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Check the thickness of reinforced concrete shear wall shown below and design the horizontal and
vertical reinforcement satisfying SBC 304 requirements. Use
f c = 20.68 MPa and fy = 413.69

Shear wall

hw = 4.267 m (height of the shear wall)

lw = 3.048 m (length of the shear wall)

h = 0.2 m (thickness of the shear wall)

V n=
√ f 'c hd (SBC Section 11.10.3)

d=0 . 80 lw =(0.8)(10*0.3048) = 2.4384 m (SBC Section 11.10.4)

5 5
V n=
√ f 'c hd =( 6 )( √ 20.68 )(0.2032)(2.4384) = 1877.7 kN> 1067.57 kN OK

Compute V c for wall (lesser of two values)

1 ' N d 1
V c= √ f c hd + u 20 . 68(0 . 2032)(2. 4384)+0
a. 4 4 lw = 4 √

=563 kN controls (SBC Equation 11.29)


V c =[ 0 .5 √ f 'c +
( √ f 'c +2 l
) ]
Mu lw 10

b. Vu 2 (SBC Equation 11.30)

Computing V u and M u at the lesser of l w /2= 3.048/2=1.524 m or

hw /2=4 . 267/2=2 . 134 m from base (SBC Section 11.10.7)

V u = 1067.57 kN

M u = 1067.57(4.267-1.524) = 2928.345 kN.m

3.048 ( √20.68+0.00 ) (0.2032)(2.4384)

V c =[ 0.5 √ 20.68+ ]
2928.345 3.048 10

1067.57 2
= 676.06 kN
In shear reinforcement needed?
φV c (0 .75 )(1. 00 )(563)
= =211. 13 kN
2 2 < 1067.57 kN Yes
Select horizontal shear reinforcement
V u =φV c +φV s
Av f y d
V u =φV c +φ
A v V u −φV c 1067 . 57−(0 .75 )(563)
= = =8 .53∗10−4 m=0 . 085 cm
s φf y d (0 . 75)( 413 .69∗1000)(2 . 4384 )
Try different sized horizontal bars with A v = two bar cross sectional area. Two layer of

horizontal bars will be placed at the calculated spacing A v = twice the bar area compute S 2 =

vertical spacing of horizontal shear reinforcement.

(2 )(0. 785 )
S= =18. 47 cm
Try Ф 10 bars: 0 . 085
(2 )(1. 13)
S= =26 . 59 cm
Try Ф 12 bars: 0 . 085
Maximum spacing of the horizontal stirrups
l w (3 . 048)
5 5.0 = 0.61m = 61 cm (SBC Section
3h = (3)(0.2032) = 0.61m = 61 cm

0.50 m Use Ф 12 @ 250 mm

A g= wall thickness times the vertical spacing of the horizontal stirrups
Av (2 )(1 . 13)
ρt = = =0 . 00445
Ag (25 )(20. 32)

Which is greater than the minimum ρn of 0.0025 required by SBC (

Use 2 Ф 12 horizontal bars 250 mm. o.c. vertically

Design vertical shear reinforcing

ρl =0 .0025+ 0. 5 2. 5−
lw)( ρ h−0. 0025 )
(SBC Equation 11-32)
4 . 267
=0 . 0025+0 . 5 2 .5−( 3 .048 )
(0 . 00445−0. 0025 )

= 0.00357

Assume Ф 12 vertical bars with A v = two-bars cross-sectional areas and with S = horizontal

spacing of vertical bars.

(2 )(1. 13)
(20 . 32)(0 . 00357) = 31.15 cm
Final Reinforcing Details

Maximum horizontal spacing of vertical stirrups

l w (3 . 048)
= =1 .016 m
3 3.0 (SBC Section
3h = (3)(0.2032) = 0.61m
1.50 m
Use 2 Ф 12 vertical bars 300 mm. c/c horizontally

Design vertical flexural reinforcing

M u = (1067.57)(4.267) = 4555.32 Kn.m at base of wall

Mu (4555 .32 )(10−3 )

= =4 . 1893
φ bd (0. 9 )(0 .2032 )(2. 4384 2 ) MPa (607.6 psi)
ρ=0. 0118
A s =ρ bd

Where b is wall thickness and d is approximated by 0.80 lw = (0.8)(3.048) = 2.4384 m

A s =(0. 0118)(20 . 32)(243 .84 )=58. 47 cm2 .

Use 12 Ф 25 bars each end (assuming V u could come from either direction

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