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Name ______________________ Date_____ / _____ / _________


When two traits are considered the number of possible genotype in parents and offspring
increases. A cross involving two phenotypes I called a dihybrid cross. Suppose that black hair
(H) is dominant over blonde hair (h) and brown eyes (E) are dominant over blue eyes (e).

Consider the following crosses between two parents:

1. The father is heterozygous ate both loci and has black hair and brown eyes while the
mother has blonde hair and blue eyes.
Genotype of father-HhEe
Genotype of mother-hhee
In the Punnett square below, complete the lists of gametes from the parents. Then, fill
in the boxes.


2. Both parents are heterozygous at both loci.

Genotype of father - ________
Genotype of Mother-________
Fill in the Punnett square below.

For each of the crosses above, indicate the expected frequencies of individuals with blonde
hair and blue eyes on the blanks shown.


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