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Name: Garcia, Cristine Joy G.

Program and Block: BSA-2B

Subject: SSP 04 #674
Instructor: Marian P. Alfonso

Assessment Task 8

The Power of an Entrepreneurial Mindset | Bill Roche | TEDxLangleyED

1. I learned that...
I learned that having entrepreneurial skills is not enough. So, I immediately began to question
my prior beliefs that having entrepreneurial skills was sufficient. Many individuals, including
myself, believe that possessing entrepreneurial skills is a critical component of success. The
episode, on the other hand, was eye-opening. Bill claims that having business skills isn't
enough; you also need an entrepreneurial mindset. Even when working for someone else,
having an entrepreneurial mindset is essential for success. Growth and development should be
a frequent component of one's routine because we live in such a fast-changing environment,
having a flexible and adaptive mind that can anticipate change is essential.

2. I realized that...
The improvement of entrepreneurial mindset can aid the development of confidence and give
us power to take on opportunities as well as not being afraid to take risks. such confidence,
resilience and enthusiasm provide a springboard to success and can result in an increase of
happiness. And I realized that we can start while we’re still young because being able to be
confident at the young age can be our stepping stone to gain entrepreneurial mindset and give
rise to our creativity that will actually help us turn our ideas into something great because it
doesn’t matter how big or small the idea but a matter of believing in your own idea. And being
able to engage yourself to tackle difficult issues and conversations can improve leadership style
and benefit general social interaction. Adopting an entrepreneurial mindset allows the
development of these skills so that it is possible to work better and feel happy at same time
3. Summarized video content
In this talk, Bill Roche shares stories of students that have created their own real business
ventures with Power Play Young Entrepreneurs. He illustrates the power of enabling students
to take charge of their learning with freedom to make mistakes, and challenging them to
actively develop entrepreneurial skills. Bill also showcases the achievements of specific
students and shares how a transformative experience for one student has been a source of
inspiration for him over the years.
Bill Roche specializes in designing curriculum-based resource packages related to
entrepreneurship, financial literacy and social responsibility. Bill worked directly in Langley
classrooms for over ten years and now supports teachers throughout the country in creating
real-world learning experiences for their students. Bill emphasizes in the video the importance
of entrepreneurial mindset especially because we live in a rapidly changing world. Things are
moving fast so for a person not to be left behind, they need to have a flexible and adaptable
mind and are able to see change before it happens.
A person needs confidence in himself to be able to identify and take advantage of new
opportunities. Bill Roche further states the importance of always aiming for continuous
improvement that is always growing, developing and improving to stay ahead. Bill Roche
recommends that is its best to start nurturing an Entrepreneurial mindset while someone is still
young. He has done that by creating an entrepreneurial program targeting elementary kids and
students between the ages of 9 to 12 years. Here, the kids are able to come up with their own
business and in the process, they draw up business plans, create their own products, engage in
marketing activities. Finally, the kids participate in the young entrepreneur show which is a
real-life event that exposes the kids to the first-hand experience of interacting with clients and
make some money.
He also said that when we help youth to develop an entrepreneurial mindset, we empower
them to be successful in our rapidly changing world. Whether they own a business or work for
someone else, young adults need the skills and confidence to identify opportunities, solve
problems and sell their ideas. This skillset can be encouraged and developed in elementary
schools, with the immediate benefit of increased success in school. And additionally, those
firsthand experience can be our stepping stone to gain entrepreneurial mindset and give rise to
our creativity that will actually help us turn our ideas into something great because it doesn’t
matter how big or small the idea but a matter of believing in your own idea.

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