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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title:
Combining Like Terms in Algebraic Expressions

Students will be able to identify the like terms in an expression.
Students will be able to simplify expressions by combining like terms.
Students will be able to simplify multi-term expressions by performing the correct operations of
addition and subtraction on terms with negative and positive coefficients.
State Standards:
7.NS.1.e Apply mathematical properties (e.g., commutative, associative, distributive, or the
properties of identity and inverse elements) to add and subtract rational numbers.

Context: This lesson is about combining like terms in algebraic expression. I am teaching this
lesson because combining like terms will carry on with each student when taking math classes
later in school, especially when in an algebra class but also many different types of math
Data: Students will be in groups of either 4 or 5 it mostly depends on how many students I have.
Students will choose groups themselves and if any changes need to be made to the groups, I will
make those changes before they start the assignment. Completing this assignment will help me
determine if I need to go back over certain parts of the lesson we went over.
Materials: Unit 2 Syllabus, Smart Board, the Smart Board slides printed on a note sheet, the
worksheet assigned for homework, a computer to watch the video assigned, a computer to
complete the group assignment on Quizizz, a scientific calculator, and a writing utensil for each

Detailed paragraphs from here on down.

Introduction (5 minutes): I will discuss that now since we have completed Unit 1 Part 1
and taken the tests in this unit, we will be starting a new unit today, Unit 1 Part 2. Students will
receive their grades from the last test and discuss how it factors into their grades. Students each
receive a weekly syllabus that outlines all the lessons and homework for each day in Unit 1 Part
2. Today, will we start our first day of combining like terms. Students should have prior
knowledge of this topic from eighth grade. First, we will define the meaning of the important
vocabulary in this section, and then explain the process of how to combine like terms.

Teacher Directed (20 minutes): The lesson begins with each student being provided a
copy of the Unit 1 Part 2 syllabus. I will discuss where they are headed with this unit. Next, I
will pass out the Smart Board slide notes, on Combining Like Terms. Students must take notes
on the problems that I work out on the board. I will define the vocabulary on the first few slides
as the students write down the definitions. I will ask for student feedback on what they think
each vocabulary word means before defining it. Then I will ask “What is the difference between
a constant and a coefficient?” and “How do we recognize if two terms are like?” and wait for
student feedback. I will go over the correct meaning of each term once there has been a small
classroom discussion. Following the introduction of vocabulary, I will discuss the steps to
combine like terms. For example, 6x - 1 + 4x + 2 = 10x +1. I will demonstrate multiple examples
on the Smart Board so that the method is modeled for the students. I will use the method of
drawing lines between the like terms in different colors to distinguish between them. The
students must fill in each example on their note sheet as the lesson goes along. After working
through several together as a class, the students try a few of the examples in groups.

Collaborative (20 minutes): I will put the class into groups of 4 or 5 and they will answer
a 10-question assignment on the vocabulary we went over in class and how to combine like
terms. The questions will be on this website called Quizizz and it will be posted in google
classroom for the students to complete. On Quizizz you must put a group name and I will write
down each group name and who is in it and that is how I will record the grades for each group.
After working in groups on their assigned work, the class has a discussion of how they arrived at
their answers. Students are asked to come up to the Smart Board and demonstrate the steps they
took. They must first identify the like terms by underlining or drawing lines between them, and
then perform operations on the terms to simplify the expression.

Independent Digital (10 minutes): During this time, students will go to google classroom
and watch a video on combining like terms so that they can get an even better understanding. I
am doing this so that I can make sure and be 100% that each child understands and knows how
to combine like terms.

Closure (5 minutes): I will then close by asking if there are any questions about anything
that we went over in class. I will also assign homework for my student to complete and inform
the students that this worksheet must be completed by tomorrow before class. They must attempt
each problem and show all work for credit. I will review that the homework aligns with the topic
learned today, identifying and combining like terms. I will tell my class that the answers for
homework will be given, and we will continue with combining like terms again tomorrow.

Rationale: You must have at least two paragraphs (one for each mandatory piece of
1. Quizizz
a. I chose this piece of multimedia because it would allow me to create my own 10-
question assignment for my students, and it would also allow me to add pictures
to questions if needed. While students complete this grouped assignment this will
give me time to make sure the video that they will watch in independent time is
working in GoogleClassroom. During this time I will go ahead and start grading
their homework they completed the night before and see if there is anything I
need to go back over.
2. YouTube video on how to combine like terms in algebraic expressions
a. I chose this piece of multimedia because it would help the students that don’t fully
understand how to combine like terms get a better understanding. It would also
help the students that know how to combine like terms learn get ready to complete
their homework assignment that they would have to complete. While they watch
this video it would give me time to look at how they did on their group
assignment on Quizizz. Looking at their group assignment would also help me see
if there is anything I need to go back over because not many students got those
type of questions right.

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