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Summative Test Quarter 1

Name: ________________________________________ Date: ___________ Score: _________

Multiple Choice. Select the correct from the given choices. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What is a volcano?

A. A large storm with very high-speed winds.

B. A large cloud that generates rain, hail, and lighting.

C. An opening in the Earth’s crust where magma erupts to the surface.

D. A violent shaking of the Earth that occurs when two tectonic plates bump into each other.

2. How many major types of volcanoes are there?

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5

3. Which volcano is the least explosive?

A. Composite B. Cinder cone C. Lava D. Shield

4. What type of volcano has a very broad shape with gentle slopes?

A. Composite B. Cinder cone C. Lava D. Shield

5. Which type of volcano is the most explosive?

A. Composite B. Cinder cone C. Lava D. Shield

6. Plates move apart at __________ boundaries.

A. convergent

B. stable

C. divergent

D. transform

7. Plates slide past each other at ________________.

A. subduction zone

B. divergent boundary

C. convection current

D. transform fault boundary

8. The boundary between two plates moving toward each other is called a _________. A. divergent
B. transform boundary
C. lithosphere
D. convergent boundary
9. Seafloor spreading is located at _________________________.
A. transform plate boundary
B. convergent plate boundary
C. divergent plate boundary
D. Indian plate
10. Plate Tectonic Theory states that continents have moved ________ to their current location.
A. vertically
B. horizontally
C. quickly
D. slowly
11. When magma in the earth’s mantle develops a great pressure, the ground above it is pushed
upward. If this happens in the middle of an ocean, what landform is produced?
A. mountain B. volcanic island C. volcano D. continent
12. The tall landform created when two continental plates converge.
A. mountain range B. volcanic arc C. rift valley D. Oceanic ridge
13. It is a plate that dives down under a less dense plate during subduction.
A. subducting plate B. continental plate C. mantle D. overriding plate
14. Materials in the mantle flow up and down. Which of the following best describes the mantle?
A. a solid layer B. partially liquid C. a metallic layer D. very hot layer
15. Which of the following happens when plates diverge or move away from each other?
A. The crust is destroyed.
B. New crust is produced because magma rises, then cools off and turns into solid.
C. Earth’s size changes because mountains are added on the earth’s surface.
16. A convection current is caused by differences in temperature resulting to variation in
A. air pressure
B. color
C. density
D. mass
17. Scientists believe that the motion of tectonic plates is caused by ______________. A. pressure in
Earth’s crust
B. conveyor belts
C. convection currents
D. heat in the Earth’s core
18. It is a measure of how much mass there is in a volume of a substance.
A. volume
B. temperature
C. density
D. mass
19. Hot molten materials in a convection cell rises near the ______________.
A. outer core
B. crust
C. inner core
D. mantle
20.The idea that Earth’s lithosphere is broken up into separate plates that float on the mantle is the
theory of __________.
A. continental drift
B. seafloor spreading
C. tectonic movement
D. plate tectonics
21. The region in which one plate moves under another is ____________.
A. rift valley
B. subduction zone
C. magma chamber
D. vent
22. The motion of gas or liquid caused by differences in temperature is a _________. A. tectonic
B. plate tectonic
C. convection current
D. magma chamber
23. A driving force for plate motion at mid-ocean ridges as a result of the rigid lithosphere sliding
down ___________.
A. slab pull
B. ridge push
C. convection current
D. seafloor spreading
24. The process of one plate moving under another plate is called ______________. A. drifting
B. plate tectonics
C. seafloor spreading
D. subduction
25. Tectonic plates ride on ________________.
A. inner core
B. asthenosphere
C. outer core
D. lithosphere
26. The region where old crust melted back into magma is __________.
A. along plate boundaries
B. at the mid-ocean ridge
C. at deep-sea trenches
D. volcano
27. Which of the following is NOT a method of heat transfer?
A. condensation
B. convection
C. conduction
D. radiation
28. The plastic-like upper portion of the mantle is called
A. the magma
B. the core
C. the lithosphere
D. the asthenosphere
29.Why was Alfred Wegener's Continental Drift Theory not accepted immediately by the people
during his time?
A. He cannot explain what causes the continents to drift.
B. He explains that South America and Africa fit together like a puzzle. C. He described that the rocks
and mountains at the edges of the
continents were similar.
D. He explains that fossils of ancient plants such as "Glossopteris" can be found in almost all
30. Why were magnetic patterns found on the ocean floor puzzling?
A. They did not show alternating bands of normal and reversed polarity. B. They showed alternating
bands of normal and reversed polarity.
C. No rocks were magnetic.
D. All rocks were magnetic.

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