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Nama: Nurul Ainun Fitriyah.

Kelas: XI IIS 4/ 23.

“PAGE 14 (PREDIKSI UN 3) NO 11-20”

Text 3 for number 10 – 13

One questions that you may not have considered involves the low physical demands of
computer learning: what about exercise? Computers certainly do not promote physical activity.
There are students who caught up in the mystique of the machine, forget about lunch, or forego
recess. Or want to skip after school activities. Students often must literally be forced to leave the
computer and into some from of physical activity. This problem will become frequent as more
classroom work centers around the computer.

What about international relationship? Since it is inanimate object the computers is of

course impersonal and unfeeling. As such, it may fail to simulate in its users some of the
emotions that are desirable in human being. In fact some preliminary research has shown that
prolonged exposure to computerized testing situation has resulted in students being surly and
often abusive to each other or to teachers. We must determine the impact that increased
classroom which use computer will have the social aspect or the physichology of learning.

You are probably aware of many others that could be included. The important point,
however, is that problems are not insurmountable. The advantage and potential benefit of using
computer far outweigh the disadvantages and problems.

11. the main idea of the first paragraph is ….

a. Computers don’t promote physical activities
b. The problems of using computers
c. Students are caught up in the mystique of the machine
d. The disadvantages of using computer
e. Class room work centers around computers

12. this problem will become more frequent (paragraph 1).

The underlined words refers to ….
a. Computer learning
b. Computer exercise
c. The low physical demands of computer learning
d. The students forget to rest
e. The students want to skip after school activities
13. you are probably aware of many others that could be included.
The undelined word in the sentences means …
a. Berani
b. Yakin
c. Menyadari
d. Mampu
e. Tertarik

14. the students never …. The floor of their classroom so it gets …. And is covered with dust.
a. Clean – Tidy
b. Wash – healthy
c. Brush – poisonous
d. Sweep – dirty
e. Sweep – neat

15. who would like to join the charity walk which will be held here next week? The walk is
to raise Money for poor people.
a. Take
b. Give
c. Create
d. Collect
e. Promote

16. 75% of the population in the developing country suffer from famine, they suffer from
The underlined word means ………
a. Bad feeling
b. Dehydration
c. Disease
d. Poverty
e. Hunger
17. Rita: I haven’t told you anything yet.
Agus: What did she say to you just now?
Dina: She said that….
a. She had not told you anything yet.
b. She had not told me anything yet.
c. I had not told her anything yet.
d. I had not told you anything yet.
e. She had not told her anything yet.

18. Rara : hello, what were you doing at? o’clock

Popi : I …… my homework when you rang me.
a. Am doing
b. Have been doing
c. Was doing
d. Have done
e. Had to do.

19. Teacher: Andika , you won the first prize in speech competition.
Andika: Really?
Teacher: Sure! I’m Really proud of you.
Andika: Thanks, Sir.
The underlined utterance shows the expression of ….
a. Disagreement
b. Satisfaction
c. Expectation
d. Agreement
e. Pride

20. Murni: Can I use your bicycle?

Nana: Yes, of course.
The underlined words mean that giyana …..
a. Gives an offer
b. Makes a request
c. Gives permission
d. Invites his friend
e. Pleases his freind

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