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1. Safwan Abdirahman Mohamed

2. Abdinasir Mohamed Ismail
3. Abdirahman Farah Ahmed
4. Abdisamed faisal Mohamed

Advantages and disadvantages owning a car.

In this century, one of the most important human inventions is the car. Cars facilitated the
transportation of the world. A car has become a necessary need in our lives. Moreover, every job
we do needs a vehicle for transportation. Our daily work would be very difficult without them.
The car saves us time. Every car improves people’s lives so that they can reach their destinations
and transport heavy loads quickly, safely, and easily. Our essay will cover the advantages of
owning a car, the disadvantages of the environment, and our final opinion that supports the
advantages of owning a car.

The ownership of a car has multiple benefits, such as: moving from one place to another without
delay and comfortably; it’s safer if you know the traffic rules, respect them, and are a good
driver; owning a car facilitates doing different tasks; Before owning a car, moving from place to
place took less time; going to the right time in your duty or classes; Without a car, you are
limited and must use public transportation. Owning a car helps you be healthy and use
emergencies in your life. If you own a car, it helps for privacy. Another benefit is enjoying long
drives and taking pleasure trips; a car is an asset in times of need.
Owning a car has many disadvantages, including an environmental impact due to gasoline usage
and releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Car pollution has many side effects on our
environment and global climate change. Having a car has many adverse effects on health and
well-being. Poor infrastructure causes many accidents in Somaliland and causes serious damage
to human beings. A car is expensive and needs a budget for car fuel, which is an inconsistent
price Somaliland, and other expenses such as insurance, car wash, security, maintenance, and

As we explained above, there are several advantages and disadvantages to owning a car, but our
final decision agrees that buying a car is more advantageous than the disadvantages to the
environment. A car could be an excellent addition to your life, such as independence and
freedom of mobility, helping improve your quality of life.

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