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Media and Information Literacy: Why does it matter?

As we navigate the so-called “post-truth” age on the internet, riddled with potentially misleading
content, it becomes more obvious with a time that tackling online misinformation requires much more
than detection.

Though much of the attention has focused on media literacy, often presented as a way of safeguarding
individuals against misinformation, several researchers argue that this is at the cost of trivializing a much
more complex problem (read this response from a media literacy expert), while others question the
importance of media literacy efforts. A recent study concludes that information literacy, rather than
media literacy, is more useful in helping individuals identify online misinformation; a careful
examination of the article, however, brings into question the instruments selected to assess each type of
literacy, as those used for media literacy were heavily skewed towards conventional media.

We argue that media literacy is not the only answer to the problem of online misinformation. It is
certainly important, but attention should be shifting to Media and Information Literacy (MIL) instead,
and it’s potential to enable individuals to process and evaluate online information with discernment. We
believe that both media and information literacy skills are essential, though these are not something you
either have or haven’t got. Individuals today are bombarded with media and information and are called
to deconstruct and evaluate messages constantly. To be able to do that definitely requires some level of
media and information literacy.

So, what is media and information literacy?

Put simply, MIL aims to enable individuals to think critically about the media and the information they
consume by engaging in a process of inquiry. The aim, according to UNESCO’s definition of media and
information literacy, is to allow individuals to become engaged citizens and responsible decision-makers.
By evaluating the source, the context, the message and the medium within which it is received,
considering its representations and its intended audience, as well as the institutional context from which
the message emerges, MIL invites individuals to evaluate media at a critical distance.

Developing competencies towards media and information, is especially relevant within the
contemporary media landscape. The blurring of the lines between producers and consumers has
challenged what we consider media messages and made information access universal: a news headline,
a video, a meme or a social media post or comment vie for our attention on social media platforms.
Nowadays, anyone can create an official-looking website or social media account at very little cost. In
fact, misinformation has often stemmed from seemingly legitimate websites and this makes it very
difficult to flag false or misleading information using conventional methods, such as checklists, with
questions that prompt evaluation of sites for currency, relevance, accuracy, authority and purpose.
When it comes to evaluating news online, whether it’s from reputable sources or not, determining who
and what to trust requires critical reflection.

However, it is useful to think of media and information literacy as a continuum rather than an outcome
— we can all be more media and information literate.
As our dependence on technology increases, thinking critically about media and information is a life-long
learning skill that supports active and informed citizens who play a key role in ensuring democracy
doesn’t die online.

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