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As we know, education is an important thing and is one of the rights that humans have.

Many people think that education is one indicator that determines and directs the direction of
a person's life. It is often said that education will be able to shape and hone one's talents and
abilities, therefore education is always used as a benchmark for everyone's quality. And we
need to know that education is given to humans since they are still in the early childhood stage
(0-8 years).

But before discussing further about the nature of education, do you know what is
meant by nature and what is meant by education? According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary,
essence is the essence or basis, and it can also be said that essence is the actual reality (facts).
While the definition of education according to Law no. 20 of 200, education is a conscious and
planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively
develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence,
noble character, and skills needed by themselves, society, nation. and country. And according
to Ki Hajar Dewantara (Indonesian National Education Leader) education is an effort to guide
the natural strength of every child so that they are able to grow and develop as humans and as
members of society who can achieve safety and happiness in their lives. Therefore, the nature
of education will discuss the essence/facts in education.

In education there are elements that cause an education to run well, namely:
● Learners
● Educators Educational
● objectives Educational
● material (content) Educational
● methods/tools Educational
● environment
If any of the above elements are not met, education can still run, but not necessarily going well
as when all the above elements are met.
In addition to discussing education, the nature of education also discusses the science of
education. Where the science of education is composed of two words, namely science and
education. According to Prof. Brodjonegoro and Drs. Soetedjo, Educational science is
educational theory, reflection on education. It can be seen from this understanding that the
science of education is closely related to education and what distinguishes it is only the
components in it.

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