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Teacher Training

1. School Philosophy
a. Education is not about teaching, it’s about learning
b. Results geared learning. (Each individual student must produce results in
front of you to demonstrate what was learned.)
c. We do not stream classes. (We do not make classes for faster and slower
d. We use the latest learning technologies such as Google Apps for
Education. Every assignment must be posted in Google Classroom!
(For primary where no homework is given, post what is being gone over in
class for the week).
e. As Qosmo Teachers we believe in giving guidance and never giving up on
any student no matter the difficulty. We never know when a child will begin
to grow so we are always caring, kind, patient, respectful, and
supportive to all students. We never give up, and we assert ourselves
by going out of our way to always check in with students and see “where
they are at” and if they need any help or assistance.
f. We are passionate about teaching and caring for our students.
g. We believe in practicing and teaching individual responsibility, ethics, and
understanding good citizenship.
h. WE ARE AN ALL INCLUSIVE SCHOOL. (We believe every child has a
chance to learn, we also believe that by including children with learning
difficulties in regular classes it helps to teach other children patience,
caring, empathy, acceptance and kindness.)

2. Lesson Plans
a. Lesson plans are created with the Prepare, Practice, Produce
b. Prepare - We introduce what is being taught (to ensure that the
Cambridge curriculum for their taught subject(s) are followed throughout
their lessons) with a short introduction that gets the students attention. (If
the student isn’t interested then the student isn’t learning) Make sure
to call on students with questions when you see them unfocused or not
paying attention, get them involved in your lesson. Being a teacher is 20%
educator and 80% performer. We are there to guide and teach them so it
is our responsibility to do our best always to ensure their involvement and
making the learning environment a safe and fun place to learn.
c. Practice - Give students an activity, worksheet, or project to work through
using pairs or group work. (At Qosmo we believe in project-based
learning and getting the students involved with the work so please
create projects as much as possible, of course we also know it cannot
be done for every lesson but we expect projects to be used as much as
d. Produce - Students are able to produce what they have learned. We also
expect students to explain what they have learned or how they have
completed their project to others.(When students can explain what they
know to others it reinforces their learning and demonstrates a working
knowledge of that subject matter.)


3. Assistance & Asking For Help

a. At some point in time we may find ourselves lost or off track and in need of
assistance. Our first instinct is to always ask other teachers which is a
good thing as this enforces bonding amongst co-workers and it is highly
encouraged. But we also ask you to check with Mr. Brendan, Mr. Diego,
Miss Julia, or the Teacher Trainer (Mr. Dennis) to double-check and
ensure the information the teacher gave you was correct.

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