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SY 2020-2021
Name:_________________________________ Section:__________________________

General Instructions: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space
before each number.
____1. Which statement does not describe a setting?
A. It describes where and when the story takes place.
B. It helps build background and create images in the mind.
C. It helps set the tone or mood of the story
D. It promotes sensitivity and censorship of the story.
____2. It is defined as the underlying meaning or main idea of a story.
A. Conflict B. Mood C. Setting D. Theme
____3. Do not judge a book by its cover is an example of ___________.
A. Conflict B. Mood C. Theme D. Voice
____4. The angle from which the story is told.
A. Pattern B. Plot C. Point of view D. Vision
For Numbers 5-7
1.The waves crashed loudly against the shoreline. 2.The fog lifted lightly, and the medieval
castle came into view. 3. It was a beautiful site! 4.The fog brushed my face, and I could smell the
smoke from the fire in the distance and taste the sea salt on my lips.
____5. What does the underlined words in the paragraph tell us about the setting?
A. It visualizes the places in the story.
B. It describes the conflict of the story.
C. It summarizes the event of the story.
D. It singles out the places of the story.
____6. What is described in sentence number 1?
A. Sight B. Smell C. Sound D. Tase
For Numbers 7-9:
What expresses in the following statements? Choose the correct answer from the choices below.
A. Conflict B. Plot C. Resolution D. Theme
____7. Two friends find a wallet. One friend wants to return it to the owner; the other wants to keep it.
____8. They return the wallet and share a small reward.
____9. People are often rewarded for making the right moral decision.
For Numbers 10-12: Read the paragraph very carefully, then answer the questions that follow.
A) Learning to listen is one way of keeping friends. B) Although listening can really be very tiring
on the listener, it may, on the other hand be comforting to the speaker. C) So, learn how to listen and gain
more friends. D) We also show that we care about what goes on in their lives. E) By listening we show
our friends that they are important to us.
_____10. What is the possible topic sentence of the paragraph?
_____11. What sentence comes third?
_____12. What sentence comes fourth?
For umber 13-14: Read the paragraph very carefully, then answer the questions that follow.
A) Not only that, paying taxes also means the government will no longer need to acquire loans to
fill the budget deficit. B) Every citizen should lend a hand in pursuing economic progress.
C. One way to do it is to pay one’s taxes correctly. D) Paying correct taxes results in increased
revenues that the government uses for infrastructure and other projects. E) So be a good citizen and pay
your taxes correctly.
_____13. What is the appropriate topic or subject of the above paragraph?
A. A Citizen’s Duty
B. Economic Progress
C. Taxing the Economy
D. Taxes and Economic Progress
_____14. From the above lettered sentences, which is the thesis statement?
_____15. When an author tries to change your opinion about something, then the author's purpose is to__.
A. inform B. entertain C. persuade D. express
_____16. From the story of “The Necklace”, what was the theme of the story?
A. Too much ambition can lead to one’s downfall.
B. Appearance can make us somebody.
C. All that glitters is gold.
D. True happiness can be bought through gold
SY 2020-2021
SY 2021-2022
Name:_________________________________ Section:__________________________

____17. From the story of the “Blind Date”, If you are to ask to resolve the issue of indifferences, what
would it become?
A. Have a proposal for a long-time relationship
B. Must continue chatting to know more about themselves.
C. Have to part ways anyway dating was not meant for them.
D. Have decided to give themselves a chance for thrilling and exciting date
____18. Which from the choices show the two major types Nonfiction to "tell a story" or "to give
A. Narrative and Realistic
B. Expository and Narrative
D. Expository and Persuasive
____19. This is one of the most central elements of effective storytelling, as it progresses in a linear
fashion, one day to the next.
A. Dialog B. Costume C. Music D. Real Time
For number 20-21: Read the paragraph very carefully, then answer the questions that follow.
A. A bill, before becoming a law, undergoes several procedures.
B. The first procedure is that the bill passes through three readings.
C. On the third reading, the votes of the law makers shall be recorded and if the bill is approved,
it goes to the President for approval or veto.
D. If the President approves the bill, then it will be deemed a law.
____20. Which from the sentences above states the main idea of the paragraph?
____21. If it is going to add another statement to complete its thought, what should it be?
A. The President must communicate the veto within thirty days from receipt of the bill.
B. Otherwise the bill is considered to have been approved by him.
C. Otherwise, the bill will go back to the House from it originated, and it will be deliberated upon
D. The President must communicate the veto within thirty days from receipt of the bill.
Otherwise the bill is considered to have been approved.
____22. To support a main idea, writers often use
A. persuasion to prove their point.
B. facts and details to help prove their point.
C. opinions and details to help prove their point.
D. summaries of details to help prove their point
____23 Which of the following is NOT a question you should ask to find the main idea?
A. What is the author's purpose?
B. What point is the author trying to make?
C. What is the selection mainly about?
D. When did the author write the selection?
For numbers 24-25: Read the Synopsis taken from “The Interlopers” by Saki then answer the
questions that follow.
Because of a feud over a piece of land, Ulrich and Georg are bitter enemies. One night they
encounter each other on the disputed land. Each think of killing the other. Suddenly a huge tree falls and
pins them both under its weight.
At first the men threaten each other. After a while, however, they notice each other’s suffering, make a
pact of friendship, and look forward to being rescued and living in peace. Then they are attacked by
Choose the correct answer from the choices below and write it on the space provided.
A) Two men are fighting over a piece of land. They put the feud behind them when they are both
facing possible death. B) Survival is more important than land ownership. Letting go of hatred feels
good. C) Nothing good gives the two families if they cannot stop fighting. D) Threaten drives enemies
____24. What character trait is described in sentence B?
A, Arrogant B. Forgiving C. Prudent D. Sensible
_____25. Which letter from the paragraph above stated the conflict and how was it resolved?

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