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Human Anatomy & Physiology II

Bi 232 Study guide #2

Chapter 17- the Endocrine System

• Describe the general functions of the endocrine system

• List and describe the major endocrine glands and the hormones that they secrete
Hypothalamus: Table 17.3
Pituitary: Table 17.4
Pineal, Thymus, Thyroid, Parathyroids, Adrenal, Pancreas, Gonads: Table 17.5
• Describe the chemical classifications of hormones, their chemical properties (e.g. water vs.
lipid soluble) and how they differ in their actions and mechanisms (e.g. transport in the blood,
enzyme activation, membrane
permeability effects, etc.) Table 17.6, Fig
• Define preprohormone and prohormone
• Define up- and down- regulation.
• Define and discuss hormone interactions:
synergistic, antagonistic, permissive and cite or recognize some examples.
• Discuss and describe the two main second messenger systems- cAMP, and Diacylglycerol
(DAG) pathways. Figures 17.19 & 17.20
• Discuss, describe and define the endocrine diseases presented in lecture. Figure 17.8
• List the other organs and tissues that have endocrine function along with the hormones they
secrete and their function: heart, kidneys, skin, placenta, GI tract, adipose cells – Table 17.5.
• State the stages and describe General Adaptation Syndrome and state which hormones and
neurotransmitters are dominant in each stage and the causes and conditions that result in
collapse in the exhaustion stage.
• List the paracrines and eicosanoids and describe their function.
• Briefly describe the functions of anti-inflammatory drugs. Figure 17.24

Chap. 18 – Blood
• State the functions of blood
• Describe the general properties of blood. Table 18.1
• Describe the composition of plasma and their general functions. Tables 18.2 and 18.3
• List and describe the formed elements, their relative proportions in a hematocrit and normal
ranges of number in a l of blood.
• Define “hematocrit”
• Describe the general structure and function of hemoglobin
• Define and describe the process of Hemopoiesis, including the roles of erythropoietin
(EPO), B12, iron, and other nutrients essential to blood production. Figure 18.6
• Describe the process of RBC catabolism. Figures 18.8 & 18.9
• Identify, describe and discuss the Erythrocyte diseases and disorders presented in lecture.
Table 18.4
• Describe the general role of platelets & the process of clot formation, including
differentiating between the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways. Figures 18.23 & 18.25
• List and identify the types leukocytes, their relative abundance, their functions in body
and immunity, and describe how are they formed (leukopoiesis) Table 18.6
• Describe the leukocyte diseases and disorders presented in lecture.
• Define hemophilia and state the two different major types, treatment and which
clotting factor deficiency is responsible for each.
• Describe the ABO & Rh blood groupings and give the relative proportions of
population of each type. This includes a description of the antigen/antibody
relationships, transfusion reactions and the implications of an Rh- woman carrying an
Rh+ fetus. Table 18.5
• Briefly state the difference between fetal and maternal hemoglobin.

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