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Root of conflict: Battle of Plassey

According to T. Bunting. 2017, a victory for British East India Company within the

Battle of Plassey was the beginning of nearly two centuries of British decree India. This

battle was fought between the East India Company headed by Robert Clive and also the

Nawab of Bengal (Siraj-Ud-Daulah) and his French Troop. The consolidation of the British

Empire plans to back to this war. The East India Company became the undisputed rulers of

in goal after this war. The East India Company had been granted rights to duty-free trade by

the Mughal rulers as early as 1717. The company misused this privilege that the officers of

the company endures in private trade without any duty and amass huge profits by buying

cheap and selling a huge profit.

Siraj-ud-daulah had taken Calcutta (West Bengal, India) from the East India Company

by using a lot of army in June 1756 due to the notorious Black Hole episode that occurred.

The news reached the corporate in Madras before August 1756 while the news reaches Clive

before October 1756. Then, Robert Clive left for Calcutta with the principle of a mixed

European-Indian force of some 2,500 armies in January 1757 (R. Cavendish, 2007).

Followed by M. S. Sharma, 2020, Robert Clive decided to interchange Siraj-ud-

daulah to a more pliant Nawab. This is because Robert Clive thinks that this is the most

effective way to secure the Company’s interests in Bengal. Then, Robert Clive found a

discontented elderly general candidate named Mir Jafar. After the promise of enormous

bribes to all or any concerned and also complicated conspiratorial discussions, a secret

agreement was smuggled into the women’s quarters of Mir Jafar’s house, which Siraj as a

spy. Therefore, Mir Jafar signed the agreement.

Even though Siraj knew there was a conspiracy against him, Robert Clive’s earnest

protestations to the contrary, and moved south to Plassey. (A. K. Chatterjee, 2018)Then,

Robert Clive brought around 2,000 Indian sepoys, 600 British infantries of the Thirty-Ninth

of Foot plus near 200 artillerymen, 10 field pieces, and 2 small howitzers moved to the north.

However, Robert Clive falls into a dangerous situation because Mir Jafar provides an

ambiguous message. Therefore, Robert Clive summoned his officers to a council of the war

because he seems to have a crisis of confidence. Finally, Robert Clive and the majority of

members voted against the action. After that, he gives command all the military which to

move Plassey.

(S. A. Amin, 2019) There is a confrontation from the north of the village of Plassey.

Therefore, Robert Clive divided his army into 3 groups, which headed by Nawab, Mir Jafar,

and Robert Clive himself. After they open the cannonade, there is a crash of thunder and rain

around half an hour. So, the British artillerymen covered their ammunition and cannon with

tarpaulins, but the enemy fails to cover them and just ready to action. Therefore, the enemy


Finally, Robert Clive’s group lost 18 armies, nawab’s group dead as around 500

armies. Mir Jafar replaced Siraj-ud-daulah because he been killed in the war. Robert Clive

became an effective master in Bengal. The skirmish at Plassey brought a critical condition to

the East India Company’s which triumph its French rivals and, within the long term to

establish the British rule out India (R. Cavendish, 2007).

Root of conflict: Company Raj, Sepoy Munity

Company Raj is known as company rule in India. Company Raj occurrs during the

year 1757 until 1858. British penetration into India because of a multiplicity motive. An

“expansive force” from British to private and company trade led to the annexation of

territories and conquest which included spices, cotton, and others. Therefore, it used the

governmental powers to collect taxes by the local which had its own massive army and

judiciary (Chatterjee & Roy, 2002).

According to S. Bose. & A. Jalal. (2017), in the year 1813, the trade of the company’s

monopoly in India was ended by the Charter Act. Besides, they also provide freedom for

Christian missionaries. Before launching an onslaught to the forests, Company Raj also tries

to divide agriculture and plains. This is because they attempt to draw revenues which

commodities by the settled agriculture which resisted by zamindars and peasants alike. There

are still some stubborn resistance from the tribal peoples. An unstable society in India

throughout the colonial consolidation period under the company state. Therefore, the

economic condition being change by the tussle between monopolists and free traders that

affect Indian society.

Finally, the increasing power of Company Raj causes increased corruption amongst

the company officials which dissatisfaction amongst the locals. Besides, the British army

only accept the higher caste Hindus which restricted the lower castes (Nardo, 2002). All this

unfair treatment cause Sepoy Munity happened in the year 1857. (Chatterjee & Roy, 2002)

Sepoy Munity killed 100 thousand to 800 thousand British soldiers and locals. Even though

the munity ultimately unsuccessful, they drew clear lines of conflict between each other.
Root of conflict: British Raj

India was ruled by Great Britain for around 100 years, from the year 1858 to 1947

known as British Raj (D. Wilson, 2016). In the year 1858, Great Britain decided to control

the entire region when Indian leaders began a war for independence. Therefore, the British

government gets involved, instituting the British Raj. The power of controlling transfer from

the government of India to British which auspices by Queen Victoria (I, Talbot, 2014).

According to S. A. Wolpert, 2019, British Raj instituted a lot of reforms in India. As

an advance, British Raj united the country (India) which set a centralized administrative, a

judicial system, build infrastructure (bridge and railroads), and others. Therefore, India

becomes an important part of the British colony due to its size and riches. During the period

of the British Raj, Great Britain get a lot of wealth which come from the to grow of large

amount of tea and the growth of cotton need that makes clothing by British factories, but

India did not become wealthy.

There is a difference between Britain’s national and India’s interests. This is because

Britain plundered India’s resources, wealth, and local politics. The aim of Britain to control

India is to improve the economic growth in Britain. For instance, Britain may export Indian’s

materials at a cheap price and British manufactured sold back to Indians with inflate prices.

Besides, the British’s landlords will increase the rent to the peasant farmers. Britain will also

beat the peasants, seize their poultry, and loot them houses when the peasants broke out (K.

Yasmin, 2007). Then, there are millions of Indians who died because of starvation which

lack of food.

In the 19th century, Indians were going to openly resent colonial rule that demanded

more rights. Therefore, this cause in the condition of unrest and riots. So, the Indian

National Congress was formed in the year 1885.

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