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I have always been afraid of going to new places or meeting new people, despite my

fears, last year I got the most amazing and terrifying notice of all. I had been selected
for an exchange program. Over more than 1000 students I was one of the three
selected, I have been still thinking why I was selected. The exchange program was
three months long, it was not a lot of time, nevertheless I started feeling homesick
without not even going abroad.
Summer arrived and with that the date for going abroad was so near, I was going to
England from May to August. It was not an usual school experience, we would not have a
host family, instead of that we would stay in the school dormitories such as in
Hogwarts. A week later I was ready to go, sincerely I cried for at least two hours
because I would miss my family and friends a lot. My sister Julia took me to the airport
and when less I realized I was on the airplane ready for a new adventure. The flight
took 12 hours and in that time I got so bored, next to me was a cute girl playing an
unusual videogame, without even thinking, I noticed we have many things in common,
Alice was such a nice girl.
In the middle of a nap, I saw a red dot in the ground, we had finally arrived to England,
and the first thing I saw was the Big Ben. When we arrived to the airport a couple of
teachers were waiting for us, they would take us to the school. I was surprised of how
many different nationalities the others students had. An irish girl greeted to me, she
seem to be nice. Three hours later we were finally at the school, the landscape of it
was magnificent, there was a lot of green grass, some little fountains around it, and
many uniformed students were walking around the big school.
After the dormitories were assigned, a week had passed without even notice. I had two
incredible friends, Alice and Adara, she was the irish girl of the airport. We decides to
join to many club such as the theatre club and the poetry club, I do not even know why
I agreed to enter to those clubs, but they were really fantastic as the days past.
Because it was summer, classes were not so hard, they just thought us a bit, and we had
the opportunity to visit so many places. Adora really wanted to visit the Buckingham
Palace so we decided to go there. But we didn’t have at least a map to get to the palace,
incredibly it had not passed 5 minutes when we got lost, I was terrified, i was in a
foreign country with so many strangers and I did not even take my phone with me.
What a mess. Fortunately after some minutes walking with no sense, a gentle woman
gave us the directions to the Palace. Another misfortune happened to us a week later, I
wanted to go to a bakery shop but again we got lost, so after that we just decided to go
outside only if a teacher was with us.
Everything was perfect, I knew so many people from so many countries, and I even got
some recipes from their birthplace. Nevertheless I felt so homesick, I missed the soup
my father cook for my sister an me when it was so cold outside, I really missed my
friends and all the experiences we had, I even missed my sister a lot, even though
sometimes we hate each other.
Three month had passed and with that, the exchange program was over, I changed
numbers with my new friends, and also I got so many knowledge of the culture there,
but if I am honest I prefer my own country. I bought some souvenirs for my family, and
a little Big Ben for my extravagant neighbour. The saddest thing of all was having to
say goodbye to Adara and Alice.
The airplane had landed and with that, all my family was there to received me, I fell
into tears when I hug them, but after some months I was again in my home. I really
learned a lot abroad but I really prefer the culture of my country, that does not mean
I will not try to go exchange again, the experience was unique

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