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He wrote a considerable quantity of verse; but

succeeded. On the assassination of Caligula (A.D. 41)

century B.C., 27 1/4 ft. long (including the porch) by 23 1/3

however, powerless against the disaffection due to perennial

higher ground by kampongs full of trees. The river at

the voltage at 100 the filament will be white hot, at over

posterior aspect of the septum to the body wall (fig. 3).

A period of mathematical stagnation then appears to have

defined to be one which deposits electrolytically 0.001118 of

allowed these to communicate in the species of bread only,

50,185. The country is hilly, and many of the inhabitants are

Defence.--The military force constitutes the XIX. army corps of

1900 62 1940 17,933

the Crimea and Circassia, he filled his portfolio with vivid

Elgin Marbles'' is the first of those glimpses of the art-iife

in Wendell's and Trent's Histories, and abundant and minute

Graham's; the Knickerbocker became prominent in New York

to those connected with temperature. (See ENERGETICS.)

into or is used in the composition or preparation of human

the recommendation of the presiding judge and the prosecuting

agreed that a British envoy should reside permanently at his

Parr, Electrical Measuring Instruments (Glasgow, 1903); J.

Bind their resplendent locks.''

under the control of ``the single person,'' and no less

the field, but directed the generals, whom he never trusted,

e.g. in the Dictaean Cavern of Crete. No textiles have survived.

inexorable censorship of poets, &c., so as to make art as far

elliptical areas which mark the site of old plutonic stocks or

on the seals published by the United States Treasury: for

from India that the Hebrew tree of life is derived, but from

typical of a large share of the taste, talent and ambition

summer they are less susceptible to autumn drought. The hay

1644, was born on the 3rd of October 1637. He graduated

claimed royal honours and absolute power in the new ``Zion.''

(U.S. v. Sampson, 1902, 187 U.S. 436) and appeals are direct

authority. Against the severity of his measures the powerful

lands outside Palestine; they were thus regarded as less

the ministries in Paris, whilst the governor- general became

affray applies, subject to certain modifications by the statutes

supervenes before a numbing effect on the intestine can be

m. W. of Alexandria is the Protestant Episcopal Theological

maintained the supremacy of general councils over the pope's

the neighbouring tribes, the Ammonites helped the Babylonian

one ingot after another at successively lower temperatures


due to each refracting surface (see Czapski-Eppenstein, op.

Fig. 5,--Intestinal Tract of Canis vulpes. S, cut

old Charles V. He was sent to Spain in 1515 on a very important

manufacturers, and is a provision of growing importance

time. At its maximum it reaches nearly 50,000. (D. G. H.)

much painful doubt, to abandon the religion of his youth for

The lign-aloes is quite different from the medicinal aloes.

escape death (an idea spiritualized in Prov. iii. 18).

it may also be mentioned that in all cases the right half of

of Southern Nigeria, this being a step towards the eventual

after the publication of the figures shows that the latter

Leopold, youngest son of Queen Victoria (see IV. below).

lease, unlike the ordinary public land which was always held
of strangers of different degrees (X1 X2) comprise a large

For further treatment of the physical geography of the

brethren with fuel. The number of cells surrounding the great

weaker than alloys. The presence in an alloy of a eutectic

of the whole body, corrected many of its abuses, added to


be out of range of the allied men-of-war, which were sailing

of Badajoz; situated 27 m. E.S.E. of Badajoz, on the

is possibly the Greek S, though some forms of Zade on

rotation. The general average yields of the corn crops are

are apt to be regarded by German historians as devoid of

tip became so heated as to cause the decomposition of some

was succeeded by Cardinal Nicholas of Albano as Adrian IV.

that one finds the same ideas forcibly expressed--special

of Malmesbury, De Gestis Pontificum Anglorum, edited

husband has been personally served with process within that

is artificially introduced in solution and then decomposed

of the United Kingdom do not vary greatly from year to

or moving his limbs in any way as may be desired. (b) There

at Campania in March of the year following his fifty-first

evolution of hydrochloric acid. It combines with ammonia to

1856. Much favoured by the earlier viceroys of Mehemet Ali's

31,687. It contains the usual public buildings and several

when using the term Albian, to bear these differences in

of bodies (e.g. mineral) by virtue of which they can change

therefore in this neighbourhood the colour union is at its

1409), This pope reigned only ten months; his successor, John
well-being. Each dealer in food contributes but a little;

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