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Would you rather have a car or a motorcycle? 

In my opinión, I prefer to have to have a car with which I feel safer.
One of the reasons is the comfort they have. For example when you make a
long distance trip like a five hours drive in the car it will be more comfortable
becuase you can set the interior at a comfortable temperatura. On the other
hand travelling in a motorcycle where the air will be in your face all the time is
very uncomfortable for the driver. A second reason for this is that you can
transport more people and you can also transport things. For example when
you are going out with your family and you have to pick them up in a car you
can fit at least four people and if there are mpre you can accommodate them
but you would no longer have the need to go in a cab and spend extra money.
But if you had a motorcycle you could not take more than one person. Another
example is when you have to carry boxes of work documents to your house that
are very important so they can not be crumpled and if there are many boxes
they would be very safe in the back of your car. However on a motorcycle the
most you can carry is one box and very carefully. And the last and most
important reason is that a car offers you more security in case of an accident.
For example, if there is an accident between a car and a motorcycle, the one on
the motorcycle probably runs a higher risk of injury because there is no
protection except for the helmet, which could be lethal if you do not wear it.
Nevertheless, the car has the protection of seat belts and air bags. In
conclusion, for several very important and valid points for the comfort and safety
of the driver I would choose to have a car.

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