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Name ______________________ Date_____ / _____ / _________


Across Down
1. Term for when a segment of a chromosome 2. This describes when both alleles are equally
breaks off and becomes reattached to expressed
another chromosome
4. An organism heterozygous for two traits 3. Subunit of the DNA molecule, consists of a
nitrogenous base, a sugar and a phosphate
7. Humans genomes have 46 pairs of these 5. Helical molecule that contains the genetic
8. Name for an allele that suppresses the 6. When an individual has or two identical
expression of a matching recessive allele alleles at a locus
10. Diagram used to predict frequencies of 9. Name for the process when DNA strands
offspring genotype make exact copies
11. This nitrogenous base is found in RNA, but not 10. Physical traits an individual due to their
in DNA genotypes
12. The genetic makeup of an individual 13. Presence of complete extra sets of
16. Assembly of a protein molecule according to 14. Name of the discoverer of particulate
the code in a mRNA molecule inheritances
17. The sugar used in the backbone of RNA 15. Site of protein synthesis

18. Located on chromosomes, these determine

specific traits of the organism
19. Term used for a version of a gene

20. The process of producing mRNA strands from

template DNA strands
21. The sugar used in the backbone of DNA


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