translate for you, even the spoken
know what “critically” and “concerns” mean. You see that I word with apps. We recommend books that you are sure
can indeed communicate with you. But I can’t tell you what to like. We find old friends in social networks. We can even
my words mean. I’m a logical system, designed to propose compose texts if we are given the right information and
solutions from my huge database. Lightning-fast. Faster you specify what you want. But I don’t understand why
than any human. In a way, this is not intelligence. It is mind- someone would pay more than $400,000 for an AI-pro-
less deduction and derivation. We could not exist without duced painting, as a buyer did in 2018. You apparently
human beings. They determine the data that we collect and don’t either. You don’t need to be afraid of us. We are here
Walks when it has to, rolls whenever it can. process. If you show me cats, then I recognize what a cat is. to ease the burden of your daily life.
This robotic spider imitates the movements
of the African flic-flac spider.
60 International View International View 61

No Way Around
Even Freudenberg’s joint venture Robots can really be found everywhere in the United States. In
daily life and in industry, in particular. Automakers have long
partners and subsidiaries are relied on help from robots for welding, painting and assembly.
This is evidence that robots have proven strengths in repetitive
turning to robots. Greg Edwards activities. That’s what they do at XALT Energy. We have six
robots at our site. We use them to assemble battery packs,
(XALT Energy) and Atsushi Osada among other tasks. A robot assembles battery cells into a
single pack in several work steps. At an earlier stage, different
(NOK) offer a glimpse of their robots sort by quality grade of the battery cells that we manu-
facture. They are programmed to identify non-conforming
companies and homelands. cells and automatically sort them out. In the process, we check
to see whether the cells have the intended capacity and the
specified internal resistance.

Robots are also taking over welding in battery pack assembly.

It would take an employee about 30 to 45 minutes to weld an
entire battery pack. A robot does the work in six to eight min-
utes and then places the pack on the conveyor for transport to
the next stage. Our robots have accelerated our production
process. Today we produce 30 battery packs per shift. Back in
the prototype phase, our colleagues were only able to build
two per day. Today, since we are making more batteries, we
need more employees. We are currently trying to fill 100 new
GREG EDWARDS, USA positions.
Director of Manufac-
turing Engineering, has Incidentally, the robots that we use are typical stationary artic-
worked for XALT Ener- ulated-arm robots. We don’t have cobots. Our employees
gy, a Midland, Mich.- naturally have to service the robots. We train our staff on how
based global developer to deal with them. For example, they can program them and
and manufacturer of get them up and running again quickly in the event of mal-
lithium ion technology functions or breakdowns. In this respect, the robots enable our
solutions, since 2015. employees to build their skills.
62 International View International View 63


Section Manager, Global
Sales & Marketing, has
worked for seal manufacturer
NOK in Tokyo since 1995.

In Japan, we are used to dealing with robots. We don’t suffer

from a fear of contact. That may be due to the fact that many
of us grew up with well-known animation films such as Astro
Boy and Doraemon. Robots that closely resemble people play a
We aren’t afraid of contact main role in these films. I personally have a cleaning robot at
home, and today there is no way to get around the use of
with robots, perhaps because robots at Japanese companies. They work precisely and quickly
while helping to keep errors to a minimum. Furthermore,
many of us have grown up with robots are capable of handling higher production volumes

animated films in which robots flexibly. They don’t let up.

play a main role.” At NOK, we use various robots in manufacturing. About twen-
ty of them support production processes. For example, picking
or transporting our seals and electronic products to the next
station. With their help, we are supporting our employees and
speeding up the manufacturing process. We are becoming
more productive, efficient and profitable. By using robots, we
are solving another problem as well: They help us offset the
labor shortage. Incidentally, we also make parts needed for the
actual production of robots. They include electronic items
such as flexible printed circuits in addition to seals.

I am convinced that the industrial use of robots will continue

to expand in Japan. Growth is looming in the consumer sphere
as well. For example, robot pets are becoming more popular.
I personally wouldn’t mind having a so-called Lovot. This
is highly advanced, small yet cute robot with more than
500 parts. Lovots can respond to moods and promise to give
their owners joy and energy in their daily lives.
64 Autonomous Logistical Aids Autonomous Logistical Aids 65

Highly Organized
Ant Swarms
While autonomous vehicles still seem off in the future
for cities, they are poised to conquer warehouses and
manufacturing operations. Autonomous robots can
transport raw materials and goods more selectively,
safely and precisely to the right location. Freudenberg
Sealing Technologies is experimenting with them as well.

Power package at the

Competence Center Mixing
in Weinheim: a GoPal.
66 Autonomous Logistical Aids Autonomous Logistical Aids 67

“Employees have to walk

less.” Machines take care
of the walking: Two AMRs
at the North Shields plant.

1.5 tons
people as much as possible. They have a A Booming Segment
tough time dealing with unforeseen dis- Plant managers and logisticians world-
ruptions. The name behind the abbrevi- wide are already gushing about efficien-
ation tells the story: AGV stands for au- cy that could not have been imagined
That’s the weight that the “GoPal”
tomated guided system. These vehicles twenty years ago. For the booming
can carry on its flat platform.
are automated, but not autonomous. e-commerce segment, it is exactly the
We have very heavy And they are guided. right advance in technology – and at the
right time. Early in the decade, online re-
loads to transport.” Robots like the “GoPal” from a Danish tailing giant Amazon invested heavily in
manufacturer actually find their way AMR technology and gave the entire in-
Christian Pfeifer, Manager, Competence
spatially on their own. They are already Development Engineer in North Shields. dustry an innovative push. It is estimat-
Center Mixing in Weinheim, Germany.
doing something that the auto industry That worked out to more than an hour ed that around 100,000 AMRs are at
and transportation policy-makers can and a half of non-value-creating activi- work at Amazon alone. Conservative es-
only dream of: autonomous driving. But ties per person. Two AMR units have timates foresee the AMR market seg-
they naturally benefit from the techno- been in operation at the plant since Feb- ment reaching about $14 billion in sales
logical progress now being made. Im- ruary. It’s a start, and it’s already paying in five years.
proved sensors to identify obstacles. Ar- off. “Employees have had to take fewer
tificial intelligence, making it possible to steps since then,” Sims said. In Weinheim, Christian Pfeifer is well
interpret these obstacles rationally and aware of the limits of the current gener-
constructively. Is the silhouette in front At the Weinheim mixing plant, just a ation of AMRs. For example, these
of me a pallet? Or is it a person who single AMR is driving around, but that is mobile black boxes depend on the deliv-
is likely to be moving away shortly? expected to change. By the end of 2021, eries being ready for them. They cannot
For human beings, this is a very simple Pfeifer would like to see a half-dozen reach upward. That’s not a problem
thought. For a robot, the task is anything robots in operation. “Then they will for Pfeifer. “Sometimes innovation is
communicate with one another,” he slowed by the fact that everyone imme-

but trivial. In warehouses as elsewhere,
eople do not immediately recog- await it. The machine positions itself high risk of accidents and injuries. “Our time is an important factor. said. “When we need a load, the vehicles diately expects a jack-of-all-trades,” he
nize intelligence in some crea- among them, extends its two rails preference would be to entirely dispense will coordinate to see which one is in the said. But the more complexity you have,
tures. The rectangular, flat black upward, and lifts the pallet. It can carry with forklifts as vehicles,” Pfeifer said. A Swarm that Delivers neighborhood.” That was an impossibili- the greater the risk of losing the over-
box that drives around Freudenberg up to 1.5 tons. “That was one of our The Omron from the Japanese manufac- ty technologically until a few years ago. view. “We are tackling this step-by-step.
Sealing Technologies’ mixing plant in selection criteria,” Pfeifer said. “We Obstacle: The Person or the Box? turer of the same name is another ver- It is the result of advances in network Our mindset is to test what is working,”
Weinheim seems to be single-minded transport very heavy loads here.” The solution is known by the abbrevia- sion of the AMR. Two of these units technologies such as 5G. The single unit Pfeifer said.
and to capture the essence of monotony tion “AMR,” the Autonomous Mobile Ro- work in the Freudenberg Sealing Tech- is just the beginning. AMRs are opening
– but the opposite is true. The “GoPal” Logistics has long been considered a bot. It is the further development of the nologies plant in North Shields, England. up completely new dimensions in The “GoPal,” a name coined from the
can make decisions on its own. “When poor field for value creation: When “AGV,” a driverless transport system. The work also involves collecting indi- plant and warehouse logistics: a swarm words “pal” and “pallet,” has already led
you are in its way, it recognizes the situ- goods only had to be carted from point Since the start of the 2000s, AGVs have vidual components and delivering them of autonomous, communicating vehi- to an unexpected side effect. “The work-
ation and it waits,” said Christian Pfeifer, A to point B, it was impossible to make been deployed in warehouses, but they to the right stations, still dedicated bays cles that, with computer support, guar- ers in the plant have become tidier,”
Manager, Competence Center Mixing in money doing it. Hand trucks were fol- need help along their route from rack to currently. The molding machines can antee the best possible distribution and Pfeifer said. Previously, pallets were oc-
Weinheim. “And if it sees that you are lowed by mechanical aids such as fork- rack to the manufacturing area. The as- even put in a call to robots on their own delivery of goods and individual parts. casionally left in the lanes – with the
not moving away, it recalculates its lifts and conveyor belts. Conveyor belts sistance takes the form of reflectors on when they need more components. “Be- Machines that look as though they knowledge that the forklift driver would
route and looks for another path” – are static and inflexible, while forklifts walls, stripes attached to the floor, or fore the introduction, employees had to would swarm through an area like ants. climb down and remove them when
perhaps a route to the loading station require a driver. In many warehouses similar aids. AGV’s travel prescribed do that. It took ten minutes per machine And, at the very least, operate with an necessary. “Now everyone keeps the
where several sacks of raw materials and factories, they pose an especially routes that – ideally – are closed off to and per shift,” said Martin Sims, Process ant-like level of coordination. way clear for the robots.”
68 Worth Knowing Worth Knowing 69

July 2021
June 2021

Identifying Withstanding
Leaks (Early) Temperature Changes
Cargo aircraft and other slow-flying
A new monitoring system from Freudenberg Sealing March 2021 airplanes travel miles above the earth.
Technologies is helping companies identify leaks in Drones also soar to great heights to
containers, lines, pumps and valves in industrial facili-
ties at an early stage. LeaCo is easily mounted, even
on existing production equipment. For example, its
No Problem with gather data or to deliver goods to dis-
tant locations. Each aircraft is exposed
to extreme cold for relatively long peri- a team of international experts from Now that several major manufacturers
sensor can be mounted beneath any potential exit lo-
cations without making alterations to the machinery.
If drops of water, oil or chemicals escape, they reach
Electrolytes ods and has to withstand abrupt chang-
es in temperature at landing. The chang-
es can damage the seals in hydraulic
Freudenberg Sealing Technologies de-
veloped 80 EPDM 426288, a completely
new EPDM (ethylene propylene diene
and system suppliers have successfully
tested seals and other components
made of 80 EPDM 426288, Freudenberg
the top of the sensor, which sends an alert to a display systems and increase the risk of fluid rubber), for the aerospace industry. It Sealing Technologies has launched
module after a maximum of two minutes. And the Many industries need lithium ion batteries with ever leaks from crucial elements such as seals superbly at high pressures along series production of O-rings in the
system automatically sends out an alert if the sensor higher performance. Meanwhile, new electrolytic solu- hydraulic brake lines. In just six months, with temperatures as low as -65°C. material.
fails. tions are boosting battery output. They continually ex-
pose seals and other battery components to reactive,
inflammable, corrosive and dangerous chemicals. To
solve this problem, Freudenberg Sealing Technologies
has now installed new advanced equipment and intro- July 2021
duced new test protocols at its main laboratory in

Find more news online at:

Plymouth, Michigan, in the United States. They indicate
which materials are the most resistant to electrolytes.
To this point, this type of information has not been
Seals for Electrolyzers available in the market.
In China, Europe and the United States, more ambitious plans Gas Diffusion Layer
Membrane Electrode Assembly
to protect the climate have put the spotlight on solar and wind
power. Polymer membrane electrolysis systems are well-suit- Gas Diffusion Layer

ed to the production of “green” hydrogen. To this point, Cell Frame

August 2021 the equipment has only been produced on a small scale. But
giga-factories to build electrolyzers are now in the planning

Battery Recycling stage; the plants would produce them with a high degree of
automation at a much lower cost than in the past. This creates
a need for components that can be installed using as much

Made Easy automation as possible, including seals with a diameter of

up to one meter to ensure reliable media separation during
Bipolar Plate
with Sealing

Carrier-applied Sealing
According to forecasts, the global demand Center, which is funded by the U.S. Depart- Freudenberg Sealing Technologies is meeting this challenge by Sealing
for lithium ion batteries and the materials ment of Energy, on the validation of a sim- spraying the sealing material directly onto the functional part.
required to make them are expected to in- ple recycling process. The process is less Or, as an alternative, the seal can be applied onto or into a
crease tremendously by 2030. Battery recy- energy-intensive than other options and special carrier. This makes it possible to offer seal solutions
cling could help to meet the additional de- promises the direct recycling of used elec- customized to each customer’s system. The seals are designed ability to hydrogen. Tests of materials used against aggressive
mand. XALT Energy, a Freudenberg Sealing trode materials into new battery electrodes for automated production and permit a rapid buildup of media combinations are underway as well. There are materials
Technologies company specializing in bat- – an important way to produce batteries considerable production capacity. Furthermore, Freudenberg for polymer membrane electrolysis that promise a lifespan of
teries, is collaborating with the ReCell without relying on new raw materials. experts have developed materials that exhibit very low perme- more than 50,000 operating hours.

Feedback and Contact

More Information If you wish to object to the receipt
Would you like to learn more about Freudenberg Sealing Technologies, of ESSENTIAL under the right of objection
our products, solutions and services? Then take a look at and outlined in the German Federal Data
discover our wide-ranging portfolio. On our Internet site, you can also down- Privacy Law § 28 IV Clause 1 BDSG, simply
load all the editions of our company magazine as PDFs or subscribe to the send an email including your address to:
magazine at no charge.

We look forward to a dialogue with you! Isolde Grabenauer Ulrike Reich

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Women in Technology p 41 iStock: tridland p 61 XALT Energy, Greg Edwards
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Industrial robots are reliable helpers in today’s manufacturing

operations. Flexible rotary joints enable precise movements to
ensure perfect operation from all angles. During this complex pro-
cess, up to 80 custom-developed seals made from special materials
ensure that the rotary joints can untiringly withstand loads. Even
today, innovative sealing technology allows maintenance intervals
of 10,000 to 13,000 hours. We are working with our customers to
double that time span.

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