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Critical Thinking

In light of Ricardo and Tracy situations, it is wise to ensure that the available time is

managed in a proper manner since time is the most precious resource that God has given to

human being to make best out of it and procrastination is the killing of time.

Who do you think has the more challenging self-management problem, Ricardo or Tracy?
Explain why.
To answer the above question, it is clear from the self-management case study that

Ricardo has an eminent challenge in self-management than Tracy owing to the fact Ricardo turns

in two essay assignments behind given that he has a lot of time to engage himself in working the

assignment and other tasks relating to school work as is said by the Tracy that a young guy just

from high ought to have all-time in the world, this sounds that he has a lot of time however he is

not rational in managing time as compared to Tracy due to the reasons that she is in the 30s, a

single mother of three kids and sometimes kids get sick or house appliances get damage. She has

to overwork to get the funds to fix the damages and meet other basic needs in the house. Ricardo

has plenty of time but cannot optimize the available time to conclude the assignment despite

ample time to do them instead. He attends functions such as weddings, fails to turn up in time,

and prefers to overstay his visit.

If this person asked you for advice on doing better in college, what specific self-

management strategies would you recommend she adopts and why?

The following are the best alternatives to take to get good results attending all classes

should try her absolute best to attend all classes despite the enormous task she has because it

benefits her to keep ahead of her subject and avoid knowledge gaps by skipping out the

important lessons and material to aid her in studies. Secondly, she should stay organized by

ensuring that she is up to date with all her deadlines. Also, the organization assists her in

scheduling her tasks to know who would aid her to do home choirs on when. Thirdly, she must

try to be good at time management because balancing work, school, and family responsibilities

can be challenging if time is not managed carefully; she can achieve this by setting up the goals,

using a calendar, and utilizing the deadlines. Moreover, she ought to take notes to aid her during

revision time in forthcoming exams. Also, she must be good at managing interruptions and

distractions, for example, finding a quiet place to learn and switching off the phone during the


Which person's situation is more like yours? Explain the similarities and identify what you

do to keep up with all the things need to do?

Tracy’s situation is similar to mine since, as a student taking postgraduate studies and

taking part in dispensing my services in the industry. The family needs and work have to be met,

and I find it very challenging to manage my time. For instance, the home needs are more

demanding, and the remuneration is not enough to meet all the expenses and pay the fees, and all

I have to do is work extra time to get more pay to meet the needs, which are more similar with

Tracy. As someone organized, I manage my time carefully to ensure that no work is left behind

due to a lack of proper time management, and I find that I accomplish all work on or in the time


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