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Marsya Amalia Rahmawati (2010019) as a Patient

Ranny Vincha Widyantika (2010021) as a Nurse

ROM (Rotation Movement)Roleplay

(Accident patient do routine check up and recovery therapy)
Nurse : Good morning miss
Patient : Good morning nurse, i just want to check up today
Nurse : Oh ok, you can sit down in here
Patient : Ok nurse
Nurse : How’s your hand after one week?
Patient : Still stiff but can be moved slowly nurse
Nurse : I see, today I’ll accompany you to try rotation movement
Patient : Ok nurse I’ll try my best
Nurse : First can you raise your left hand 30 degrees?
Patient : Yes nurse i can
Nurse : Good, now rotate your left hand
Patient : It’s so hard for me nurse
Nurse : It’s ok miss, you can do it. Please rotate your left hand slowly
Patient : Wow ok i can do it nurse
Nurse : Good job miss, do rotation movement in your home and just do it slowly. Next week
you can come back for check up your left hand condition
Patient : Ok nurse, thank you so much for checking and teaching me rotation movement. I’ll
come back next week
Nurse : You’re welcome miss, be careful
Patient : Yes nurse

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