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Learning Task/Activity

1. Children learn about voice, pitch, volume, and inflection by reading poetry. While these
are primarily speaking functions, they are also critical for children learning to read.
Young readers can learn about speech patterns from poetry, which can help them
understand the words on the page.

Poetry aids in the development of early literacy abilities. Yes, it does! ... Poems help
children to experiment with language and words. They hear how words may be
manipulated and stretched to rhyme when they read poetry, and they do the same when
they write poetry.

1. A. Poem Reading Game

B. Purpose of the Activity is to let the students read the poem in order for them to learn
and have fun at the same time.

C. Before the start of the game, the children should group themselves.
After grouping, they will then form a line and will be given a poem on which each
group should read them. The group who will finish reading the poem first will be declared as the
D. The activity shall serve as a way to let the learners learn and develop their reading
skills at the same time.
E. After reading the group will understand the poem and discuss its content and meaning
to the class.

2. Children learn about voice, pitch, volume, and inflection by reading poetry. While these
are primarily speaking functions, they are also critical for children learning to read.
Young readers can learn about speech patterns from poetry, which can help them
understand the words on the page.

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