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People's successes or failures are often influenced by what they believe.

A person's beliefs play a

significant role in what they want and whether they achieve them. Research shows that an individual's
mindset plays a pivotal role in achieving success or failure. In that regard, a mindset refers to people's
beliefs, which determine how they make sense of themselves and the world. It affects their thinking,
feelings, and behaviors in any given situation. Reggie's reaction to the test is influenced by his mindset,
which in this case, he appears to have a fixed mindset. People with this mindset always believe their
abilities are enough to do something or lead to success without requiring any effort. There is no other
way of doing things better than what he has always known.

Brain plasticity refers to the brain's ability to re-wire itself or change its connections based on the
changes within the body and the environment. Any brain, not just the human one, won't be able to
recover from brain injury or develop from infancy through to adulthood without this ability. It relates to
mindset in that it affects people's ability to learn and alter their behavior, especially during childhood.
Brain plasticity provides people with an idea of why kids learn fast and why what they learn remains to
be the brain's essential lifelong property. Changes in the physical brain occur just like changes happen in
a person's mindset. In that case, Reggie's mindset relates to brain plasticity in that he can readjust his
mindset to achieve something just like the brain can modify itself based on the changing environment or
changes within the body.

Giving advice is central to effective decision-making and leadership. In that regard, keeping in mind
Reggie's mindset while offering advice and strategies to him would be important because it helps in
understanding and predicting his feelings as well as making sense of his reactions. Understanding his
feelings and mindset would help build better relations with him, making him integrate the advice better.
Another vital aspect of keeping in mind Reggie's mindset is that it helps me structure my advice and
strategies into digestible information, making it easier for him to follow. Structuring digestible
information to him in the form of advice will help guide his decisions and manage his expectations.
Besides, one will also be able to understand the best advice to give to him entirely. For instance, since
Reggie has a fixed mindset, one would probably attend the session prepared to give motivating advice to
help him change his mindset to a growth one, giving him tips on how to do that.

Gloria needs to develop several strategies to share with Reggie to help him prepare for the compliance
test. Among the strategies, Gloria can use include the use of mnemonic devices and repeated
rehearsals. By using mnemonic devices, Reggie will be able to link the studying terms associated with
vivid acronyms or pictures for easier and faster recalling of information. Using this device to recall
information faster will put him in a better position to pass the test. Furthermore, Gloria will also need to
adopt the use of repeated rehearsal strategy while helping Reggie in his preparations for the test
because it helps a lot in yielding retention, which can also play a pivotal role in his success for the test.

A job description refers to a document providing specific job responsibilities. It helps ensure a company
recruits the best candidate for the job. Many companies often use this tool to identify the right people
for the job and analyze them during their tenures. This document should further contain information
describing the position and its neutrals. Organizations also use it for advertising the role externally to
potential candidates. Moreover, employees can also use it to identify their positions within a company's
hierarchy. This paper seeks to evaluate the job description for a position that needs filling in McDonald's

Choosing the right individual for the job is always an exhausting prospect; that's why there is a job
description. It has various components, including the jobs title, summary, qualifications, and
responsibilities. The document needs to be revisited often to keep it updated in line with the job's
changing trends. A job title often may have 2-5 words that provide one with the job's idea. The role's
title summarizes the job's department and scope of work. Furthermore, a job summary provides a brief
overview of the role and its hierarchy level. The qualification component provides the information for
academic requirements for the job. Finally, the responsibility component provides information for the
duties and tasks one is expected to perform.

In that case, based on the information from McDonald's HR manager, the organization is looking to hire
a finance manager to help manage its finances and budgets. A finance manager evaluates an
organization's daily financial activities and provides the upper management with advice and guidance on
future financial plans. Their role is vital to any organization's success as they lay the foundation for all
significant business decisions. Their duties involve monitoring daily financial operations within the
organization, including invoicing and payrolls, and participating in strategic data analysis and modeling
for senior corporate leadership. They are also responsible for preparing monthly and quarterly
management reports, managing the corporation's financial accounting and reporting systems, as well as
ensuring adherence to accounting policies and regulatory requirements.

The qualification for this job includes having attained a bachelor's degree in Accounting or Finance. A
Certified Public Accounts (CPA) could be an added advantage. Other specifications for the job include 5-
7 years of experience in financial analysis and accounting, the ability to compile large complex data
quantities into actionable information, and financial reporting knowledge. One should also be able to
demonstrate the ability to work and communicate effectively with senior-level management, excellent
use of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, as well as excellent analytical, business judgment, and decision-
making expertise.

The compensation package for finance managers ranges from salaries, bonuses, and state pay
requirements. The salaries are determined by an employee's experience and skills, with subsequent
raises in the future based on their contribution, value, and performance level. In general, finance
managers earn between $15 000 to $40 000 per year, after which the salaries increase above $50 000
even to reach $100 000 after one has gained 8 years of experience. Moreover, finance managers are
also provided with performance incentives through bonuses, including health and security benefits,
pension schemes, and financial sponsorships for taking up higher studies or acquiring professional
qualifications. They are also entitled to state laws that protect them against bad employment practices,
negatively impacting their paycheck. Every employer needs to follow these laws to the latter to ensure
all employees are protected against jeopardizing their reputations.

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