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Moxibustion : A Modern

Clinical Handbook
Lorraine Wilcox
Blue Poppy Press

This book is a practical handbook of moxibustion for modern

practitioners and students to use in everyday clinical settings. It
contains techniques and treatments from classical works including
the Huang Di Nei Jing (Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic) and from
modern clinical trials. Included are sections on how to grow and
prepare moxa from mugwort, how to use needle moxa, moxa boxes,
liquid moxa, and mosa plasters and pastes, moxibustion's functions
and uses, preventive therapy with moxibustion, prescriptions for
specific conditions, recipes for moxa ointments, and use of specific
acupoints in moxa therapy. There are over 100 photo illustrations
that illustrate every aspect of preparation and patient care. The
practical, useable nature of this book will help many practitioners
increase the effectiveness of their moxibustion treatments.

Blue Poppy Press

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