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Can Technology Replace Teachers?

Technology can teach but how to be self aware is a teacher’s role. Teachers are
wonderful souls who help their students become more, they help their students reach
new heights which even the teacher themselves could not achieve, and this is pure
brilliance which can never be compared. Greatness of living is sometimes so subtly
hided, that in ordinary course we fail to even notice it. Technology can equip us with
facts and information but teachers help build character. No doubt technology ignites
curiosity but leveraging soft skills to keep humanity intact is a teacher’s remarkable
skill. Teacher’s attitude is of serving unconditionally to enhance the quality of life of
their students with their pleasure lying in simply acknowledging that their students
become good human beings and live happily and successfully.

Technology cannot edify morality. It cannot help us build courage and character.
Technology can be customized but a teacher understands their student’s idiosyncrasies
and helps them to magnify their strengths and tweak upon their weaknesses.

Regardless of augmented technology, the demand for teachers and mentors will
always have an audience. Technology can impart and implement intelligence but not
wisdom. How to live with honour and dignity inspite of the challenges thrown our
way? How to respectfully convey your point of view in opposing environment? How
to respect other individuals? How to stand up for a cause greater than yourself?
Bridging differences and living gracefully cannot be taught through technology, it
requires an experienced person’s wisdom. Success does not always mean facts and
figures, monetary upgradation, etc. but it is much more than that. It requires character
development, integrity, civility to be a true success.

Self-discovery is a process which is not technology based. It requires guidance and

understanding. To think in the correct perspective requires the warmth and skill of an
experienced teacher. The unique gifts and talents of each individual and the unique
challenges each one face requires deeper reflections and the teacher knows best to
articulate them. Every day is a new adventure in a teachers life, as they constantly
ignite sparks in the minds and hearts of their students.

The way we usually look at it is that there are two worlds – the real world and the
virtual world. Teachers give students the insights to understand that it requires a
certain amount of generosity of spirit to trust people and to decide their merits and
limitations fairly. It takes bravery and courage to live your dreams. Optimism,
openness to possibilities and sheer self-confidence are certain traits that some people
have more off than others.

Teachers are the creators of our heritage. They have given time and expertise
sufficient to endorse enormous credibility to the future of humanity. They share the
extraordinary ability to lead with humility, honesty and an unfailing focus on those
whose voices are not yet being heard. They make the real difference by becoming a
force for good in the world. Let us call them global leaders because of their individual
and collective wisdom. They derive their strength from the independence and
integrity. They freely follow paths they deem right. They support courage where there
is fear, foster agreement where there is doubt or conflict and inspire hope where there
is despair. Their agenda is all about education, inspiration and humanity. They are
oligarchs of wisdom.

Technology provides a constantly evolving roster of activities that often makes us

overlook the deeper significance of things. Teachers not only assist with academic
achievements but also help us to understand NOT to downplay the other contributions
people can make to society. Technology is an organized knowledge, teaching is an
evolving art. One technology can suit all but one teaching pattern can never suit all.
Teachers make sure that we don’t let technology disable our power to think, to
imagine, to feel. Never let the curiosity to discover die. We don’t even realize how we
have let technology consume every aspect of our life. We need not forget to enjoy the
freedom to explore, the freedom to choose adventurous lifestyle, to notice the magic in
the most humble places.

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