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Lauren Bevins

Professor Tamera Davis

November 4, 2021

Do what you love and love what you do

When I was in elementary school, I was always told “follow your dreams”. You know that

cheesy quote everyone always tells you? Well in my case, I always seemed to be more motivated

when I heard that in a time of discouragement.

Following my dreams didn’t seem as simple when I started to grow up though. I started

to realize what “the real world” had in store for me, and everybody else in fact. When I was a

naïve child with unattainable dreams, I felt like I had nothing in my way, and I could conquer the

world. I believed in myself and never wanted my actions to go unnoticed. I have always wanted

to have a voice in this world, especially now, being old enough to acknowledge more and more.

As I got older, those unattainable dreams became so out of touch for me and forgotten at some

point. I want the younger Lauren back. I believe she meant something by having those ideas. The

voice in the back of my head tells me to snap out of the negativity and follow one simple

sentence that could change everything, “follow your dreams”.

There is a huge difference between thinking and acting. Since my teen years it has been

more thinking rather than acting. When I was younger though, it was more acting. When I say

“thinking and acting” I believe actions speak louder than words, live up to the standards you

preach. When I would tell my friends “Go for it, what do you have to lose?” why couldn’t I tell

myself the same and put the same energy into my actions? Although I have always been the

loudest and most outspoken in most the places I was, I still had fears of following my dreams
and making them a reality. I have never been shy, but I have been afraid of failing. I believe for

people like me, we shouldn’t be afraid, I shouldn’t be afraid to take that leap. One of the hardest

lessons I have had to learn in my life thus far is everyone will fail, it’s a part of life. Nobody will

remember my mistakes, only my successes. I think to myself, how many times did this one

person, whom I look up to, fall but still get back up and try again? I see where they landed but

never behind the curtain and all the hardships, they went through to earn that spot. So why can’t

that be me?

I choose, now to believe in myself, fight for what I want, follow my dreams. As I get

older, I have started to realize that life is short, everyone wants to make a mark, but some people

never will. I don’t want to be that person that dies with so many regrets, lying on my death bead

wishing I could go back in time and fix everything. Morbid, I know. But my dreams are not

unattainable, they are not far out of reach, my goals and passions will be fulfilled one day. This I

believe. “Follow your dreams and if you believe, they will come true” holding onto a quote that

is directed towards younger kids still applies to me, my twenty-year-old self- if I choose to

believe in myself and I choose to get back up on my feet, then my dreams can and will come


Having others believe in me is not the same as myself. Is having a support system

wonderful? Yes. But are they inside my brain telling me get up, make it happen, and here is how

to do it? No. The difference between self-motivation and moral support is a world away from

each other. This I believe. I ask myself this question every day; do I want to be doing something

that pays the bills and feel like I must drag myself to work every day, or do I want to be

somewhere where work feels like a hobby, and I enjoy getting out of bed to get paid? Most

people I know are stuck in the first choice. I see how miserable they are, and I can’t help but
think to myself, I never want to be like that. So I will choose myself and put my best foot

forward to get myself out there, day by day.

Following my dreams will always be an important thing in my life. From hearing it when

I was little to still thinking about the quote daily as an adult, I think it has stuck with me. I

encourage all the people around me to do the same. I mean who wants to end up regretting things

in the long run? Nobody. I believe if I can do it, we all can. No matter where I am in my life, I

will always remember it is up to me to change my path and follow my dreams. I hope I can look

back at this one day and see my younger self not knowing what I have accomplished in such


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