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Glossary / Product Management / Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder Analysis

What is a stakeholder analysis?

When it comes to any organizational project, all

of the internal people and teams who the
project will involve or affect are called its
stakeholders. A stakeholder analysis is a
process of identifying these people before the
project begins; grouping them according to
their levels of participation, interest, and
influence in the project; and determining how
best to involve and communicate each of these
stakeholder groups throughout.

What’s the purpose of a

stakeholder analysis?

Project managers, program managers, and

product managers alike may conduct a
stakeholder analysis for several strategic
reasons, including:

1. To enlist the help of key

organizational players.

By approaching company influencers,

executives, or valuable stakeholders for
help early in your project, you can leverage
the knowledge and wisdom of these key
players to help guide the project to a
successful outcome. Enlisting these
players early on will also increase the
chances you will earn their support for
your project.

But before you can determine which

influencers and other key stakeholders to
approach, you’ll need to conduct a
stakeholder analysis.

2. To gain early alignment among

all stakeholders on goals and

Because your stakeholder analysis will

help you determine which people to
involve in the project, you will then be able
to bring these people together for a
kickoff and early-stage meetings to
communicate the project’s strategic
objectives and plans.

Over a third of product managers in 2021,

wish they had a clearer purpose and
company strategy. A stakeholder analysis
will help ensure everyone starts the
project with a clear understanding of what
success will look like and how they can
contribute to that successful outcome.

3. To help address conflicts or

issues early on.

Without a stakeholder analysis, you and

your team could be well into a company
project before you realize a key person in
your organization—perhaps an executive—
does not see the value of your initiative, or
would prefer to redeploy some of your
resources to other projects. Such a person
might actively work to thwart or derail your

If you had conducted a stakeholder

analysis before you began, you would have
likely identified this executive as
potentially important to your project’s
success. You could have then presented
your plan to the executive, listened to their
objections, and worked to earn their
approval to proceed.

Watch this video for an in-depth explanation of

stakeholder analysis and to learn how to
efficiently conduct a stakeholder analysis.


Why should product managers

conduct a stakeholder analysis?

Conducting a stakeholder analysis can be

strategically valuable when kicking off any type
of complex company undertaking. The more
stakeholders you can identify early on and the
more you can tailor your communication to win
approval and support from the various types of
stakeholders, the more likely your project is to

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But if you consider how much of an organization
is either involved in or affected by the
development of a product—engineering, design,
procurement, sales, marketing, product, finance,
accounting, customer success, etc.—you can
understand why stakeholder analysis is a
particularly important exercise for a product

After all, the way you manage the many

stakeholders across your company whose jobs
your product could impact—starting with
identifying them through a stakeholder analysis
—could mean the difference between these
stakeholders enthusiastically helping your
product’s development or trying to block its

How do you conduct a

stakeholder analysis?

Stakeholder analysis exercises will vary by

company, industry, and the teams conducting
them (e.g., project management vs. product
management). But there are useful steps
common to most of these types of analyses.
Here’s how many organizations conduct a
stakeholder analysis.

Step 1: Determine who your

stakeholders are

Start by brainstorming with your team a list of all

possible stakeholders for your project. You can
reduce this list later, but you don’t want to miss a
potentially pivotal stakeholder at this early

The list of potential stakeholders could include:

Executive staff
The heads of all affected business units

Step 2: Group and prioritize these


After you’ve completed your brainstorming

session above and determined which people
and teams will indeed be stakeholders, you
should start categorizing them in terms of their
influence, interest, and levels of participation in
your project.

One example of how to do this is by using the

power/interest grid.

As you can see, you will group stakeholders into

four categories:

1. High power, high interest: These are

your most important stakeholders, and
you should prioritize keeping them happy
with your project’s progress.
2. High power, low interest: Because of
their influence in the company, you should
work to keep these people satisfied. But
because they haven’t shown a deep
interest in your project, you could turn
them off if you over-communicate with
3. Low power, high interest: You’ll want
to keep these people informed and check
in with them regularly to make sure they
are not experiencing problems on the
4. Low power, low interest: Just keep
these people informed periodically, but
don’t overdo it.

Another approach, popularized in the book

Making Strategy: Mapping Out Strategic
Success, groups stakeholders into four different
but similar categories:

1. Players: These are the high-power, high-

interest individuals with whom you will
want to collaborate and keep fully
2. Subjects: These are the low-power, high-
interest stakeholders who can offer great
insights and ideas for the project but
whom you don’t need to always say yes to.
3. Context-setters: These high-power,
low-interest stakeholders (heads of
departments, for example) can have a lot
of influence over the project but don’t
want to be involved in the details. Keep
them up to date.
4. Crowd: Finally, the low-power, low-
interest stakeholders are called the crowd.
These individuals will require some
ongoing communication about the
project’s progress but probably the least of
all stakeholders.

Step 3: Figure out how to

communicate with and win buy-in
from each type of stakeholder

Once you’ve built your list detailing which

stakeholders fall into which category, it’s time to
think strategically about how best to earn the
ongoing support of each of these stakeholder
types. You will want to ask yourself questions
about your stakeholders such as:

What motivates this stakeholder?

What other priorities do they have, and
how can we align our project with those
priorities (or at least ensure the project
won’t threaten them)?
Will this stakeholder likely have a positive
view of our project? If not, what can we do
about it?

After you’ve built out these profiles of each

stakeholder type, you’re ready to begin the next
phase of the stakeholder management process
—developing your stakeholder communication


Company projects require participation,

guidance, and approval from a wide range of
people across the organization. If they don’t
understand or agree with the project’s
objectives or execution plan, any of these
company stakeholders can become obstacles to
the project’s success.

However, if you enlist the help and approval of

these stakeholders early on, you can turn many
of these individuals into avid supporters of your
initiatives. This is why it is a smart strategy to
conduct a stakeholder analysis before launching
any complex company project, to identify all
potential stakeholders and determine how best
to earn their support.

See also: Stakeholder, Product Strategy, Key

Performance Indicator (KPI), Product Owner

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