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WAKTU : 18.30 – 20.00

Name : Bernadeta Imanes Refila Agni

NIM : 190610123
Class : R33F Akuntansi

1. Circle the topic and underline the controlling idea in each of the following sentences.
a. Moving away from home can be a stressful experience for young people.
b. A major problem for many students is the high cost of tuition and books.
c. Participating in class discussion is a problem for several different groups of

2. Write down the topic sentence, supporting sentence, and concluding sentence.
Modern communication technology is driving workers in the corporate world
crazy. They feel buried under the large number of messages they receive daily. In
addition to telephone calls, office workers receive dozens of e-mail and voice mail
messages daily. In one company, in fact, managers receive an average of 100 messages
a day. Because they do not have enough time to respond to these messages during
office hours, it is common for them to do so in the evenings or on weekends at home.
 Topic sentence : Modern communication technology is driving workers in the
corporate world crazy.
 Supporting sentence : They feel buried under the large number of messages they
receive daily. In addition to telephone calls, office workers receive dozens of e-
mail and voice mail messages daily. In one company, in fact, managers receive an
average of 100 messages a day.
 Concluding sentence : Because they do not have enough time to respond to these
messages during office hours, it is common for them to do so in the evenings or on
weekends at home.

3. Choose the transition signal that best shows the relationship between the sentences in
each group.
a. The same article said that the causes of inflation were easy to find however the
cure for inflation was not so easy to prescribe. (however, for example, therefore)
b. Era also suggested that rising wages were one of the primary causes of inflation
therefore the government should take action to control wages. (however; therefore,
for example)

4. A. Add punctuation to the following direct quotations, and change the capitalization if

1) “A black hole is a tiny point with the mass 25 times the mass of our sun,”
explained Ma's associate, Chun-Yi Suo. “Black holes are created by the death
of a very large star,” she stated.

2) “Time will slow down for him as he approaches the point of no return,” she
said, “and when he reaches the point of no return, time will stand still for him.”

B. Rewrite the following direct quotations as indirect quotations

1) Pre-med student Alma Rodriguez said, "I miss being on campus, but I have to
work and take care of my family."
Indirect quotations : Pre-med student Alma Rodriguez said that she missed
being on campus, but she had to work and take care of her family.

2) Other students said, "Last year, we spent several hours a day commuting to and
from school. Now we don't have to do that."
Indirect quotations : Other students said that last year, they spent several hours
a day commuting to and from school. Now they don't have to do that.

5. Write paragraph by choosing one topic below. Don't forget to add topic, supporting,
and concluding sentence; then your paragraph should be unity and coherence. You can
collect the supporting data from internet or others. (At least 2 paragraphs, each
paragraph consists of 5 – 10 sentences)
a. Jewelry
b. Pop culture
c. Advance technology

Topic : Jewelry

Women will always be excited when talking about jewelry , with various
benefits that make women also admire it so much . The first benefit is Jewelry always
makes women feel beautiful and confident. The second benefit is jewelry, especially
those made of precious metals so that they can be stored and will not change their
shape and shine. The third benefit is that jewelry has the ability to highlight a woman's
personality and showcase her best features when wearing the right clothes. The fourth
benefit is that there are many new designs and styles so that it is suitable to be used as
a complement to special events such as weddings and birthdays. Because there are so
many benefits of this jewelry, women sometimes dare to spend a lot of money to buy
this jewelry even though the price is quite expensive.

As the times are becoming more modern, there are many forms and models of
various kinds of jewelry that are increasingly attractive and charming. The necklace
has 2 models, namely a plain necklace and an eye necklace. A plain necklace is a
necklace that does not have a pendant or a necklace that only has a chain. While the
eye necklace is a necklace that has been accompanied by a pendant. Rings are jewelry
that is circular on the finger, rings are widely used by women and men such as
diamond and plain models. Bracelets are jewelry that is wrapped around the wrists and
feet, there are two forms of bracelets, namely bobble chain bracelets and bangle
bracelets. Earrings are usually used on women, but because of the outbreak of punk
rock style earrings can also be installed on men, the earring models include Teardrop,
Hoop, Stud / prick and Slave. Many women collect various forms of jewelry ranging
from necklaces, rings, bracelets, to earrings because the models are increasingly
diverse and beautiful.

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