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Jestoni A.

Rubilla 09/03/21


1. Who are you?

- I am a person who dreams big and has big ambitions in life. I am a kind person by
heart and intentionally never try to hurt people. as I said in the beginning, I am an
empathetic person with no ego and attitude problems. But, like every human being, I too
have some bad qualities. I am a person who works hard and trying to improve myself. I
am the type of person who likes to go to the gym and especially in beach resorts. I look
at life, especially at this age, as a time to experience new things. A time to get away
from the same everyday routine, and enjoy the short time we have on earth. I am the
type of person who likes to set goals. Whether it's to run my own business someday, or
just to bring a friend back to church. Some of my goals may seem unrealistic, but it will
always give me something to aim for.

If I could describe myself in two words, it would be dedicated and relaxed. Dedication is
a very important part in my life. I believe that being dedicated helps me to employ good
work ethics in people, which is something this world is lacking at times.

2. How much do you know yourself?

- I know myself better than any other, better than my family and friend. I know my
capacity and limitations. I do things according to my capability and own free will. If I
done something, I do it to the best way I can. I believe in my own self and don’t let
others to judge me based on what they see in me. Whenever other people say’s that I
cannot do this, I push myself harder to let them see that I can make it and leave them
wander. Never let anyone even your family, friends or lover decide what makes you
happy. Their happiness is different than yours. Live a life that you always wanted. Don’t
let other people limits you from doing what you want, making yourself happy of who you
are is the best give you will ever give to yourself.
3. What are you afraid of?

- I am afraid to be judge by people of how I look, the way I talk, and the way I walk.
People tend to judge others based upon their own core values and insecurities,
because values and insecurities differ from person to person, it’s almost impossible to
escape judgment. Most people don’t like to be judged but to someone with anxiety or
social phobia this fear can be paralyzing. But what I’ve learned is that I’m just being true
to myself. I embrace my vulnerability when I am true to myself, I can better self-
advocate or stand up for what I need. My self-expression matters, and I should value
my voice. It’s okay to need things, it’s okay to speak up, and it’s okay not to be okay.

4. What makes you blush?

- When I say the wrong things, I feel very nervous and uncomfortable in social
situations like meeting new people.

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