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Summative assessment for the unit 3 «Earth and our place in it»

I. Listening. (5 points)
CD 23 (Spotlight 6) You will hear an American student who is studying in London. Choose the
correct answer A,B,C

1. Compared to New York, Emma says London has

A. worse night life B. nicer buildings C. cheaper shops
2. When she walks around London, Emma never has any trouble…
A.finding her way around the streets B.crossing London’s roads C.getting directions from people when she
is lost.
3. Emma says Londoners are….
A. worse at obeying rules than New Yorkers B.more patient than New Yorkers C.almost as friendly as
New Yorkers
4. When asked about transport, Emma says….
A. the buses are too slow B. tube tickets should be cheaper C.the taxi drivers aren’t polite
5. Emma likes the housing in London because…
A.the buildings are quiet B. the neighbours don’t mind noise C. the flats are modern

II. Speaking. (5 points)

1. Design an unusual house. Think about location, material, type, rooms, special features, furniture,
neighbourhood/ facilities nearby, what you like about your house
2. Describe the place where you live. Think of location, mention advantages / disadvantages of living
here, what facilities (shops, places of entertainment, sport centers etc) there are, geographical
features (rivers, lakes, mountains), transport system, pace of life.

Summative assessment for the unit 3 «Earth and our place in it»

I. Listening. (5 points)
CD 23 (Spotlight 6) You will hear an American student who is studying in London. Choose the
correct answer A,B,C

1. Compared to New York, Emma says London has

A. worse night life B. nicer buildings C. cheaper shops
2. When she walks around London, Emma never has any trouble…
A.finding her way around the streets B.crossing London’s roads C.getting directions from people when she
is lost.
3. Emma says Londoners are….
A. worse at obeying rules than New Yorkers B.more patient than New Yorkers C.almost as friendly as
New Yorkers
4. When asked about transport, Emma says….
A. the buses are too slow B. tube tickets should be cheaper C.the taxi drivers aren’t polite
5. Emma likes the housing in London because…
A.the buildings are quiet B. the neighbours don’t mind noise C. the flats are modern

II. Speaking. (5 points)

1. Design an unusual house. Think about location, material, type, rooms, special features, furniture,
neighbourhood/ facilities nearby, what you like about your house
2. Describe the place where you live. Think of location, mention advantages / disadvantages of living
here, what facilities (shops, places of entertainment, sport centers etc) there are, geographical
features (rivers, lakes, mountains), transport system, pace of life.

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