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Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Keeping in mind that diversity includes (but is not limited to) race, religion, ethnicity,
gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, age, physical and mental ability, language,
education, occupation, nation of origin, etc., please answer the following questions and be prepared
to share all or parts of your answers with someone you don’t know if you are comfortable.

1. When I look in the mirror each morning I see…

I see my reflection, my face looks dull even after long hours of sleep. I see tired-looking
eyes, chapped lips, blemishes, and just a face full of imperfections. But I look deeper into my eyes.
I can see that I no longer get thrilled about what will happen in my day, but I am still trying my
best to get through each day. I push myself to strive harder and remain focused on exceeding my
goals. However, despite all the determination, there are times that my dreams feel impossible to
achieve, but I also believe that dreams do not work itself unless I do. Although life seems
overwhelming right now, I constantly keep in mind that there will always be struggles, and this
won't be an easy path. After all, what matters the most is that I am trying everything I could to
chase my dreams.

2. Who are my people? What do we see in the mirror?

This question made me reflect on who are truly my people. I asked myself who was actually
there during my downfall and who was only there for my success. I am aware of the fact that not
everyone likes me because I get easily misconstructed and judged based on my expressions. But
as I look into myself in the mirror, I can see that I am loved and appreciated by my people for who
I really am. At the end of the day, I don't have to prove anything to anyone to be wanted because
there will always be people that are inclined to appreciate and admire my uniqueness as an
individual. Those people are hard to come by, and for that, I am indeed grateful that I have found
my people. They taught me to value, and know my worth, encouraged me to be a better person,
helped me to find my purpose, and supported me throughout my journey. When all else will leave,
my people will still be there for me.

3. If I had to describe myself in four words I would say that I am a:

__Courageous ________ ____Compassionate____
__Kindhearted________ ______Genuine _______
4. One experience that I have had that helped me to form this description of myself was:
Being betrayed by the people I trusted the most. I must admit that it hasn't been a smooth
ride because I was not able to accept reality at the beginning. But life still goes on, and I had to get
back on my feet because life does not stop there. However, despite the betrayal, I chose to forgive
those people so that I can move forward with my life. Forgiving them does not mean that I have
already forgotten what they have done. I came to understand that I learned and grown so much
from what they did. After everything that happened, I still choose to believe in the good of people
because not everyone is like those people. And being betrayed does not give an excuse to hurt
other people. Even there is a lot of terrible people out there, always choose to be the better one,
among others.

5. Based on the descriptions or identifiers given in Question 3: One thing about being a
__Courageous ________ ____Compassionate____
__Kindhearted________ ______Genuine _______
That makes me feel good or proud is:
My mother taught me how to be a better person in this cruel world. There are times when
I am not confident enough to move forward and embrace my calling. She told me to take things
one step at a time. To enjoy the moment and live for today. She taught me not to be afraid of
making big decisions. To choose what is best for me and forget everyone else’s opinion. Because
the wise do not buy into other people’s perceptions. She always encourages me to do the right
thing. To be fearless in facing that defeated feeling that hinders me. She taught me that whatever
adversity life may throw, I will never lose hope. To fight and be persistent toward my goals. The
life lessons she has shared will be my guide to pursue what my heart truly desires. And I am proud
to say that my mother molded me to become the person I am today.

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