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News item text is a type of text that provides some information news (news) about newsworthy events
(newsworthy) events). In this case, the media used in the research is video. The use of video in language
teaching and learning is considered as an effective way to present teaching material. The video can be used
as teaching aids which help teachers in explaining the materials and definitely motivate the students. Videos
are used to transport students to locations across the world and to demonstrate concepts that cannot
otherwise be practically illustrated in the classroom, and they are thought to provide more motivation and
interest to students in learning a language. The purpose of teaching English in the includes:
(1) Developing the ability to communicate in the language both oral and written. These capabilities include
listening, speaking, reading, and writing;
(2) Improving awareness of the nature and importance of English as a foreign language to
become the main tool of learning;
(3) Developing an understanding of the relationship between language and culture. Thus students have
cross-cultural perception and involve themselves in cultural variety. In this research, students are divided
into some groups, and then they watch a “youtube video”.
The video contained of some news which happened in some countries in the world. After watching the
video, the students were asked to write down a text based on the video that they watch. Previously, they had
been taught about news item, the social function of a news item, the rhetorical structure of news item, and
the language feature of news item. This study was conducted by using classroom action research. The
subject of this research was the grade X students of MAN 1 Medan. Thirty students were taken as the
sample. The research was conducted in two cycles. The first cycle was conducted in three meetings, and the
second cycle was also conducted in three meetings. The instruments for collecting data were quantitative
data (essay test) and qualitative data (observation sheet, diary note, and questionnaire sheet). Based on the
data analysis, students score kept improving in every test. The result showed that video improved students
achievement in writing news item text.

Language is one of the most important things in communication and it is used as a tool of
communication among the nations in all over the world. As an international language, English is very
important and has many interrelationship with various aspects of life owned by human being. English
is a foreign language which is widely used in communication by people in most countries in the world.
There are four important skills in English. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
The purpose of teaching English in the curriculum includes:
(1) Developing the ability to communicate in the language both oral and written. These capabilities
include listening, speaking, reading, and writing;
(2) Improving awareness of the nature and importance of English as a foreign language to
become the main tool of learning;
(3) Developing an understanding of the relationship between language and culture. Thus students have
cross-cultural perception and involve themselves in cultural variety. Among those four skills, writing
is one of language skills and productive skills that always important to be learned by students. Writing
is one of media communication. It purposes to express ideas, feelings, opinions, experiences, or
information in form of writing language. As we know that to be good in communication, we have to
master speaking and writing skill, but some people may think differently by focusing only on
They think if they are good at speaking, they will be good at writing, too. Unfortunately,
people who can speak fluently are not always good at writing, too. Writing takes an important part
when we cannot do any conversation in communication, for example, people who are disabled to
speak. Through writing, we can express our ideas and do some changes in the life. By writing, one can
express what he or she wishes totell in written forms. Writing is a process that what we write is often
heavily influenced by constraints of genres than these elements has to be presented in learning
activities. So, writing is a skill in which students have some difficulties when studying English due to
some rules of writing it self.
As the product of writing is written language, it includes mastery of grammar, it is different
from spoken language that sometimes ignores grammar. Besides, in having writing activity, students
need to understand about what kind of text that they focus on. There are some genres in English which
make the students confuse about the differences between them. Usually students only remember the
genres and finally they will forget it because the students do not get experience about their material.
News Item Text in her research.

According to Pardiyono:
News item text is a type of text that provides some information news (news) about newsworthy
events (newsworthy) events). The purpose of news item text is a text that informs readers about
newsworthy events and natural phenomena others in the form of news.
Teacher’s method in teaching could be intrinsic motivation which motivates the students to
learn. Therefore, it is important for teachers to gain some knowledge. A teacher has a responsibility to
maximize students’ achievement by using some media which are needed in the teaching and learning
process, because media is a set of tools which can support students to reach the goal of a learning
process. Because of the importance role of a media, teachers should be able to select an appropriate
media for some specific skills, for example what kind of media that will be suitable for supporting
students’ achievement on writing, especially news item text.
In this case, the media used in the research is video. The use of video in language teaching and
learning is considered as an effective way to present teaching material. The video can be used as
teaching aids which help teachers in explaining the materials and definitely motivate the students.
Videos are used to transport students to locations across the world and to demonstrate concepts that
cannot otherwise be practically illustrated in the classroom, and they are thought to provide more
motivation and interest to students in learning a language.
Therefore, video will make a process of learning a language more interesting for students
because a video presents materials in audio, visual, or even audio-visual effect. Video also gives
students more motivation in learning a language by providing them some background information that
activates prior knowledge, which is essential in stimulating subsequent writing activity in the
classroom. By watching a video, it will help students to get some ideas to write. In this research,
students are divided into some groups, and then they watch a “youtube video”.
The video contained of some news which happened in some countries in the world. After
watching the video, the students were asked to write down a text based on the video that they watch.
Previously, they had been taught about news item, the social function of a news item, the rhetorical
structure of news item, and the language feature of news item.

This study focuses on improving students’ achievement in writing news item text by using
video as a media. This study was conducted by using classroom action research. The subject of this
research was the grade X students of MAN 1 Medan. Thirty students were taken as the sample. The
research was conducted in two cycles. The first cycle was conducted in three meetings, and the second
cycle was also conducted in three meetings. The instruments for collecting data were quantitative data
(essay test) and qualitative data (observation sheet, diary note, and questionnaire sheet). Based on the
data analysis, students score kept improving in every test. The result showed that video improved
students achievement in writing news item text.

Writing is one of four main skills in learning language besides reading, listening, and speaking.
Kellog (2009:6) states that writing is a means of thinking, as well as language production, emerges
only after a decade or so of writing experience. Writing has similarity with speaking; both are
activities of language production. The difference between both activities is on the product of language.
The product of writing activity is written language in form of a text or a passage.
information about news worthy events of the day and other natural phenomena in an area; they
can happen in regional area or in overseas. News item informs news worthy events of the day and
other natural phenomena in the form of news.
Before deciding to focus on this research, the writer had an observation to make it sure that this
research will be very useful; to make it sure that this research will give a solution for current problem
that students have in learning English, especially in writing skill, specifically in writing a news item
Based on the writer‟s experience of observation in MAN 1 Model Medan and teacher‟s
explanation about weakness of the students in writing, it was found that students of that school had
some difficulties in writing an English text. The grade X – students have some errors in writing a news
item text. The errors happened because they did not understand about the kind of text (genre). The
phenomenon is seen in the table bellow.
Based on the data above, the writer found that the students‟ achievement in English especially
in writing is still low. However, if students understand about the kind of text (genre), it will be easier
for them to write a text correctly in terms of social function (communicative purpose) of the text,
rhetorical structure (organization) of the text, and also language feature (grammar) of the text.
It was also found that students have a difficulty in writing a text, including a news item text,
because they do not have any idea about a topic that they will write about. Facing this situation, the
writer tried to use a media that could help them to get some ideas in writing a news item text. The
media used in the observation was video.
Video is widely available as a resource of language teaching. Fisher and Frey (2011) state that
videos are used to transport students to locations across the world and to demonstrate concepts that
cannot otherwise be practically illustrated in the classroom, and they are thought to provide more
motivation and interest to students in learning a language.
Based on the writer’ s experience of observation, the students were helped by the existence of
video as a media and a source that can motivate them and provide some prior knowledge. When the
students have a prior knowledge and get some ideas, it will be easier for them to write a text. In the
observation, students were divided into some groups, and then they watched a “Today's National
Weather Forecast” video. this video contains the weather forecast in the country today. After watching
the “Today's National Weather Forecast” video, the students were asked to write down a text based on
the visualization of the video that they watched. Previously, they had been taught about news item; the
social function of a news item, the rhetorical structure of news item, and the language feature of news
item. Finally, they wrote down a news item based on the video that they watched.
According to Harmer (2007:20) states that teacher‟s method in teaching could be intrinsic
motivation which motivates the students to learn. Therefore, it is important for teachers to gain some
knowledge. A teacher has a responsibility to maximize students‟ achievement by using some media
which are needed in the teaching and learning process, because media is a set of tools which can
support students to reach the goal of a learning process. Because of the importance role of a media,
teachers should be able to select an appropriate media for some specific skills; for example what kind
of media that will be suitable for supporting students‟ achievement on writing, specifically news item
In this observation, the media used was "Today's National Weather Forecast" . this video
contains the weather forecast in the country today. Watching video in the class is always enjoyable
for the students and it can motivate students to study seriously since the students are interested by
watching a video.
Based on the background above, the problem of study is formulated as follow. “How to apply video to
improve the students‟ ability in writing news item text?”
There are many learning activities that can be conducted by using video. In this study, it is
limited only on the students‟ ability in writing a news item after watching a video in grade X at MAN
1 MODEL MEDAN. achievement in writing news item text by using video.
The findings of this research are expected useful to have both theoretical and practical
importance in writing as a process and product, specifically the framework of writing.
1) Theoretically, the finding of the study is expected to master the theories of writing.
2) Practically, the finding of the study is expected useful for.
a. Writer; by having this research, the writer can investigate the improvement of students‟
achievement on writing news item text by using video as a media.
b. Teacher; through this research, teacher can find the effect of using video as a media in language
teaching to improve students‟ achievement, specifically on writing news item text.
c. Students; through this research, students can increase their motivation and mastery of writing news
item text by using video as a media.
d. Others; this research can give them some data, sources about improving

A. Conclusion
Based on the result of this research, the researcher could make the conclusion that the
application of video as a media could improve the student’s achievement in writing news item text in
the class X-12 at MAN 1 Model Medan. The improvement of the students can be seen from the score
of the students in the tests.
Furthermore, from the qualitative data, the writer concluded that applying video could help the
students to get involved in teaching learning process because the students felt interesting in a
comfortable atmosphere in the class in following teaching learning process. And the last, students also
got experience and knowledge from watching videos and the students could be easier to write a text
without wasting time just to remember or gather the idea or topic that they will write.
B. Suggestion
1. It is important for English teachers to apply video in teaching writing news item text since this
media can improve students’ achievement in writing news item text.
2. It is important for students to practice the writing by using video since it can improve the students’
interest in writing English text.

Pardiyono, Pasti Bisa! Teaching Genre Based Writing, (Yogyakarta : CV. Andi Offset,
2007), p. 245
5 Jeremy Harmer, How To Teach Writing, (England : Longman, 2004), p.20
6 Hasan Haris, The Use of Documentary Video to Teach Writing News Item Text to Tenth
Grade Students in SMAN 4 Bangkalan, (Surabaya : State University of Surabaya,2014), p. 3
7 Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey, Using video and Film in the Classroom, (San Diego :
Internationa Reading Association, 2011), p. 96
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