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Teacher’s Name
Student’s Level (CEFR)
Skills to develop
The objective must contain an action, the topic, and the context. This is the goal
the student is going to achieve at the end of the lesson

Here you design, adapt, or use different activities to teach your topic to the students, it
could be focused on a grammar topic but centered on the development of different
communicative skills. Consider that all the exercises are directed to your students, so
your instructions must be clear and brief. (Here you are going to include only the activities
and the instructions for your students, make sure to include activities for a one-hour
lesson). Remember all the activities must be related to the topic and level chosen.

Warm-up (activity)
● Here you design, adapt, or use an activity to introduce the topic. With a good
warmer you can put your students into English mode; attentive, interested, and
ready to participate. A warmer can also serve to review language from a previous
lesson or prime the class for a new topic. This activity cannot be longer than ten

Presentation (activity)
● Here you design, adapt, or use an activity to present the topic, you could use some
examples to explain your topic. The content depends on the topic you are going
to develop in class. For example, if you are going to base your lesson in reading
comprehension you can include here the reading or an example of what the
students need to do, if you are going to base your class on grammar, here you
can show the students the uses, forms and some examples of the topic applied to
the context.

Practice (activity)
● Here you design, adapt, or use an activity that will make your students practice
the topic. Then in here, you are going to include different activities to exercise
what the students are practicing and learning.

Evaluation (activity)
● Here you design, adapt or use an activity to evaluate your topic. Here you need
to include productive activities for your students to see their performance and
process, then you can include: quizzes, fill-in-the-blanks, cloze activities, writings,
essays, tales, listening exercises, matching questions, dialogues, role plays, peer
evaluation and review, poll/quiz results in real time, exit cards, and any other
activitiy you may found appropriate to evaluate your class.

● Here you write the references for the exercises you adapt or use from other
sources. (APA style)

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