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Lesson focus Part 1: Borrowing and Lending
Part 2: Describe an item ( Piece of clothing)


1. Have you ever borrowed books from others?
• Yes, I have. Even though books don’t really take up much space, I like to save a little bit of money and
of course save the trees. I’m a regular visitor to the library, so I see no shame in borrowing or lending
out a book to a friend, especially if you are going to read it one time over a short of period of time.
• Sometimes I do, but I think everyone does it at the same point. When I have a book that I’ve finished
reading, like a novel or biography, I tend to lend them to friends to read. Rather than let them sit on a
shelf gathering dust.
• Probably. I don’t keep track of these things but I imagine that I have done this on many occasions. I
think this is something I have done since I learnt to read.

2. Have you ever borrowed money from others?

• Yes, I have, but I try to keep the amounts small, so I can return it easily. For other things I also make
sure they are not valuable, so anything happens, I can replace them without too much stress.
• Rarely do I do this because it puts you ‘in someone’s debt’ and I do not like to be in this position. It
means that they have control over you because you owe them something.
• Never. I got this attitude from my parents who always told me to save for what I want and only borrow
for big things like a house, car or business. I think that this was great advice.
3. How do you feel when people don’t return things they borrowed from you?
• Upset, mainly they have broken my trust in them. If there is a good reason for this and they tell me,
then it’s OK, but if they do not, then it’s hard to forgive them.
• Resolute. This makes me more determined not to lend them anything ever again. Even if they are in
desperate situation. It should teach them a lesson gaining people’s trust.
• It happens. It’s part of life unfortunately. People want easy money and they borrow with no intention
of paying back the amount, or the thing they loaned. One needs to be more careful when deciding who
to trust.
4. Do you like to lend things to others?
• Most of the time because I’m a trusting person. I have been let down a few times, but it won’t change
my nature. I like to help people out.
• On occasion I will give in to my instincts and loan someone something, but this is few and far between.
Unless you know that person 100%, it is hard to decide, really.
5. Would you let someone borrow your cellphone?
• For a quick call because someone’s battery just died or something similar to that, then why not. But to
use it for a long time, I’m likely to turn them down. I use my phone on a daily basis so I need it on me
most of the time. Besides, I have a lot of sensitive information on my phone that I want to keep

1. How often do you wear jeans?
I find jeans really comfy and stylish, so I tend to wear them a few times a week, especially in the colder
months. However, in the summer my preference is to put on Khakis since they are lighter and help to cool me
2. Why are jeans popular all around the world?
Mmm. Why are they? It seems to me that this type of clothing is universally accepted because they are so
versatile and durable. What I mean is that you can wear them almost everywhere, and they can last for years.
Plus, they are very easy to match with almost of everything.
3. Would you pay a lot to buy jeans?
Well, I’m not ready to fork out to but the most luxurious brand labels, but I don’t mind paying a little extra for
a nice pair. I like to look for ones that are made of sturdy cotton, which should get better and softer with age.
Also, they won’t stretch and lose their shape or color as much.




Describe your favorite piece of clothing

You should say:

What is it

When and where did you get it

What does it look like

And explain how you use it and why you like it.


I guess this is probably true for a lot of people… my wardrobe is jam packed full of clothes, but I tend to wear
a small proportion of them because they are what I feel most comfy in. My old favorite is a hoodie that I’ve
had for a good number of years now so I’ve decided to talk about that item of clothing.
I can’t remember exactly when I got it, but it was roughly five years ago. It was given to me by my parents on
my birthday so it does have sentimental value, but the main reason for wearing it is comfort and practicality.
In terms of color, it’s plain black with the logo on the front and there is some writing on the back as well. I’m
not into wearing loud colors so I tend to wear a lot of black and the good thing about this hoodie is goes with
everything so no matter what I am wearing, it matches. Sadly, because it has been washed so many times, the
color has faded so I tend to wear it more when I’m chilling at home nowadays. My mum keeps threatening to
throw it away because it looks so washed out.
Like I said, I usually put it on at home now, but that is pretty much day in and day out. The only time I don’t
wear t is when it’s in the wash. When I get new things, I’m scared to wear them because I don’t want to spill
anything on them and get a stain on them, whereas with older clothes, I don’t care as much so I think this is
the major reason why I live in it because I’m not worried about spillages.
My mum actually bought me another one to replace this one because she was sick of seeing me in it, but it’s
not as comfortable as my old one, as the fabric feels stiff. One of these days, I will have to switch over and
start wearing it, but for the time being I am going to continue wearing this washed out and beloved one.




Try to speak for 1 or 2 minutes about the following topics:

Describe a time you spent a lot of money on something

You should say:

What you bought

When and where you bought it

Why you bought it

And explain why you spent a lot of money to buy it.

Describe something that was lost by others but found by you

You should say:

What it was

How you found it

Who had lost it

And explain what you did when you found it

Describe something that you brought back from a tourist attraction

You should say

What it was

Where you had it

When you had it

And explain how you felt about it


1. What’s the difference in the style of dressing between young and old people?
Idea: in the past, there was a clear difference between them with the young wearing casual, trendy stuff,
whereas the oldies tended to wear old-fashioned, formal clothes. Nowadays, though, the boundaries have
blurred all clothing styles are accessible to everyone and it would be wrong to stereotype one group as being
casual and the other as being smart.
2. Wearing uniforms is a good thing or a bad thing?
Idea: obviously when you’re talking about the army then a uniforms is necessary. The same with the police.
It’s really important to know who is a policeman or woman and who isn’t. One interesting idea people often
disagree on is about school uniforms. It shows that they are all being treated equally and it makes it easy for
school staff and other people to identify them. At the same time, it stops rich kids from showing off buying
better clothes than anybody else.

3. What can we learn about people from the clothes they wear?
Idea: well, if you see a man wearing a suit and tie, or a woman smartly dressed, you can probably work out
they are trying to make a good impression in some kind of formal setting like an office. If you see scruffy
people like people with holes in their clothes or dirty shoes or clothes that just don’t match, they probably
don’t care much about their appearance and it’s probably safe to assume they don’t care about themselves.


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