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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Cause and Effect

Students will be able to identify the cause and effect in a sentence.
Students will be able to recall identifying vocab for cause-and-effect statements.

Context: I am teaching this lesson to show students how to recognize cause and effect in their

reading and on their tests. There prior knowledge should have been taught to them before with a

much simpler version of the concept. They will be learning the words and phrases that signify

that there is a cause-and-effect relationship in the sentence or paragraph.

Data: Students will be grouped based on their last class's quiz. I will group the students based on

how well they did on the quiz for cause and effect. This will help me for my small group to be

able to specifically help the students who are struggling with the topic. Students will be grouped

by their last class's quiz. This data is from the standard 10.1. I will collect data from a Google

form that the students will do at the end of the class period as an exit ticket.

Materials: The materials that will be used are their do now notebooks, their computers,

edpuzzle, a matching game, along with a white board

Introduction (10 minutes): I will have students come into the classroom and get settled.

Then they will get out their “do nows” and write a sentence in their notebook using a cause-and-

effect relationship. I will have students raise their hands to share their sentences. I will introduce

the activity for each section and explain to them in detail what I expect of them at each station.

Then I will split them into the groups that I had pre-made based off of their quiz scores.

Teacher Directed (10 minutes): For the teacher-directed group I will have the small

group at a table with me. I will be writing sentences on a whiteboard and having the students

copy them down on their own. I will then have them use different colored markers to circle and

underline the cause and effect in the sentences. I will explain to them each why or why not their

answer was correct. I will continue to do this with multiple examples.

An example of a sentence I may write would be:

“Sally ate lots of candy after trick or treating, so now she has a stomachache.”

Students will be expected to underline the cause and circle the effect, meaning underline eating a

lot of candy and circling stomachache.

Once the timer I have set goes off we will switch groups and it will conclude the station.

Collaborative (10 minutes): For the collaborative group work I will be having students

work in a hands-on situation. They will be using cutouts of different causes and effects. Students
will have to match the causes to the effects to form sentences. They will work as a group to get

all the pairs matched. When they have finished matching them, they will come to get an answer

key to check their work.

Independent Digital (10 minutes): For the independent digital station, students will go

onto their computers and go to Edpuzzle to watch a video about cause and effect and answer

questions throughout the video. The questions are embedded in the video so they can answer as

the video plays. I can check their progress on the topic by seeing how well they did on the


Closure (10 minutes): I will direct the students to clean up all the groups and head back to their

seats. I will allow the students to ask questions about what we just learned, and I will have them

tell me something that they learned that they did not know before. The last thing will be a
Google form exit ticket on cause and effect to check that they did improve from the lesson. I will

also add a section for them to ask any questions they may have.


This piece of multimedia is a platform where teachers can upload their own videos, or

you can find topics other people have already done videos on. The videos themselves

have interactive questions embedded into them. This way teachers can ensure that the

students are paying attention while watching the videos. This also allow students to work

alone which many students prefer to do. If you would like you can play the video and

answer the questions with the class.

Think that Edpuzzle is highly effective for supporting students learning because they

have to actively watch the video to get the question right, and they cant continue until

they answer the question. Based on the LORI criteria it would rank high for me because it

is easy to use, gives feedback, and is effective for teaching information.

Cause and Effect song:

The cause and effect song that I found on YouTube is a great way to get students to

remember what makes up a cause and effect. Using music for teaching is highly effective
because it is catchy and makes it easy to remember topics. This is also a fun way for

students to learn rather than just taking notes.

Most students learn in many different ways, so allowing them to watch videos or learn

songs to learn how to do things is very beneficial. For the LORI criteria, I think it would

rank well, it is good quality and it is interactable because students can sing along with the

song or sing it after watching it to remember.

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