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Zujey Galvan

Ms. Nelson

ENGL 1302 104

20 September 2021

Reflect Activity pg. 230

I have made several decisions the past week, such as choosing if to miss work or not

because I had a lot of homework due that day. I thought about it for a good while because I felt

like my manager was going to get mad, however she understood that school goes first all the

time for me. I also did not know what to do because I had my car payment coming up and I

wanted to buy some shoes, I am a huge fan of buying sneakers and I had to decide as to what was

best for me. At the end of each analysis, I was able to realize that I always prioritize school

before work as it should be and I also put my bills first, I ended up paying my car payment

instead of buying the sneakers.

Zujey Galvan

Ms. Nelson

ENGL 1302 104

20 September 2021

1-4 Pg. 274

1. Paolino establishes authority by stating at the beginning of page 272 that her boyfriend

has an amazon Echo, this shows that she is conscious of what she is talking throughout

the reading.

2. In page 273 is where Paolino states her question, “Why did these interactions feel so


3. The audience for Paolino can be men and women, however I feel like this can be

indicated more to women than men, because women tend to feel jealousy for everything

and throughout the text Paolino focuses on letting females know the significance of how

women should treat each other.

4. Paolino uses her involvement as evidence of how she was dealing with these devices,

Alexa and Google Chrome, she compared each device and their features. The audience

was not quite sure of all the functions, so I feel like Paolino could have gone more in

depth with each devices functioning’s.

Zujey Galvan

Ms. Nelson

ENGL 1302 104

20 September 2021

#1-4 pg. 281

1. The knowledge Rubin offers about coke is how the ads mirror the life and culture related

with mainstream and the ways they tried to impact and convince customers to relate the

positive things the culture had with their product.

2. Rubin incorporates historical content by showing the history and how it influenced on the

culture and how the coca cola to show patriotism that was inspired by the war.

3. What is the goal of the ad? Why did they publish it?

4. I saw this ad of a mom breastfeeding the baby, it said “my body, my choice” I thought

this ad was very brave because there is nothing wrong with a mom breastfeeding their

son/daughter in public, it is something necessary, these two ads show positive things that

the culture should get familiar with.

Zujey Galvan

Ms. Nelson

ENGL 1302 104

20 September 2021

Pg. 514

Since my research question was “To what degree does mental health improve with

exercise” I had to research articles about mental health, mood, self-esteem, and exercise. Each of

these sources were topics I included on my essay. The research question was to find out if by

exercising the participant would be able to better his mental health. The survey helped a lot

because I was able to survey 100 random students at school and I supposed that exercise could

help by improving their mood and this would obviously lead to a better mental health, I was able

to interpretate and get the results at the same time.

Zujey Galvan

Ms. Nelson

ENGL 1302 104

20 September 2021

Search mechanisms and innovation

The author presents a total of seven different perspectives, the authors main point is to present

the topics used to examine the connection between search components and development across

various degree of investigation. They momentarily talk about how the articles in the assortment

each add to a particularly understanding across numerous viewpoints. The author provides

evidence by adding all the references at the bottom of the article, this proves that the author did

citate all their references, the author also intext citates their information throughout the paper.

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