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Diffusion: is the net movement of molecules and ions from a region of their
higher concentration to a region of their lower concentration down a
concentration gradient, as a result of their random movement.
Diffusion always takes place down a concentration gradient,that means that
the particles that diffuse try to spread evenly in all spaces, so it moves from
where it’s very concentrated to where it’s not concentrated.

Substances move into and out of cells by diffusion through the cell

The importance of diffusion of gases and solutes:


 (Animals) Necessary for gas exchange in all living organisms (O2 in, CO2 out)
 (Plants) Necessary for obtaining Carbon Dioxide and releasing oxygen
during photosynthesis.

Solutes (liquids)

 Dissolved salts diffuse through root hair cell.

 Absorption of dissolved food material in many organisms, like amoeba,
bacteria and fungi is carried out through diffusion.
 Some digested food material is absorbed by diffusion

Water as a solvent

 Plants obtain minerals when it is dissolved in water.

 Enzymes and hormones secreted are dissolved in water
 Excretory products excreted are dissolved in water.
Rates of diffusion

The energy for diffusion comes from the kinetic energy of random movement
of molecules and ions.

Factors that influenced the rate of diffusion:

 Surface area – The larger the surface area of the exchange membrane the
faster particles diffuse.
 Temperature – Increasing the temperature will give particles more kinetic
energy, making them move faster, thus increasing the rate of diffusion.
 Concentration gradient – The steeper the gradient the faster the particles
 Distance (Thickness of exchange membrane) – The thinner it is, the easier it
will be for particles to go through it, the faster the diffusion rate.

3.2) Osmosis
Osmosis: is the net movement of water molecules from a region of higher
water potential (a dilute solution) to a region of lower water potential (a
concentration solution) through a partially permeable membrane.
 A dilute solution means it has lots of water molecules, and a high
water potential.
 A concentrated solution has few water molecules and low water

 Water moves in and out of cells by osmosis through the cell

 It is important that the cells in an animal’s body are surrounded by a
liquid which has the same concentration as the liquid inside the cells.
 Tissue fluid: the liquid outside the cells.
 Plants are supported by the pressure of water inside the cells
pressing outwards on the cell wall.


 If a plant cell is placed in distilled water, water molecules will move

from the distilled water to the cell, the cell swells up and
becomes turgid but it will never burst because plant cells are
surrounded by cell walls, which are made of cellulose and is elastic, it
will stretch but never break. The vacuole is exerting turgor
pressure on the elastic cell wall.
 If we place a plant cell in a concentrated salt solution with low water
potential, water will move from the cell to the solution causing the cell
to become plasmolysed.

The importance of osmosis:

 Plants gain water through osmosis in their roots from the soil.
 Without a water potential gradient, water will be lost from the roots.
 Plant cells contain vacuoles, which, if not full with water, will cause
the cell to become flaccid.
 If all the cells in a leaf become flaccid, the whole leaf will become
flaccid, hence causing the plant to wilt. Plant cells therefore need
water to remain turgid and keep firm.

 If an animal cell surrounded with a high water potential, osmosis will

take place, and if the water is not expelled some way or another, the
cell will burst (a process called haemolysis in red blood cells).
This is because an animal cell doesn’t have a cell wall to keep it
 If an animal cell is surrounded with low water potential, the water in
the cytoplasm will diffuse outwards, causing the cell to shrink

3.3) Active transport

Active transport: is the movement of particles through a cell membrane from
a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration using the
energy from respiration.
Examples of active transport include:

 uptake of glucose by epithelial cells in the villi of the small intestine (and by
kidney tubules)
 uptake of ions from soil water by root hair cells in plants

Carrier proteins pick up specific molecules and take them through the cell
membrane against the concentration gradient.
 Substance combines with carrier protein molecule
 Carrier protein transports substances across membrane using energy from
 Substance released into cell
Q. Describe the pathway of water from outside the root to the xylem vessels (J) at the
centre of the root.3

(water enters) root hair (cells) / M ; by osmosis ; the soil has a higher water potential than
the root (cells) ; ora water moves from an area of high(er) water potential to low(er) water
potential ; active transport of ions to create a water potential gradient ; (across / through
partially permeable), membrane(s)

Q. Explain, using the term water potential, why Rhabdostyla [any plant or animal
cell]needs to remove excess water..3

water enters by osmosis ;

down a water potential gradient / high(er) to low(er) water potential ;
through partially permeable membrane ;
needs to remove water to prevent bursting ;

Q. Single-celled organisms with cell walls do not have contractile vacuoles . Suggest why.3

[The contractile vacuole removes excess water]

cell walls, inelastic / do not stretch / rigid / inflexible / keep shape of cell ;cells, are turgid /
have high turgor pressure ;resist any increase in, volume / pressure ;

these cells do not absorb excess water ;

the cells will not burst ;

Q. Explain how protein molecules move ions across a membrane during this process.
1 protein uses, energy / ATP (from respiration) ;
2 idea of protein interaction with ions ;
3 (to) change shape of protein ;
4 ions move through the protein ;
5 against concentration gradient / lower concentration to high concentration
(across a membrane) ;

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