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it’s vaccination day guyss!!

I wear a purple mask

I wear jacket because I think it will be easier
just take it down and lifting my shirt like this
got to go!!
on the way to the destination
the place was not far from my home
just around 500m only
but there are so many people here
I feel a bit suffocated right now
look at that cat, it has been sleeping since I arrived
“how can you sleep in such a noisy environment?!?!”
can you see people in the hall??
HAHAH I don’t think you can see it
my mom
she has completed 2 doses, how lucky
my shoes are so dirty…
I forgot to clean it first
I study for my upcoming exam while waiting for my turn
it’s a history subject
it’s hard to focus in a noisy environment
10 minutes before I got my vaccination
OHH and i saw this
written words “PFIZER”
I feel nervous..., my teacher said the effect is a bit strong
but it’s okay guys, remember “prevention is better than cure”
I’m not lying but it does not hurt as you think
and I still can handle the effect after vaccination
no need to worry guys
done first dose! and waiting for the second dose

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