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AP3 Final Written Exam

(Listening & Theory application)

Name: Katherine Troncos Patiño Date: April 28th ____________

Teacher: Jack Ramos ___________________ Schedule: 10:30-12:00 _________

SECTION 1 – Hearing for intonation patterns

A. In this section, you will be tested on your ability to recognize intonation patterns. You
do not need to know the meaning of the words. Listen to your teacher carefully and put
an (X) next to the sentence that follows the intonation contours that you will hear. (2
points each; subtotal = 16 points)


1. Where can I find a bank around here? X 1. Where can I find a bank around here?

X 2. Gyms aren’t open after 12, are they? 2. Gyms aren’t open after 12, are they?

3. Helen knows Italy, France and Spain… X 3. Helen knows Italy, France and Spain…

4. Where were you born? X 4. Where were you born?

X 5. Shall we order a pizza or a lasagna? 5. Shall we order a pizza or a lasagna?

6. Tomorrow’s a holiday. X 6. Tomorrow’s a holiday?

X 7. I’ll come back… 7. I’ll come back.

X 8. You had a pet, didn’t you? 8. You had a pet, didn’t you?

AP3_FW_16C6_SC 1

A. In this section, you will be tested on your ability to discriminate meanings and interpret
the message. Listen to the statements/questions and highlight the one showing the
most logical alternative. Do not write down the questions or statements that you are about to
hear. (3 points each; subtotal = 18 points)

1. a. The speaker is offering two alternatives: brother or sister. X

b. The speaker is asking a general question about siblings.

2. a. The speaker wants to confirm the information.

b. The speaker is not sure of the information. X

3. a. The speaker is asking you to choose one of the alternatives.

b. The speaker has not finished listing all the alternatives. X

4. a. The person has more than one nephew. One of these nephews is an artist and lives in Paris.
b. The person has only one nephew. This nephew happens to be an artist and lives in Paris.

5. a. Jason said that Connie was his colleague. X

b. Connie said that Jason was her colleague.

6. a. The person bought only two things. X

b. The person bought three things.

B. In this section you will be tested on your ability to discriminate meanings and provide
an appropriate response. Listen to the statements/questions and highlight the one
showing the best alternative. Do not write down the questions or statements that you are
about to hear. (3 points each; subtotal = 18 points)

1. a. Oh, sorry I forgot to tell you. Yes, I work for Delta Airlines. X
b. I knew you would remember me.

2. a. But I thought Tim was taking her to the party. X

b. I’m sorry, but I’m taking Linda’s sister.

3. a. Sorry. I spoke in a low voice. I am a nutritionist . X

b. Well, if you should know, I work for the government.
4. a. Were you going to say anything else?
b. Since you are asking us to make a choice, I’d rather we went dancing. X

5. a. Why? Mr. Foster is a very lazy student. In fact, I think he will never graduate. X
b. Well, you’re not really prepared. You have to try harder the next time.

6. a. You found only two of them? I have 7.X

b. Oh, I hope you found many. You could sell them for good money.

AP3_FW_16C6_SC 2

A. In this section, you will be tested on your ability to determine the intonation contours
in specific situations. Pay careful attention to the context and place the appropriate
lines to show the necessary intonation for the phrases in bold. (2 points each; subtotal = 18

1. Mother: You took the clothes to the laundry, didn’t you?


Son: You don’t know? When I checked, Dad had done it already.

2. Host: What would you like to drink, wine, whiskey…?

(2) (3)

Guest: Wine would be perfect.

3. Kathleen: Did Linda have a baby-boy or a baby-girl?

(4) (5)

Friend: A baby-girl!

4. Employee: Guess what!

Co-worker: Oh, I‘ve already been told. You’ve been promoted, haven’t you?

B. In this section, you will be tested on your ability to determine the use of reductions.
Pay careful attention to the context and highlight the appropriate choice in bold. (2
points each; subtotal = 12 points)

1. I think I’m going to / gonna have to call your mother.

2. They’re going to / gonna Sydney next week.

3. A friend told me that / that you worked abroad for many years.
[æ] [ǝ]

4. Enrique would have / have had the best time ever.

[æ] [ǝ]

5. I forgot to bring the / the MP3 player.

[ðǝ] [ðiy]

6. That / That is an interesting question.

AP3_FW_16C6_SC 3
[æ] [ǝ]

C. Here, you will be tested on your ability to identify the most important logical thought-groups.
Use a slash ( / ) to separate ideas. (3 points each; subtotal = 18 points)

1. I’m not sure / when the bus will come. (one slash)

2. I haven’t signed up for the conference / because I have too much pending work. (one slash)

3. My sister, / who lives in Bogota, / is visiting tomorrow. (two slashes)

4. He said / that that one wasn’t working. (one slash)

5. The boy who’s standing by the door / is my brother. (one slash)

6. Mary, / tell Michael to come home. (one slash)


AP3_FW_16C6_SC 4

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