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Mardiana Cahyani Kesuma Dewi

Translation Short Story

Putri Karang Melenu

Dahulu, ada sepasang suami istri yang sudah lama menikah namun belum
dikarunai keturunan. Suatu hari, keadaan alam sangat buruk. Hujan turun
dengan derasnya. Persediaan kayu bakar sepasang suami istri itu habis. Mereka
pun mengambil salah satu atap rumah untuk dijadikan kayu bakar.Saat
membelah kayu atap rumah, mereka menemukan ulat kecil. Seketika, hujan
berhenti. Karena takjub, mereka memelihara ulat kecil itu.

Suatu malam, sang Suami bermimpi bertemu putri cantik. Putri itu
mengaku bahwa ia penjelmaan dari si Ulat dan akan pergi besok. Benar adanya,
paginya, si Ulat berubah jadi naga. Sebelum pergi, sang Naga berkata, “Ikuti ke
mana pun aku pergi.”

Sesuai permintaan, suami istri tersebut mengikuti sang Naga. Hingga

akhirnya, mereka tiba di sungai. Sang Naga menyelam, lalu muncul gelembung
bercahaya di sungai. Suami istri tersebut mengambil gelembung tadi. Alangkah
terkejutnya mereka ketika melihat di dalam gelembung terdapat bayi perempuan
sedang terbaring di dalam gong. Lalu, bayi itu diberi nama Putri Karang
Melenu. Kelak, bayi tersebut menjadi istri raja Kutai Kartanegara pertama, yaitu
Aji Batara Agung Dewa Sakti.

Once upon a time, there was a husband and wife who married for a long
time, yet they still had no child. One day, severe weather happened. Heavy rain
has come. The married couple confused about their firewood is out of stock,
thus they took their roof as firewood. When they take the roof, there is a worm!
Magically, the heavy rain has stopped. They feel amazed, therefore they raised
that worm.

In the night, the husband dreams that he met a beautiful princess. The
princess said she is the incarnation of the worm and will leave tomorrow. The
next morning, that dream comes true. The worm changed into a dragon, and she
said, “Follow me wherever I go.”

As she wished, a husband and wife follow the dragon. After that, they arrived at
the river. The dragon drowns himself, then a glowing bubble appears in there.
The married couples took that bubble. They were startled when they noticed
there is a baby girl lying down in the gong inside the bubble. Afterward, the
baby's named Putri Karang Melenu. In the future, the baby will be marrying the
king of Kutai Kartanegara the First, Aji Batara Agung Dewa Sakti.

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