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It was 12:30 on Friday night and Mitch was in

bed. He was tired, but he wasn’t asleep. His parents
weren’t at home. They were away for the weekend,
and Mitch was alone in the house for the first time. It
was very dark and quiet, but Mitch wasn’t afraid.
After all, he wasn’t a kid any more, he was
seventeen. What was there afraid of? And anyway
there was a telephone downstairs and …What was
that? And that? Were they noises? Or was it just his
imagination? No there were definitely noises
1 What day of the week was it ? It was half past twelve
2 Was it night or day ? They were away for the weekend .
3 Where was Mitch ? It was a girl .
4 What was the night like ? They were downstairs.
5 Where were the noises ? It was downstairs .
6 Where were his parents ? It was night
7 Was Mitch alone ? There was a telephone
8 How old was Mitch ? It was dark and quite
9 Where was the telephone ? He was in bed.
10 What time was it ? Yes, he was. .
11 Is Mitch a boy or a girl ? Mitch was seventeen
It was Friday .
It was a boy.

B) Complete the conversation with WAS , WERE , WASN’T or

DETECTIV Where were you last night, Malone?
MALONE: I (1)________ __ at the movies .
DETECTIVE (2)______ you alone ?
MALONE : No, I (3) ____. My wife (4)____ with me. What’s
this all about?
DETECTIVE : There (5)_______ a robbery last night at the First
2 state Bank. (6)______ you at the bank in the
afternoon, Malone?
MALONE : Yes, I (7)_____. There (8)_____ a lot of people
there. So what?
DETECTIVE: And last night your car (9)____ in the car park
near the bank.
MALONE : I know. We (10)______ at the movies. The
cinema is near the bank.
DETECTIV No , you aren’t Malone. You’re under arrest .
E: You see, my bag (16)__________ _ under the
table and there (17)___________ a microphone
in it.
MALONE Ohh no !!!
MRS MALONE: But, we (11)_________ _ at the movies last
night. I (12)____________at home alone .
Where (13)_______ you ? (14)_____ you at
the bank?
MALONE: Yes, I (15)__________ . And now we’re rich .

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