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Урок домашнього читання

“The lion’s hair”.

вчителька англійської мови
Устивицької ЗОШ І – ІІІ ступенів
Пицяк Ірина Сергіївна

Тема: Урок домашнього читання “The lion”s hair”.

Мета уроку: Практична: Проконтролювати домашнє читання,
використовувати різні джерела для пошуку необхідної інформації.
Освітня: Формувати уявлення учнів про такі граматичні явища, як часи
дієслів та вживання прий менників. Розвивальна: Розвивати
пізнавальний інтерес до вивчення літературних творів. Виховна:
Виховувати любов до читання літературних творів.

Обладнання: Уривок з тексту, роздавальний матеріал (картки з


Тип уроку: Перевірка домашнього читання.

Хід уроку:

I. Підготовка до сприйняття іноземного мовлення.

1. Повідомлення теми, мети уроку.

T. Today we are going to discuss the story “Dinner for Mr. Martin”

2. Введення в іншомовну атмосферую

II. Основна частина уроку.

Dinner for Mr. Martin

When I was a child, I was afraid of many things. I was afraid of the dark, of
dogs, of older boys, even of people shouting. My mother was always trying to
teach me not to be afraid.

She often told me: ‘What will you be doing when you grow up if you are afraid
of everything? How will you be living? How will you be working?’

One day she told me a story about herself. A story that I remembered so well.

When she was about fourteen, she was living in a small village. Her father
often invited people to spend an evening with him, for he liked to have people
in his house. Once a travelling showman came to the village with a bear that
he called Mr. Martin. It was a fine big bear, and it could dance, count and do
other funny things. But the snowman told the people not to come near the
bear because it was dangerous.
My grandfather invited the man to spend the night at his place and the bear
was put into a shed. Some friends joined them and came to spend the evening
with my grandfather. They were having dinner, and the showman was telling
different funny stories and singing songs to them when we all heard some
great noise coming from the shed. ‘I am sorry’, said the man, ‘It is my Martin. I
forgot to give him food, so he started making a noise there’.

My grandfather called my mother and sent her to take food to the bear. My
mother was afraid. She did not know what to do. She did not know whether it
was better to say ‘no’ to her father or to go to the bear. She chose the bear,
went out and closed the door behind her.

The people kept laughing and singing in the house. My mother did not hurry
for she was shaking all over. The bear was making a great noise, yet she began
walking slowly to the shed. Though she was shaking all over, she managed to
open the door. The bear stopped making the noise when he heard the door
open. He was standing quietly in a corner and looking at her. My mother
closed the door and listened. The bear looked up at her and went on eating
quietly. Then the mother suddenly understood that she had been afraid for
nothing. The bear was old and not dangerous at all. Her father knew it. He had
seen it. He understood that the showman told the people that the bear was
dangerous to make the show more interesting, and she stopped shaking. ‘After
that’, my mother finished, ‘I was never afraid of anything before I knew if
there was anything to be really afraid of.’

Many years passed. I went through the war. I was no longer afraid of many
things that I had been afraid of in my childhood, and it was my mother’s story
that helped me in that, for in a moment of danger I always tried to see if there
was anything to be really afraid of. Very often there was not.

(After G. Surdez)


Showman – мандрівний артист;

Shed – сарай ;

For nothing – даремно, марно;

Comprehension Check

Are the sentences true or false?

1) When I was a child, I was never afraid of anything.
2) Mother was living in a large town when she was fourteen.
3) The snowman came to the village with a bear.
4) The people were struggling with the bear.
5) Grandfather invited the bear to spend the night at his place.
6) The bear kept making a great noise in the shed.
7) Grandfather sent his wife to take food to the bear.
8) When she entered the shed, the bear was shaking all over.
9) Grandfather understood that the bear was not dangerous.

Answer the questions.

1) Was the boy’s mother brave? What makes you think so?
2) Did she love her boy? What makes you think so?
3) Did the boy’s grandfather love his daughter? What makes you think so?
4) Was the showman right in saying that the bear was dangerous? What
makes you think so?
5) What made the boy’s mother understand that the bear was old and not
6) Which of the following proverbs makes the best ending to the story:
a) Nothing venture, nothing have.
b) Fortune favours the brave.
c) Catch the bear before you sell his skin.

Put the sentences in the right order:

1) My grandfather called my mother and sent her to take food to the bear.
2) When she was about fourteen she was living in a small village.
3) When I was a child I was afraid of many things.
4) The people kept laughing and singing in the house.
5) Once a travelling showman came to the village with a bear that he called
Mr. Martin.
6) My mother closed the door and listened.
7) It was a fine big bear and it could dance, count and do other funny
8) Then the mother suddenly understood that she had been afraid for
9) My mother was afraid for nothing.
10) I went through the war.

Complete the sentences:

1) When I was child I was afraid of…
2) When she was about fourteen, she was living in a …
3) What will you be doing when you …
4) But the showman told the people not to come near the bear because …
5) The bear looked up at her and …

Vocabulary and grammar

Find the English equivalents in the text:

Боялася багатьох речей ; жила в маленькому селі; робити смішні речі;

мандрівний артист; провести вечір з дідусем; тихо стояв у кутку і
дивився на неї; прой шов вій ну.



1) One day she told me a … about herself.

2) When I was a child I was afraid of … things.
3) She chosen the bear, went out and closed the door … her.
4) The … was old and not dangerous at all.
5) My mother closed the … and listened.

III Завершальна частина уроку.

- Підсумки уроку.

Have you learned anything new at the lesson today? What is it?

- Домашнє завдання.

Write a composition “I afraid of nothing”.

Урок 2:
Тема: Урок домашнього читання ‘King Midas”.
Мета:Практична: Проконтролювати домашнє читання,
використовувати різні джерела для пошуку необхідної інформації.

Освітня: Формувати уявлення учнів про таке граматичне явище як

пряма мова.

Виховна: Виховувати в учнів інтерес до читання.

Обладнання: Текст, роздавальний матеріал (картки з завданнями).

Тип уроку: Перевірка домашнього читання.

Хід уроку:

I. Підготовка до сприйняття іноземного мовлення.

- Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
- Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.
II. Основна частина уроку.
Midas was very rich king but he was not happy. Every day he counted his gold
and wished for more.

King Midas had a little daughter Marygold. He loved her very much and
wished to make her the richest princess.

But Marygold loved the sun and flowers more than all the gold in her father”s

One day a man came into the king”s room. The king looked at him and asked,
“Who are you?”

“I am Mercury – one of the gods. You have much gold, king Midas,” said

“I have not so much as I wish,” said the king.

“Are you not happy, king Midas?” asked Mercury.

“I want that everything I touch will turn to gold,” answered the king.

“Well,” said Mercury, “wait for the morning and you will have the golden
Next morning, when king Midas began to dress, his clothes became gold. The
chairs, the tables, everything he touched turned to gold. The bread became
gold too when he touched it and the water in his glass.

Suddenly the door opened and Marygold came in.

She has a rose in her hand. “Oh, my roses, my roses!” she cried. They all are

“They are golden roses,” said king. “Are they not beautiful?”

“No, no,” cried Marygold. “I do not like them.” “Well, well” said the king, “do
not cry, eat your breakfast now.”

Marygold saw that the king looked very unhappy and she kissed him.

But when she touched him, her hands and her feet became gold and hard.

She was no longer a little girl but a golden doll. Suddenly someone said, “Are
you happy now, king Midas?”

The king looked up and saw Mercury.

“I am the most unhappy man,” he cried.

“You have the golden touch,” said the Mercury.

“Oh, give me back my little girl,” said the king, ”and I shall give you all the gold
I have.”

“Well,” said Mercury, “Let it be a lesson to you. I take the golden touch back.”

And Mercury took the golden touch back. King Midas kissed Marygold and
went to play with her in the garden. And they became very happy ever since.


Turn to gold – перетворюватись у золото;

Golden touch – золотий дотик;

Unhappy – нещасний ;

God – бог.
Comprehension check:
Make up sentences to match the answers given below.

1. Midas was a very rich king.

2. No, Midas was not happy.
3. He wanted to make his daughter the richest princess.
4. His daughter loved the sun and flowers most of all.
5. The king told Mercury that he wanted everything he touched to turn to
6. Yes, his dream became true.
7. Marygold was unhappy because her roses had become golden.
8. She became a golden doll when she touched her father.
9. Yes, the king was very unhappy.
10. He asked Mercury to give him back his daughter.
11. Yes, Mercury fulfilled his request.
12. The king was taught a good lesson.

Find mistake in the sentences and correct them

- Midas was very poor but he was very happy.
- Marygold loved the gold more than the sun and flowers.
- King Midas had a little sun.
- Midas wanted to have much money.
- King Midas had a silver touch.
- One day Midas met Saturn.

Complete the sentences


1. One day a man came … the king’s room.

2. She was no longer a little … but a golden …
3. ‘You have the golden ... ’ said Mercury.
4. The… looked up and saw Mercury.
5. She had a rose in her …

Find the English equivalents in the text.

Дуже багатий король, рахував своє золото, перетворюватися в золото,

золотий дотик, й ого одяг став золотим,виглядав дуже нещасливим,
золота лялькаю
Agree (T) or disagree (F) with this statements

- King Midas loved his daughter very much and wished to make her the
richest princes.
- Mercury gave Midas much money.
- Everything he touched turned to silver.
- Marygold saw that the king looked very unhappy and she kissed him.
- Mercury took the golden touch back.
III. Завершальна частина уроку.
- Підсумки уроку :

Have you learned anything new at the lesson today? What is it?

- Домашнє завдання:

Retell the story.

Урок 3

Тема: Урок домашнього читання ‘The Lion’s Hair ’.

Мета: Активізувати вживання учнями лексичного та граматичного

матеріалу, провести практику усного монологічного та діалогічного
мовлення, вчити учнів висловлювати власні думки, розвивати культуру
мовлення, прищеплювати навички самостій ної праці, вчити культури
інтелектуальної праці.

Обладнання: Текст, картки, таблиці.

Хід уроку:
I. Підготовка до сприйняття іноземного мовлення
- Повідомлення теми, мети уроку.
T. Today we are going to discuss the parable ‘The Lion’s Hair’.

- Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

T. There are such a proverb ‘Marriages are made in Heaven’. How do you
understand such a proverb? What is the most important in marriage?

And the second proverb is ‘Where there is a will, there is a way’. At the end of
the lesson you will have to tell me which proverb you support.
II. Основна частина уроку.

The Lion’s Hair

In the village in the mountains of Ethiopia, a young man and a young woman
fell in love and became husband and wife. For a short while they were
perfectly happy, but then trouble entered their house. They began to find
faults with each other over little things. There was no day without some
quarrel about money or friends. Sometimes they shouted at each other, and
then went to bed without speaking. After a few months the young wife went to
a wise old judge to ask for a divorce. ‘Why?’ asked the old man. ‘Don’t you love
your husband?’ ‘Yes, we love each other. But it’s just not working out’. ‘What
do you mean: not working out?’

‘We fight a lot. He does things that bother me. He leaves his clothes lying
around the house. He stays out too late. When I want to do one thing, he wants
to do another. We can’t live together’.

‘I see’, said the old man. ‘Perhaps I can help you. I know of a magic medicine
that will make the two of you get along much better. If I give it to you, will you
put aside these thoughts of divorce?’ ‘Yes!’ cried the woman. ‘’Give it to me.’’

“Wait”, answered the judge. “To make the medicine, I must have a single hair
from the tail of a fierce lion that lives down by the river .You must bring it to
me”.”But how can I get such a hair?” the woman cried. “The lion will surely kill
me”. “There I cannot help you”, the old man shook his head. “You must
discover a way yourself. Can you do it?”

The young wife thought long and hard. She loved her husband very much. The
medicine could save their marriage. She decided to get the hair, no matter
how. Next morning she walked down to the river, hid behind some rocks, and
waited. After a while, the lion came by to drink. When she saw his huge claws,
she froze with fear. The lion had got sharp fangs. And when the lion started
roaring, she turned and ran home. But the next morning, she came back with a
sack of fresh meat. She set the food on the ground, two hundred yards away
from the lion. And the following morning, she put the food only fifty yards
away, and stood nearby while he ate it down.

And so every day she came up closer and closer to the wild beast. After a while
she stood near enough to throw him the food, and finally came the day when
she fed from her hand!
The young woman trembled as she watched the great teeth tearing the meat.
But she loved her husband more than she feared the lion. Closing her eyes she
reached out and pulled a single hair from the tail. Then she ran as fast as she
could to the wise old judge.

“Look!” she cried. “I’ve brought a hair from the lion!” The old man took the
hair and looked at it closely. “This is a brave thing you’ve done”, he said.

“Now give me the medicine to make my marriage better!”

“I’ve nothing else to give you”.

“But you promised!” the young wife cried.

“Don’t you see?” asked the old man gently. “I’ve already given you all the
medicine you need. There is no magic remedy. There is only your
determination. You say you and your husband love each other. If you are
patient and brave as you were in getting the hair, you will be happy together
for a long time. Think about it!”

Comprehension check:
Answer the questions:
1. Where was the village situated?
2. Why did they quarrel?
3. Why did the woman go to the old wise judge?
4. Did they love each other?
5. What bothers the young woman?
6. What did the judge offer the woman?
7. Where did the lion live?
8. What kind of hair must the woman bring?
9. What did the lion look like?
10. What did she give the lion?
11. How far did she put the meat from the lion?
12. How could she finally feed him?

Match the words to their definitions:

1. Magic. 4. Fierce.
2. Divorce. 5. To discover.
3. Judge
a) The person in a law court who decides what punishment a criminal
should get.
b) An angry animal which is likely to attack you.
c) A special power that makes strange or impossible things happen.
d) To find or learn something that you didn’t know before.
e) The legal ending of a marriage.

Find mistakes in these sentences and correct them:

1. The husband and the wife had got much in common.
2. The judge gave some magic medicine to the young woman.
3. The main ingredient of that medicine was a piece of a wolf’s skin.
4. The young woman was very brave and she was ready to meet a fierce of
5. The judge told the woman how to act in that situation.

Agree (T) or disagree (F) with these statements:

1. The life of the young family was perfect at the beginning.

2. It was the man, who came up with the idea of a divorce.
3. The couple found they didn’t love each other.
4. The woman wished greatly to save their family.
5. There was a wise wizard in the village.
6. The judge was an expert in everything.
7. The woman was ready to do anything for the sake of her husband.

Вдосконалення навичок монологічного мовлення.

Гра “Curious Mary”

Один учень переказує текст. Завдання класу – під час й ого розповіді
ставити якомога більше запитань за змістом тексту, щоб він не зміг
переказати текст до кінця за певний проміжок часу. Retell the text and
answer the questions.
Looking at the pictures give your ideas what is necessary for the happy
marriage (На дошці фотокартки – як опора).Учні висловлюють свої ідеї,
один учень фіксує їх на дошці. Потім разом підсумовуємо.

Вдосконалення навичок непідготовленого мовлення.

Робота в режимі ‘’Квіточка”.

Клас отримує картки, на яких написано, хто буде давати поради. Вдома
учні підготували проблеми, які можуть виникнути в подружньому житті
і на які вони хотіли б отримати мудрі поради. Учні, які будуть давати
поради, стають у коло посередині спинами один до одного, інша
половина класу – навпроти. По черзі учні озвучують проблеми, а інші
дають поради, рухаючись по колу. Наприкінці підсумовуємо, які поради
отримали, та чи будемо брати їх до уваги.

Робота в групах.
Обговорення суспільно важливих тем.

1. It’s necessary to be ready to overcome all life hardships If you want to

be happy.
2. It’s very easy to be happy in life.
3. It’s impossible to be happy without wise advise.

III. Завершальна частина уроку.

- Підсумки уроку:

Have you learned anything new at the lesson today?

What is it? Which proverb do you support?

- Домашнє завдання:

Write a composition “What is necessary for the happy marriage”.

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