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Sate taichan was created from the coming of a young pair Japanese and Indonesian mudns who
wanted to buy sate Madura in senayan area. Sate taichan it self is a chicken satay Burning without
nutting and beyond spice. Here's the ingredients and how to make sate taichan;


 chicken meat
 satan chili
 tomato
 Onion and garlic
 lime
 Lontong rice
 Salt, pepper, sugar and chicken broth
 Soy sauce

Steps to make sate taichan:

1. First, wash clean chicken meat already filled by using a juice of the lime,chicken is not fishy
2. After washed, cut the dice shaped chicken according to the size in the want
3. Then drain the chicken meat, and put it into the bowl to be mixed into the spice
4. Insert the temple sholves, 12 cloves garlic, 6 cloves onion, 1 teaspoon pepper, 1 teaspoon salt,
2 wick chicken broth, 1/2 seasoning, 5 pieces of lime, let stand for chicken for 30 minutes to
5. After 30 minutes of chicken meat with a sample
6. Then roasted satay in the grill, Will in the other of soy in the skin Will be different
7. After sate taichan in bake, drain in a clean place and in the tissue alikes so satay is not very

Anggota Kekompok :

 M.iqbal saputra
 Giovani bhakti ramadhan
 Yoba agustian depisen
 Yuyun afriani
 Nyanyu putri ayu Agustina
 Oktari ramadanti
Steps to make sate taichan sauce:
1. First, prepare satan Chilli and wash the clean and drain in to bowl
2. Then wash 1/2 kg tomatoes the drain in the clean bowl
3. Then wash the garlic as much as 7 crooses then drain
4. Booked Chilli, tomatoes and garlic than have been wasted up to boiling water up boil After
boiled, cabes, tomatoes and garlics into the blender and add 2 tablespoon of sugar, 1
teaspoon of salt and 5 tablespoon of juice lime then blender
5. Last, cooking sauce that already on the blender with a little water

Satay taichan is ready to be served

Anggota Kekompok :
 M.iqbal saputra
 Giovani bhakti ramadhan
 Yoba agustian depisen
 Yuyun afriani
 Nyanyu putri ayu agustina
 Oktari ramadanti

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