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I.Directions : Using a separate sheet of paper. Write the CAPITAL letter of the A.

Positive Feedback C,Homeostasis

correct answer. NO ERASURES. B.Negative Feedback D.Targeted Cells

1.The organ that makes estrogen and progesterone is the __________. 20. What is the main function of the endocrine system?
A. hypothalamus B. pineal gland C. ovary D. vagina A.It creates chemicals, or hormones, that are sent around the body to maintain
2. Which of the following glands produce hormones that controls the calcium levels B.It creates electrical messages that are sent around the body to maintain
the body? homeostasis.
A. adrenal B. pituitary C . parathyroid D. thymus C.It maintains the correct level of oxygen in the body to maintain homeostasis.
3. Which of the following glands produce hormones that controls the heart rate and D.It releases waste from the body to maintain homeostasis
breathing in times of emergency?
II. Below you will be given different given scenarios .Read and understand
carefully. Write the correct type of endocrine gland involved in each .
A. adrenal B. pituitary C. pancreas D. thyroid
(2 points for each number .)
4. The hormones secreted by pancreas are insulin and ___________.
A. adrenaline B. glucagon C. estrogen D. melatonin
21-22. You are 13 year old and have reached puberty. You hit a growth spurt and
5. When you are running to stay away from danger, what gland is being stimulated?
develop secondary sex characteristics, which include changes such as the
A. adrenal B. pituitary C. pineal D. thyroid
development of facial hair, breast enlargement, and voice changes. You grow nearly
5 inches over the summer, much to the surprise of your friends and family.
6. It refers to the body's 'master gland' because it controls the activity of most other
ANSWER :_______________________________________________________
hormone-secreting glands.
23-24. Every day, you ask your child to drink one calcium-rich class of milk. Based
A. adrenal C. pituitary
on everything you've hear, you know that milk is important for your child to grow
B. parathyroid D. thyroid
big and strong, due to its positive effect on bone health.
ANSWER :_______________________________________________________
7. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the function of the endocrine
25-26. You are at home alone late at night, and here a HUGE crashing sound in the
kitched. Alarmed, you grab the closes heavy object and prepare to fight off an
A. controls sexual reproduction
intruder. Your heart races, you breath quickly, you begin sweating, and find
B. maintain homeostasis
yourself experiencing tunnel vision. Thankfully, it was just your cat jumping on the
C. collect sensory input from the body
D. regulate growth
ANSWER :_______________________________________________________
27-28. After a large meal, you eat a huge slice of sugary, chocolate cake. You find
8.What gland is involved if a person’s blood sugar level becomes unstable?
yourself full of energy, maybe even a little jittery. Eventually, after a few hours, you
A. adrenal B. parathyroid C. pancreas D. ovary
crash and begin to feel hungry again.
ANSWER :_______________________________________________________
9.The nervous system uses electrical impulses to send messages through neurons
while ___________ uses hormones to send messages to the target cells through the
III. Give the endocrine hormones being released in the following scenario
below .Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
A. circulatory system C. nervous system
B. endocrine system D. reproductive system
29.______________________sperm maturation.
30.______________________ extra strength during fires.
10.What is the purpose of the thyroid gland?
31.______________________ building of immune system.
A. It releases insulin and glucagon to regulate sugar level.
32.______________________ regulates metabolism
B. It releases thyroxin and insulin to stimulate growth.
33.______________________ pulls out the glucose in the body.
C. It releases thyroxin and calcitonin.
D. It releases adrenaline to prepare the body for action.
Directions: Identify the glands of the endocrine system. Choose your answer from
the box below. Use separate sheet of paper for your answer.
11.What is osteoporosis?
A. It is a condition characterized by imbalanced blood sugar.
B. A disorder characterized by apparent lack of aging.
C. A disorder characterized by impaired growth.
D. A disorder in which bones become fragile and breakable.

12.What do you call a rare condition that causes abnormal growth in children due to
the decrease in the production and secretion of growth hormones?
A. diabetes B. gigantism C. dwarfism D. goiter

13.Which of the following shows a correct pairing of a dysfunction and the involved
endocrine gland?

A. diabetes: ovaries C. goiter: thyroid

B. dwarfism: adrenal D. osteoporosis: pancreas

14.Which gland is located at the base of the brain?

A. adrenal B. pituitary C. ovary D. thyroid
33._________________________________________ (1)
34._________________________________________ (2)
15.After consuming ice cream, which hormones would be expected to increase?
35. _________________________________________ (3)
A.glucagon B. parathyroid hormone C. insulin D. prolactin
36._________________________________________ (4)
16.In what scenario might your body release adrenaline?
37._________________________________________ (5)
A.when you're waking up from a long night's sleep
38. _________________________________________ (6)
B.when you're threatened by a schoolyard bully
C.when you've had too much to eat
D.when there isn't enough calcium in your bloodstream
I.Directions : Using a separate sheet of paper. Write the CAPITAL letter of the
17. What does melatonin do?
A.Raises our blood sugar correct answer. NO ERASURES.
B.Regulates our blood pressure
1. When you are running to stay away from danger, what gland is being stimulated?
C.Regulates our metabolism
A. adrenal B. pituitary C. pineal D. thyroid
D.Regulates our sleep cycle
2. It refers to the body's 'master gland' because it controls the activity of most other
18. What is the hormone that the pancreas secretes that controls the amount of
hormone-secreting glands.
glucose in our bodies?
A. adrenal C. pituitary
A.testosterone C.insulin
B. parathyroid D. thyroid
B.growth hormone D.progesterone
3. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the function of the endocrine
19. The process by which an organism’s internal environment is kept stable in spite
of changes in the external environment.
A. controls sexual reproduction
B. maintain homeostasis
C. collect sensory input from the body (2 points for each number .)
D. regulate growth
21-22. You are 13 year old and have reached puberty. You hit a growth spurt and
4.What gland is involved if a person’s blood sugar level becomes unstable? develop secondary sex characteristics, which include changes such as the
A. adrenal B. parathyroid C. pancreas D. ovary development of facial hair, breast enlargement, and voice changes. You grow nearly
5 inches over the summer, much to the surprise of your friends and family.
5.The nervous system uses electrical impulses to send messages through neurons ANSWER :_______________________________________________________
while ___________ uses hormones to send messages to the target cells through the 23-24. After a large meal, you eat a huge slice of sugary, chocolate cake. You find
bloodstream. yourself full of energy, maybe even a little jittery. Eventually, after a few hours, you
A. circulatory system C. nervous system crash and begin to feel hungry again.
B. endocrine system D. reproductive system ANSWER :_______________________________________________________
25-26. Every day, you ask your child to drink one calcium-rich class of milk. Based
6.What is the purpose of the thyroid gland? on everything you've hear, you know that milk is important for your child to grow
A. It releases insulin and glucagon to regulate sugar level. big and strong, due to its positive effect on bone health.
B. It releases thyroxin and insulin to stimulate growth. ANSWER :_______________________________________________________
C. It releases thyroxin and calcitonin. 27-28. You are at home alone late at night, and here a HUGE crashing sound in the
D. It releases adrenaline to prepare the body for action. kitchen. Alarmed, you grab the closes heavy object and prepare to fight off an
intruder. Your heart races, you breath quickly, you begin sweating, and find
7. The process by which an organism’s internal environment is kept stable in spite yourself experiencing tunnel vision. Thankfully, it was just your cat jumping on the
of changes in the external environment. counter.
ANSWER :_______________________________________________________
A.Positive Feedback C,Homeostasis III. Give the endocrine hormones being released in the following scenario
B.Negative Feedback D.Targeted Cells below .Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

8.Which of the following shows a correct pairing of a dysfunction and the involved 29.______________________sperm maturation.
endocrine gland? 30.______________________ extra strength during fires.
31.______________________ building of immune system.
A. diabetes: ovaries C. goiter: thyroid 32.______________________ regulates metabolism
B. dwarfism: adrenal D. osteoporosis: pancreas 33.______________________ pulls out the glucose in the body.
Directions: Identify the glands of the endocrine system. Choose your answer from
9.Which gland is located at the base of the brain? the box below. Use separate sheet of paper for your answer.
A. adrenal B. pituitary C. ovary D. thyroid

10.After consuming ice cream, which hormones would be expected to increase?

A.glucagon B. parathyroid hormone C. insulin D. prolactin

11.In what scenario might your body release adrenaline?

A.when you're waking up from a long night's sleep
B.when you're threatened by a schoolyard bully
C.when you've had too much to eat
D.when there isn't enough calcium in your bloodstream

12. What does melatonin do?

A.Raises our blood sugar
B.Regulates our blood pressure
C.Regulates our metabolism
D.Regulates our sleep cycle

13. What is the main function of the endocrine system? 33._________________________________________ (1)
A.It creates chemicals, or hormones, that are sent around the body to maintain 34._________________________________________ (2)
homeostasis. 35. _________________________________________ (3)
B.It creates electrical messages that are sent around the body to maintain 36._________________________________________ (4)
homeostasis. 37._________________________________________ (5)
C.It maintains the correct level of oxygen in the body to maintain homeostasis. 38. _________________________________________ (6)
D.It releases waste from the body to maintain homeostasis 39.__________________________________________(7)
14.What is osteoporosis? I.Directions : Using a separate sheet of paper. Write the CAPITAL letter of the
A. It is a condition characterized by imbalanced blood sugar. correct answer. NO ERASURES.
B. A disorder characterized by apparent lack of aging.
C. A disorder characterized by impaired growth. 1.After consuming ice cream, which hormones would be expected to increase?
D. A disorder in which bones become fragile and breakable. A.glucagon B. parathyroid hormone C. insulin D. prolactin

15.What do you call a rare condition that causes abnormal growth in children due to 2.In what scenario might your body release adrenaline?
the decrease in the production and secretion of growth hormones? A.when you're waking up from a long night's sleep
A. diabetes B. gigantism C. dwarfism D. goiter B.when you're threatened by a schoolyard bully
C.when you've had too much to eat
16. What is the hormone that the pancreas secretes that controls the amount of D.when there isn't enough calcium in your bloodstream
glucose in our bodies?
A.testosterone C.insulin 3. What does melatonin do?
B.growth hormone D.progesterone A.Raises our blood sugar
B.Regulates our blood pressure
17.The organ that makes estrogen and progesterone is the __________. C.Regulates our metabolism
A. hypothalamus B. pineal gland C. ovary D. vagina D.Regulates our sleep cycle

18. Which of the following glands produce hormones that controls the calcium 4. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the function of the endocrine
levels the body? system?
A. adrenal B. pituitary C . parathyroid D. thymus A. controls sexual reproduction
19. Which of the following glands produce hormones that controls the heart rate and B. maintain homeostasis
breathing in times of emergency? C. collect sensory input from the body
D. regulate growth
A. adrenal B. pituitary C. pancreas D. thyroid
5.What gland is involved if a person’s blood sugar level becomes unstable?
20. The hormones secreted by pancreas are insulin and ___________.
A. adrenal B. parathyroid C. pancreas D. ovary
A. adrenaline B. glucagon C. estrogen D. melatonin
6.The nervous system uses electrical impulses to send messages through neurons
II. Below you will be given different given scenarios .Read and understand
while ___________ uses hormones to send messages to the target cells through the
carefully. Write the correct type of endocrine gland involved in each .
A. circulatory system C. nervous system 25-26. Every day, you ask your child to drink one calcium-rich class of milk. Based
B. endocrine system D. reproductive system on everything you've hear, you know that milk is important for your child to grow
big and strong, due to its positive effect on bone health.
7.What is the purpose of the thyroid gland? ANSWER :_______________________________________________________
A. It releases insulin and glucagon to regulate sugar level. 27-28. You are at home alone late at night, and here a HUGE crashing sound in the
B. It releases thyroxin and insulin to stimulate growth. kitchen. Alarmed, you grab the closes heavy object and prepare to fight off an
C. It releases thyroxin and calcitonin. intruder. Your heart races, you breath quickly, you begin sweating, and find
D. It releases adrenaline to prepare the body for action. yourself experiencing tunnel vision. Thankfully, it was just your cat jumping on the
ANSWER :_______________________________________________________
8. What is the main function of the endocrine system? III. Give the endocrine hormones being released in the following scenario
A.It creates chemicals, or hormones, that are sent around the body to maintain below .Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
B.It creates electrical messages that are sent around the body to maintain 29.______________________sperm maturation.
homeostasis. 30.______________________ extra strength during fires.
C.It maintains the correct level of oxygen in the body to maintain homeostasis. 31.______________________ building of immune system.
D.It releases waste from the body to maintain homeostasis 32.______________________ regulates metabolism
33.______________________ pulls out the glucose in the body.
9.What is osteoporosis? Directions: Identify the glands of the endocrine system. Choose your answer from
A. It is a condition characterized by imbalanced blood sugar. the box below. Use separate sheet of paper for your answer.
B. A disorder characterized by apparent lack of aging.
C. A disorder characterized by impaired growth.
D. A disorder in which bones become fragile and breakable.

10.What do you call a rare condition that causes abnormal growth in children due to
the decrease in the production and secretion of growth hormones?
A. diabetes B. gigantism C. dwarfism D. goiter

11. What is the hormone that the pancreas secretes that controls the amount of
glucose in our bodies?
A.testosterone C.insulin
B.growth hormone D.progesterone

12.The organ that makes estrogen and progesterone is the __________.

A. hypothalamus B. pineal gland C. ovary D. vagina

13. Which of the following glands produce hormones that controls the calcium
levels the body? 33._________________________________________ (1)
A. adrenal B. pituitary C . parathyroid D. thymus 34._________________________________________ (2)
35. _________________________________________ (3)
14. When you are running to stay away from danger, what gland is being 36._________________________________________ (4)
stimulated? 37._________________________________________ (5)
A. adrenal B. pituitary C. pineal D. thyroid 38. _________________________________________ (6)
15. It refers to the body's 'master gland' because it controls the activity of most other 40.__________________________________________(8)
hormone-secreting glands.
A. adrenal C. pituitary
B. parathyroid D. thyroid

16. Which of the following glands produce hormones that controls the heart rate and
breathing in times of emergency?

A. adrenal B. pituitary C. pancreas D. thyroid

17. The hormones secreted by pancreas are insulin and ___________.
A. adrenaline B. glucagon C. estrogen D. melatonin

18. The process by which an organism’s internal environment is kept stable in spite
of changes in the external environment.

A.Positive Feedback C,Homeostasis

B.Negative Feedback D.Targeted Cells

19.Which of the following shows a correct pairing of a dysfunction and the involved
endocrine gland?

A. diabetes: ovaries C. goiter: thyroid

B. dwarfism: adrenal D. osteoporosis: pancreas

20.Which gland is located at the base of the brain?

A. adrenal B. pituitary C. ovary D. thyroid

II. Below you will be given different given scenarios .Read and understand
carefully. Write the correct type of endocrine gland involved in each .
(2 points for each number .)

21-22. You are 13 year old and have reached puberty. You hit a growth spurt and
develop secondary sex characteristics, which include changes such as the
development of facial hair, breast enlargement, and voice changes. You grow nearly
5 inches over the summer, much to the surprise of your friends and family.
ANSWER :_______________________________________________________
23-24. After a large meal, you eat a huge slice of sugary, chocolate cake. You find
yourself full of energy, maybe even a little jittery. Eventually, after a few hours, you
crash and begin to feel hungry again.
ANSWER :_______________________________________________________

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