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Lovella Santos

Instructor Judith McCann

English 1301.127

01 December 2021

Humanitarian Foundations: Different, but Similar

"Everyone is equal before the law and has the right to equal protection and benefit of the

law," according to the Bill of Rights ("CHAPTER 1"). Equal rights, such as racial, sexual, and

civil equality, have been fought for by people all over the world. The Black Lives Matter

Foundation, the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) Foundation, and the League of

United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) are just a few of the helpful communities/foundations

on the internet that are working to achieve equality.  The Black Lives Matter Foundation seeks to

combat racism against black people throughout the world, while the LGBT Foundation promotes

gender equality and LULAC assists the Hispanic community in the United States. These three

foundations have diverse, but similar "About" sites, such as declaring their objective, who they

serve, and having a simple and easy-to-understand "About" page.

To begin, the Black Lives Matter Foundation, the LGBT Foundation, and LULAC all

have compelling statements on their "About" websites describing their aims to promote equality.

The Black Lives Matter Foundation's "About" page states that their mission is "to eradicate white

supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the

state and vigilantes" (Black Lives Matter). This helps members of this foundation to understand

and see the need of acknowledging racism and putting an end to it. As well as for, the LGBT

Foundation's "About" page reveals their mission to "support the needs of a diverse range of

people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans" (LGBT Foundation). This helps
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members of this foundation see and understand that the LGBT community is not alone and that

they have the support they need in order to prosper. While, the "About" page of LULAC it

indicates that their mission is on "education, civil rights, healthcare, and employment for

Hispanics" ("LULAC"). The LULAC foundation provides information, assistance, and support

to members and non-members of this foundation. This nonprofit helps members comprehend that

Hispanic Americans are individuals, too, and that they, also, require necessities that others have

but they do not. The "About" pages of all three foundations reflect their attitude and contribution

to the development of their message to make a change no matter how small or big it is.

The Black Lives Matter Foundation, LGBT Foundation, and LULAC serve people who

need the help through their “About” page. The Black Lives Matter Foundation serves the Black

community while the LGBT Foundation serves the LGBT community; and on the other hand,

LULAC serves the Hispanic American community. The Black Lives Matter Foundation wants to

expand, affirm and work with blacks in order to benefit them, demonstrating to their members in

the black community that they are determined to end global racism to achieve racial equality

(Black Lives Matter). On the other hand, the LGBT Foundation wants for the LGBT community

to reach their full potential, achieve equality, increase confidence and reduce isolationism of

their community, and overall to feel safe (LGBT Foundation). This shows members of the LGBT

community that they are aiming for equality to be a right and not a sin. On the contrary, LULAC

wants to help Hispanic Americans who are struggling with the American dream. By having a

well established economy, a good education, housing “if needed”, health care, and providing

protection of their civil rights (“LULAC”). These three foundations serve different communities

that have different missions, but at the end of the day, the Black Lives Matter Foundation, the

LGBT Foundation and LULAC help and serve a humanitarian cause.

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All three foundations contain a straightforward and easy-to-understand "About" page.

The Black Lives Matter Foundation, the LGBT Foundation, and LULAC get right to the point by

stating their problem and their solution, in other words, their major purpose. They do provide

background information about their communities, such as when they were founded. For example,

the Black Lives Matter Foundation was established in 2013, the LGBT Foundation in 1975, and

the LULAC in 1929. All three have a direct purpose, which in this case is a humanitarian goal.

For example, the Black Lives Matter Foundation seeks to eradicate racism by expanding,

affirming and working with black lives (Black Lives Matter). While, the LGBT Foundation

seeks gender equality by encouraging the wellbeing of the community and by promoting their

safety (LGBT foundation). As for LULAC it seeks to assist Hispanic Americans who face

discrimination and lack the resources needed to thrive in America. In addition, all three “About

pages include an easy-to-understand “About" page. In what way? Well, it covers all of their

information in three to four paragraphs, and they do not utilize difficult vocabulary; in other

words, their "About" page is simple enough that even a child can understand what they are trying

to say. As previously stated, they do give background information, but they do not waste time

discussing it; instead, they focus on their goal and how they intend to fix it.

Overall, the Black Lives Matter Foundation, the LGBT Foundation, and LULAC are all

different, but similar foundations. Where all three serve a purpose, such as stating their objective,

who they serve, and having a straightforward and easy-to-understand "About" pages. They may

not be well-known foundations, but they seek to change the world's sociopolitical attitude that

has been in place for decades. All these foundations want to improve the world for the better.

With issues regarding to race, sexual and civil mistreatments.

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Works Cited
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Black Lives Matter. “Black Lives Matter.” Black Lives Matter, 2020, . Accessed 30 Sept. 2021.

“CHAPTER 1.”, 2019, . Accessed 29 Sept.


LGBT Foundation.


k-1633397015-0-gqNtZGzNAqWjcnBszRQR . Accessed 30 Sept. 2021.

“LULAC.” LULAC, . Accessed 30 Sept. 2021.

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