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Quality. Christian. Education.

21st Century Literature from

the Philippines and the World
Quarter 1 Module 2: Lesson 1

Literary Genres and Samples Produced in the 21st

Century and the Ones from the Earlier periods

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Quarter 1 Module 2: Lesson 1
MELC 2: Compare and contrast the various 21st century literary genres and the ones from the
earlier genres/periods citing their elements, structures and traditions.
Specific Objectives:
1. Identify the literary genres and samples produced in the 21 st century and the ones
from the earlier periods.
2. Present a collection of literary genres and samples produced in the 21st century and
the ones from the earlier periods.
3. Appreciate the significance of the identified literary genres and samples by
highlighting its impact in literature.

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of the
Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency or office
wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. Such
agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of royalties.

Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks,
etc.) included in this book are owned by their respective copyright holders. Every effort has
been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their respective
copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership over them.

I. Introduction

By now, you should have already mastered writing a close analysis and critical
interpretation of literary texts. As you study this module, you will be able to identify the literary
genres produced in the 21st century and the ones from the earlier period.

Through literary genres and samples, this module will bring you to the current world of
Philippine writing in the 21st century and will also take you back to the period long before the
Spaniards set foot on the Philippine island. Studying this module will make you appreciate the
origin and development of Philippine literature through several generations.

As a student writer, your good knowledge of the literary genres and samples is beneficial
as it would help you in effectively establishing your connection with the readers. As a reader, it
would allow you to make sense of the materials that you are reading.

At the end of your module journey, you should be able to:

1.) identify the literary genres and samples produced in the 21st century and the
ones from the earlier periods;
2.) present a collection of literary genres and samples produced in the 21 st century
and the ones from the earlier periods;
3.) appreciate the significance of the identified literary genres and samples by
highlighting its impact in literature.
In order to achieve the above-mentioned learning competencies, this module will bring
you to a fun-filled learning journey which includes challenging tasks like creating your well-
designed literary genre chart! So, brace yourself as you engage in the different activities in this
module. Learn and have fun as you explore 21 st century and pre-colonial literary genres and

In order to experience a smooth-sailing journey, always make sure that you have your
pen and notebook with you! Are you ready for another exciting learning adventure? Please
open your module and let me welcome you, Literary Genres: A journey to the 21 st Century
and the Earlier Periods!

II. Pre-Test

Let us first test your prior knowledge about literary genres in the 21 st century and
the earlier periods.

Activity 1 Gear Up
A. Read each statement about literary genres in the 21 st century and the earlier periods. Write
#true if the statement is correct and #false if the statement is wrong.
Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

________1. Literary genres are anchored on the cultural orientation during the period when the
literature was produced.
________2. Blog is a literary genre written during the pre-colonial period.
________3. Words that are used in the 21st century are trendier than before.
________4. Most of the novels in the 21st century are now sequels.
________5. The target markets of 21st century novels are adults.

B. Determine the literary genre referred to in each statement. Choose the letter of the correct
answer from the list below. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper

a. Folk Narrative c. Riddles e. Chick Literature

b. Blog d. Flash Fiction

6. ______________ You plan to write about an online journal on your latest travel to a newly
opened resort in Sorsogon City.
7. ______________ Your younger sister wants you to tell her a local story. You chose to share
the story about the origin of Mayon Volcano.
8. ______________ You prefer this type of literature because you are not fond of reading or
writing lengthy tales.
9. ______________ Your collection of books is mostly about womanhood.
10. _____________ You would like to organize a guessing game competition that features the
culture of your own community.

Let us check your score!

8 – 10 Wow! You’re a literature genius!
6–7 Not so bad!
1–5 Cheer up, it’s alright.

Congratulations! You have just completed the pre-test. Completing this task makes you
more than ready to proceed to the next part of this module.

III. Lesson Proper

This time you will do a quick review of what you have learned in the previous

Activity 2 Retrospect

Match the name of the local authors to their written regional literatures. Write the letter of your
best answer in a separate sheet of paper.

Column A Column B
_____1. Melinda Bobis A. An Opon sa Ibalon Kan Mahale an Maskara
_____2. Emelina G. Regis B. Two Faces of the Forest
_____3. Francisco Penones Jr. C. Daragang Magayon
_____4. Honesto Pesimo Jr. D. Maynila: Libro ng Pibya
_____5. Jaime Jesus Borlagdan E. Sa Ngaran nin Aki

How did you find the quick review? Here’s how to rate your score!

3-5 Yes! You learned a lot from the previous module!

1-2 No! You need to study the contribution of local writers to the
development of regional literary traditions!

Way to go it is time to build your vocabulary!

Building Your Vocabulary

In this module, you will be introduced to varied literary genres and samples. It is then
essential to unlock some difficult words to facilitate an enjoyable reading journey.

Activity 3 Word Hunt

Read carefully each statement and determine the meaning of the highlighted word by using
some clue/s in the sentence. Encircle the letter of the best answer.
1. The tourist looked around astounded by the beauty of the place.
a. Shocked b. bored c. thrilled d. affected

2. The hapless tourists were stranded at the seaport for one week.
a. Blessed b. unfortunate c. old d. bad

3. The tourists are chafing at the delay of the ferry boat.

a. Pleased b. calm c. irritated d. happy

4. The passengers were pensive as they tried to grasp with what was happening.
a. Uncaring b. attentive c. ignorant d. innocent

5. The passenger is a benign old woman.

a. Gentle b. harsh c. violent d. thrifty

So, what is your score? Let us gauge your vocabulary!

4 - 5 Great job! You have a large vocabulary!

1- 3 Don’t worry! This module journey will help in enhancing your

Congratulations for answering this activity! This module journey will help you in
building your vocabulary!

Study These

Hi there! Before you embark on the next level of your module journey, you will be
tasked to read a local tale about the legend of Juan Mancilla.

The Legend of Juan Mancilla

Narration by Azucena Grajo Uranza

One day in a village in the Malasimbo Mountain of Juban, Sorsogon, Valerio found an
egg in the palay. He excitedly told his wife who responded that they can have the egg for their
supper. His wife put the egg away in the trunk for safekeeping. The couple forgot that they kept
the egg in the trunk. After several months, the couple heard a new-born baby crying. They
discovered the baby in the trunk that was obviously hatched from the egg. The couple thanked
the Providence who made their dream of a child come true. They named the girl Maria who
grew up to be a very lovely and good daughter. Looking so mysteriously beautiful, Mother
Valerio would wonder from what dimension Maria came.
A Spanish military officer named Mancilla, who looked so handsome and soldierly,
showed up in the village. His first meeting with Maria was magic. He eventually wooed her until
she became his wife. Temporarily, the young couple made their home with the old parents of
Maria. They had an infant son whom they named Juan. Mancilla was chafing because of his
exile in the mountain while Maria had also become restless. One day, Maria decided to weave
a shirt for her husband. She asked her to promise not to talk to her while she was weaving,
otherwise there will be dire consequences. Though Mancilla was heavy-hearted, he made a
solemn promise that he would abide by Maria’ request.
While Maria was weaving the shirt, Mancilla would attempt to talk to her but would end
up sitting quietly watching her. One morning, unable to stand the silence any longer, Mancilla
pulled off all the feathers of a pullet and let the chicken loose in front of Maria. Maria laughed
when she found the sight. Her husband, relieved, rejoiced over his success. Because they
broke their vow, a pensive Maria sorrowfully decided to go away. Mancilla was astounded but
could do nothing. Maria told Mancilla that if ever Juan cries and looks for her, he just needs to
bring him to the back porch and he will stop crying. Then she disappeared. True enough, Juan
would stop crying whenever Mancilla would take him to the back porch.
The baby, Juan Mancilla grew up to become as good looking as his parents. He too
joined the Spanish army and married a girl from town and had a baby son, whom they named
Juan. One day, Juan went to an inspection trip to the upland villages. He was gone for days
and did not return. A search was made for him but to no avail. His orderly reported that he
disappeared in the river. Juan’s wife could not believe the story and accused the orderly of
murdering her husband. The hapless orderly was thrown into jail. Mancilla appeared and
instructed the commander to release his orderly because no crime had been committed. The
orderly was released but Mancilla disappeared again and never returned.
It is said the Mancilla is not dead. He lives within the Malasimbo rain forest, and there’s
always someone willing to testify that he has seen the lieutenant. He has become ancient,
curled up in his old age, sitting in his favourite basket with a coconut shell for a walking cane –
a benign old man dispensing knowledge and advise to whoever would wish only well of his
fellowmen, giving shelter and protection to the unjustly victimize, and healing human illness and
broken hearts.

Thank you for reading! The local tale that you have just read is an example of a
folk narrative, more specifically known as a legend.

Activity 4 Draw Up

Let us do a comprehension check!

1. What makes the literary selection you have read a legend?

2. In what period do you think the legend was written? How did you find out?
3. Compare and contrast the “Legend of Juan Mancilla” to other legends you have read

Good job for answering the comprehension check! Keep going!

To equip you with more ideas about the various literary genres from different era
in this module journey, you need to understand the following key terms so that you will
not be lost as you traverse the 21st century and earlier periods.

Read the explanations carefully and answer the questions in the succeeding

What is a literary genre?

 It is a category of literary composition.

 Genres may be determined by literary technique, tone, content, or even (as in the case
of fiction) length.
 They are defined by the general cultural movement of the historical period in which they
were composed.
 Genre should not be confused with age categories, by which literature may be classified
as either adult, young-adult, or children's. They also must not be confused with format,
such as graphic novel or picture book.

What is 21st century literature?

 All literary works written and published at the latter part of the 21st century (from 2001
 These works are often characterized as gender sensitive, technologically alluding,
culturally pluralistic, operates on the extreme reality or extreme fiction, and questions
conventions and supposedly absolute norms.

What is referred to as the earlier period?

 This period is referred to as the pre-colonial period or the period long before the
Spaniards set foot on the Philippine islands.
 Most of ancient Philippine literature was really oral consisting of folk narratives, riddles,
proverbs, sayings, songs, ritual chants, and epics and was definitely community-bound.
 The expressions sprang from the experience of the community and served its needs
from the transmission of beliefs, values, ideals, customs, to entertainment. Many of
these expressions still survive in our time, having been handed down orally through

Source: Estroga, Joseh, Pre-Spanish Period Literature and Mythology of the Philippines,

There are several literary genres and it would not be possible to capture all of
them in this module. Identifying and categorizing the most common literary genres
would however be a good starting point.

Ready yourself as you read and learn about the most common literary genre in the
21st century and pre-colonial periods.
Literary Characteristics Literary Characteristics
Genres Genres
Blog It is an online journal or Epics These are narratives of sustained
informational website length based on oral tradition,
displaying information in the revolving around supernatural
reverse chronological order, events or heroic deeds, in the
with latest posts appearing form of verse which is either
first. It is a platform where a chanted or sung with a certain
writer or even a group of seriousness of purpose, and
writers share their views on an embodying or validating the
individual subject beliefs, customs, ideals, or life
values of the people.
Chik lit It is a fiction which addresses Folk These literatures were created to
issues of modern womanhood, narratives explain why certain things existed
often humorously or in their physical environment.
lightheartedly, It typically These come in the form of origin
features a female protagonist myths, legends, fables, tales of
whose womanhood is heavily the supernatural, and humorous
thematized in the plot. accounts about some trickster
Flash It is a style of fictional literature Proverbs These are terse statements of
fiction of extreme brevity. There is no practical wisdom based on long
widely accepted definition of experience and observations
the length of the category. It about life.
could range from a word to a
Illustrated Generally, 50% of the Riddles These attest to the wit and
novel narrative is presented without ingenuity and the richness of the
words. The reader must imagination of ancient
interpret the images in order to Filipinos.
comprehend the complete
Scifi It is a genre of speculative Songs These are of great variety,
fiction dealing with imaginative expressive of a gamut of human
concepts such as futuristic experiences and feelings. They
science and technology, space are used at almost every occasion
travel, faster than light travel, at work, at worship, and at play
parallel universe and accompanied with musical
extraterrestrial life. instrument, mostly of the
percussive and stringed varieties.

Source: Gacusan, Paulene, “21ST Century Literary Genre”

Do you understand now the various literary genres from different periods that you
have discovered so far?
What other literary genres in the 21 st century and pre-colonial periods you are
familiar with which are not cited in the discussion?

Given your knowledge of the literary genres in the 21 st century and precolonial
periods, you are now ready to embark on the next level of this module journey.

Enrichment Activities

Imagine yourself entering a 21st century library. The room is packed with a myriad
of books and reading materials. You joyfully hop from one shelf to another until you
chanced upon a mysterious white booklet. You pick it up and started unsealing the cover
and browsing the pages.

Your task this time is to read the literary samples and genres written in the said

1. Lobi

Langit sa itaas, Sky overhead

Langit sa ibaba Sky underneath
Tubi sa tunga Water in the middle
- Lobi - coconut

2. Maktan 1521
Written and illustrated by Tepal Pascual

The comic book centers on the events that led to the fateful
battle between Datu Lapu-Lapu and the explorer Ferdinand
Magellan on the island of Mactan in 1521. It’s an excellent
read for history buffs, as well as those looking to understand
the roots of the country we call our own.
Source: Tepal Pascual, Maktan 1521,
3. Latundan

An latundan dai masaha ki bunguran. [A

banana of the latundan variety
will not bring forth fruit of the bunguran variety.]

Source: Uranza, Azucena Grajo (2007),”The Ethnography of the Riddle,” Uranza, Azuena Grajo
(2007), “The Legend of Juan Mancilla, Sarabijon: A Journal of Sorsogon Studies, Sorsogon Heritage
Society: Sorsogon City Philippines.p. 80
4. Once Upon a Player
Agay Llanera

Gorgeous college senior Val Fabian is a player in every sense of the word. She’s the star of
her university’s volleyball team, and she never runs out of dates. But it seems that this year,
she has finally been bitten by the commitment bug. She sets her sights on an unexpected
target – the unassuming yet ultra-cute Jake Clementia. Val is used to getting what she wants,
and is sure she’ll snag him before graduation. But in the process of winning his heart, she is
sideswiped by a surprise move that sends her tumbling from her pedestal.

Source: Agay Llanera, Once Upon a Player, eupon-a-player

5. A Hiligaynon lullaby

Ili, ili, tulog anay

Wala diri imong nanay
Kadto tienda, bakal papay,
Ili-ili, tulog anay.

[Little one, little one, go to sleep,

Your mother is not here.
She went to the store to buy food,
Little one, little one go to sleep.]

Source: Smule, Ili-ili Tulog Anay,

Meet Micca Ella Collins, isang ordinaryong teenager na currently

nasa ika-apat na taon ng high school, pero hindi tulad ng ibang
estudyante, malungkot and high school life niya, biktima siya ng
karahasan na kadalasan nangyayari sa mga paaralan,

Paano kaya kung isang araw, malaman niyang mayroon siyang secret abilities na tinatawag na
telekinesis? Gagamitin ba niya sa tama ang kanyang kapangyarihan o paghihigantihan niya
ang lahat ng nanakit sa kanya?

Source: UNKNOWNnimousXD, Secretly Telekinetic,

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DepEd expects fewer enrollees despite longer enrollment period

by DepEd Tambayan Staff

July 2, 2020
The Department of Education (DepEd) said Wednesday it expects a lower number of enrollees
this year than last year as the coronavirus pandemic continues to disrupt the financial stability of
families across the world.

The DepEd does not aim to match the 27 million enrollees for the previous school year,
Education Secretary Leonor Briones said as she noted the negative impact of the health crisis
on the income of many families.

“Talagang natatamaan ang education. Sinabi na yan kagabi na magne-negative growth tayo.
Malaking impact yan sa mga parents na nagpapa-aral sa private schools,” Briones said.

(Education will really be affected. It was already said that we will incur a negative growth. That
will have a huge impact on parents who have children studying in private schools.)

“Expected namin na hindi makuha ang 27 million,” she added, referring to enrollees.

(We expect that we won’t be able to reach 27 million.)

Data from DepEd shows that more than 16 million learners have enrolled so far for the
upcoming school year.

On Tuesday, Malacañang and DepEd announced the extension of enrollment for public schools
until July 15. The enrollment period was supposed to end on June 30.

Source: DepEd Tambayan, DepEd Expects Fewer Enrollees Despite Longer Enrollment Period,

I think you are now ready to identify the era when each literary sample was
written, Good luck!

Activity 5 Jot Down

Given your knowledge about the literary genres and their characteristics, you
should be able to demonstrate mastery in categorizing the literary samples according to
their genre types and the period when the samples were produced.

The first one is done for you. Grab your pen and notebook!

Title of the Literary Period Literary Genre Justify your answer

Lobi Precolonial Riddle A person needs to think profoundly
in order to give a correct answer.

Maktan 1521 1. 2. 3.
Latundan 4. 5. 6.
Once Upon a 7. 8. 9.
A Hiligaynon Lullaby 10. 11. 12.

Secretly 13. 14. 15.

DepEd Tambayan 16. 17. 18.

So, how did you fare in activity 4?

17 –18 Excellent job!

15- 16 Very satisfactory!
11 – 14 Fairly Satisfactory
1 – 10 Study harder please!

The journey is far from over! To keep things going, you will have to continue
reading the remaining two literary samples from that mysterious white booklet. Keep
Biag Ni-Lam-Ang
Leopoldo Yabes

Don Juan and his wife Namongan lived in Nalbuan, now part
of La Union in the northern part of the Philippines. They had
a son named Lam-ang. Before Lam-ang was born, Don Juan
went to the mountains in order to punish a group of their
Igorot enemies. While he was away, his son Lam-ang was
born. It took four people to help Namongan give birth. As
soon as the baby boy, popped out, he spoke and asked that
he be given the name Lam-an. He also chose his
godparents and asked where his father was.
After nine months of waiting for his father to return, Lam-ang
decided he would go look for him. Namongan thought Lam-
ang was up to the challenge but she was sad to let him go.
During his exhausting journey, he decided to rest for a while.
He fell asleep and had a dream about his father’s head being
stuck on a pole by the Igorot. Lamang was furious when learned what had happened to his
father. He rushed to their village and killed them all, except for one whom he let go so that he
could tell other people about Lam-ang’s greatness.
Upon returning to Nalbuan in triump, he was bathey by women in the Amburayan river. All the
fish died because of the dirt and odor from Lam-ang’s body. There was a young woman named
Ines Kannoyan whom Lam-ang wanted to woo. She lived in Calanutian and he brought along
his white rooster and gray dog to visit her. On the way, Lam-ang met his enemy Sumarang,
another suitor of Ines whom he fought and readily defeated.
Lam-ang found the house of Ines surrounded by many suitors all of whom were trying to catch
his attention. He had his rooster crow, which caused a nearby house to fall. This made Ines
look out. He had his dog bark and in an instant the fallen house rose up again. The girl’s
parents witnessed this and called for him. The rooster expressed the love of Lam-ang. The
parents agreed to a marriage with their daughter if Lam-ang would give them a dowry valued at
double their wealth. Lamang had no problem fulfilling this condition and he and Ines were
It was a tradition to have a newly married man swim in the river for the rarang fish.
Unfortunately, Lam-ang dove straight into the mouth of the water monster Berkakan. Ines had
Marco get his bones, which he covered with a piece of cloth. His rooster crowed and his dog
barked and slowly the bones started to move. Back alive, Lam-ang and his wife lived happily
ever after with his white rooster and gray dog.

Source: FFE PKM Staff, Philippine Superhero Series: Lam-ang,,

Cotton Candy

“One more, please?” Pedro cried out a prayer. He

counted the small change he got from yesterday’s
earnings. He still needed to meet his daily quota of
cotton candy sales before he could start making any
profits for the day.
The gloom on his face being frightened and he couldn’t
help a smile broaden when two beautifully dressed girls
approached him. “Manong, can we get two cotton
candies please?” the girl in a blue dress asked. “Yes,
of course, iha,” he replied.
“Teresa! Come inside the van, we’re about to leave,” a
man’s voice shouted.
“Ah, sorry Manong. Time to go,” she apologized.
“I’ll come back next week.”
The smile on Pedro’s face melted as he nodded hopefully
at the girl.
Then, a lady carrying a baby from his side asked for half
a dozen pieces.
“Thank you,” Pedro graciously whispered.

Source: Zorlone, Cotton Candy,
Activity 6 Weigh Up

Did you like what you read? How do you distinguish a 21 st century literature from
the ones written during the pre-colonial period?

It is clear that the inspiration of 21 st century and pre-colonial literatures is about

life. While 21st century literature is widely used now, literatures in the pre-colonial period
are evidently used until now.

Do you still have your pen and notebook handy? Using a Venn diagram, compare
and contrast the characteristics of the two literary pieces from 21 st century and pre-
colonial period.

Complete the chart below by describing the distinguishing the characteristics of the two literary

Way to go for accomplishing Venn diagram! You are now more than equipped in
identifying the distinguishing characteristics of 21st century literature from the ones
written during the pre-colonial period.

Activity 7 Link it

Let us now connect your knowledge on literary genres, 21st century and pre-
colonial literatures to your real-life experiences.
1. What are the literary genres that you are most familiar with? Name them.

2. Have you read a 21st century literature? What is it all about?


3. What pre-colonial Philippine literature are you most fond of? Why do you like it?


Let us check what you have learned!

Activity 8 Over Drive

1. Which of the literary genres is easy to identify? Which is difficult? Why?


2. Why do you need to identify these literary genres?



Wow! You have gone this far! Now is the perfect time to apply what you have
learned in this journey.

Activity 9 Run Through

Build your own collection of 21 st century and pre-colonial literary genres by

1. Look for 5 literary genres and samples in the 21st century and 5 literary genres
and samples in the pre-colonial period.
2. The chosen literary genre must have the following information:
a. Literary genre
b. Corresponding period
c. The title of the literary sample
d. Short description of each of the sample
e. An image/ photo
3. Give your chart a good title.
4. Organize and present your literary genre chart creatively.


Indicators 3 2 1
Excellent Good Poor
Title The title clearly relates A title is present but it is No title is present.
to the content of the not related to the
chart. content of the chart.
Content All 5 information such There are 1-2 missing There are 3-4
as literary genre, information in the chart. missing information
period, title. Short in the chart.
description, image/
photo are present.
Work quality/ Exceptionally creative, Lacks originality, well- Work appears
Creativity well- designed, neat and designed, neat and messy and in a
attractive attractive hurry

Timeliness Submitted before the Submitted on the due Submitted 1 day

due date date after the due date

Source: Napa Valley College, Creating Grading Rubric Examples.

Well-done for making your own literary genre chart! ☺

Activity 10 Take Away

1. In this time of pandemic, to what other areas or situations can you use your knowledge of
literary genres in the 21st century and pre-colonial period?

2. Given your knowledge about literary genres, what type of genre would you like to develop?

3. What do you think is the impact of the literary genres produced in the 21 st century and pre-
colonial period in literature?
IV. Assessment

Awesome job! You are almost done with your module journey! This assessment
activity will test how much you have learned about literary genres produced in the 21 st
century and pre-colonial periods!

Classify the following statements as GENUINE or FAKE. Write GENUINE if the statement is
right and FAKE if it is wrong. If the statement is FAKE, identify the word/s that make/s the
statement wrong. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

1. The term “ultra-cute” is a term used in pre-colonial literatures.

2. Similar to 21st century literatures, pre-colonial literatures are also made into movies.
3. Pre-colonial literatures are written for the reading pleasure of adults.
4. The cultural orientation at the time the literatures were produced hardly influence the
composition of literary genres.
5. Technology is not essential in producing 21st century literatures.

Determine the literary genre referred to in statement. Write the letter of the correct answer in
a separate sheet of paper.

6. Your interest is more on expressing your story through colorful images. Which literary genre
should you use?
a. Scifi b. Flash fiction c. Illustrated novel d. Chick lit

7. Your teacher asked you to read and critique a story about the journey in the space of a 21st
century kid. What is the literary genre of the story?
a. Blog b. Flash Fiction c. Chick Lit d. Scifi

8. Your grandmother always shares her wise sayings about life. What is her favorite genre?
a. Riddles b. Proverb c. Epic d. Folk Narrative

9. You would like to present a role play on the heroism of female teachers during the
pandemic. What genre is most applicable?
a. Epic b. Folk Narrative c. Illustrated Novel d. Chick lit

10. You simply enjoy expressing yourself by vocalizing and playing the guitar. Which genre are
you most fond of?
a. Songs b. Epic c. Proverbs d. Riddles .
Let’s rate your score!

5- 8 Great job! Pat yourself on the back! ☺

1 -4 It’s ok, but you need to study harder!
Congratulations for making it this far! Keep up the good work and prepare
yourself for the final and yet most exciting task in this module!

V. Enrichment/ Additional Task

Activity 11 Wind up

Would you like to find out the literary genre preferences of 21 st century learners in
this time of pandemic? Buckle up as you enrich yourself by accomplishing this last


Put a check on the literary genres that you like to read.

Literary Genres 21st century

Chik lit
Flash fiction
Illustrated novel
Literary Genres Pre-colonial
Folk narratives


1. Using the survey checklist shown above, conduct a survey among your 10 Facebook friends
via text messaging or Facebook messenger.
2. Request your friends to honestly put a check on the literary genres that they like to read.
3. Count the number/ frequency of checks on each genre and rank the responses.
4. Using a tabular/ graphic presentation, provide the result of the survey.
5. Link the result of the survey to the characteristics of your respondent friends.
6. Write a paragraph below your table/ graph to show the characterization of the responses.

Scoring Rubric
Indicators 3 2 1
Excellent Good Poor
Content All information such as There are 1-2 missing There are 3-4
literary genre and information in the missing information
period, frequency, rank presentation in the presentation.
are present.
Presentation The result is presented The result is presented The result is
in a clear and orderly clearly but not in an presented in a poor
manner. orderly manner. manner.
Work quality/ Exceptionally creative, Lacks originality, well- Work appears
Creativity well- designed, neat and designed, neat and messy and in a
attractive attractive hurry
Timeliness Submitted before the Submitted on the due Submitted 1 day
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Answer Key

Activity 1
1. # true 2. #false 3. #true 4. # true 5. # false
6. blog 7. Folk 8. flash fiction 9. Chick Lit Riddle

Activity 2
1. c 2. b 3. a 4. e 5. d

Activity 3
1. a 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. a

Activity 4
1. It is a genre because it a category or classification of written literatures.
2. It was written during the earlier period as shown in the setting of the story.
3. It explains the creation of the mysterious old man Juan Mancilla.

Activity 5
Title of the Period Literary Justify your answer
Literary Genre
Lobi 1. Pre-colonial 2. Riddle 3.
Maktan 1521 4.21st century 5. Illustrated 6. The cover of the comic book is a
Novel visual illustration of the novel.
Latundan 7. Pre-colonial 8. Proverb 9. It is a brief saying the reality of life.

Once Upon a 10.21st century 11. Chick lit 12. The story is all about a lady
Player volleyball player.
A Hiligaynon 13. pre 14. Song 15. It is a very popular lullaby song
Lullaby colonial - until now, sang by mothers to put
their babies to sleep.
Secretly 16. 21st 17. Scifi 18. The word “telekinetic” gives a hint
TELEKINETIC century that it’s about science fiction.
DepEd 19. 21st 20. Blog 21. It instructs the readers to like their
Tambayan century Facebook page for updates.

Activity 6
Period Title and Literary Genre Distinguishing characteristics
21st century Cotton Candy/ Flash The story is presented and captured using
Fiction very few words. It’s subject, cotton candy,
signifies the time that it was written the21st

Pre-colonial Biag-Ni Lam-ang/ Epic It features Biag-Ni Lam-ang as a

supernatural hero whose customs depict the
pre-colonial period.

Activity 7
1. Students may be more exposed to the literary genres in the 21 st century but the ones
produced during the pre-colonial period are likely more familiar to them. Folk narratives,
epics, songs, proverbs and riddles have been taught at school since they were in
2. Students may provide varied answers on the 21st century literary genres they have read.
Let them share their reading experiences.
3. Students may provide varied answers on the pre-colonial literary genres that they are
most fond of. Let them share their answers.

Activity 8
1. Students may provide varied answers on their learning abilities and difficulties. Let them
share their answers.
2. The ability of the students in identifying literary genres would help them decide in
appropriately choosing their reading preferences.

Activity 9
The literary genre chart of the students will be rated using the scoring rubric.

Activity 10
1. The students may use their knowledge on literary genres in developing their interest/
love for reading. The pandemic requires them to stay at home and learning how to
choose their preferred literature would greatly help them in their reading experience.
2. The students may share varied answers based on their reading interests.
3. Literary genres produced in the 21st century and pre-colonial period provide a vivid
picture of the origin and development of Philippine literature through several generations

Test Yourself

1. FAKE, used 2. GENUINE 3. FAKE, 4. FAKE, 5. GENUINE

everyone hardly
6. c 7. d 8. b 9. d 10. a

Activity 11
The survey presentation of the students will be rated using the scoring rubric.

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