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Bankers’ Factory

Pooja Rana
(Educator for bank exam)
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Special Class
(Free for all ) Ongoing Plus Course
Current Affairs- 9AM
Detailed Batch:- 5-6 PM
The Hindu/Mock Test:- 11AM
Vocabulary Finale:- 8:30- 9:30 PM
Error detection:- 10 PM
Youtube (bank Pro):- 3PM
Completed Course
1) Subject Verb Agreement 2) Vocabulary Season 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ,6, 7 &8
3) Noun 4) Double Fillers
5) Pronoun 6) Sentence Rearrangement
7) Time and Tenses 8) Column Matching
9) Cloze Test 10) Prepositions
11) Conjunctions 12 Fixed Prepositions
13) Idioms and Phrases 14) Phrasal Verbs
15) Reading Comprehension 16) Articles
17) Adverbs 18) Descriptive paper
19) Modals

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Use My Referral Code – “PRALIVE” Get 10% Discount
Pooja Rana
Verbal Ability Faculty ( English Language)

About Me:-

 An alumnae of Delhi University (Kirorimal College).

 9 year teaching experience
 Have worked at Toprankers, K.D. Campus, Career Power,
Mahendras, Mother’s Education Hub
 Unacademy educator since June 2020
 Have trained 75-80K + aspirants so far
 20K+ selections in different govt. examinations

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Recent Achievement

SBI PO 2019-20 Topper

satyam singh

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Recent Achievement

SBI PO 2020-21 Topper


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Plus Subscription

Time Price After Discount

12 Months 6500 5850

24 Months 7800 7020

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 1st week
August 02 – August 06
 2nd week
August 09 – August 13
 3rd week
August 16 – august 20

 4th week
August 23 – August 27
 5th week
August 30 – August 31
1. These firms which (1)/ are the main (2)/
suppliers of electronic (3)/ components in
India (4)/ No error (5)
Vocab theory
1. Visible

that can be seen

2. Invisible

that cannot seen

3. Accessible

that can be approached

4. Inaccessible

that cannot be approached

5. Approachable

that can be accessed

6. Inapproachable

that cannot be accessed

7. Admissible

that can be permissible

8. Inadmissible

that cannot be permissible

9. Appeasable

that can be pacified

10. Inappeasable

that cannot be pacified

11. Awful

that is not pleasant

12. In awful

that is pleasant
13. Affable

that is pleasant
14. In affable

that is not pleasant

15. Auspicious

that is bright
16. In auspicious

that is not bright

17. Artful

that is performed using skills

18. In artful

not with skills

19. Audacity

boldness in nature
20. In audacity

not bold
21. Able

have efficiency to do something

22. In able

does not have efficiency to do something

23. Abstinence

self - denial, abstain

24. In Abstinence

self -indulgence
25. Acquiescent

26. In Acquiescent

Not tolerant
27. Adept

28. In adept

29. Aesthetic

30. Un/ In aesthetic

ugly, Hideous
31. Alterable

32. In alterable

fix, set, constant

33. Amiable

34. In amiable

not friendly
35. Amicable

36. In Amicable

ill –natured, Ungracious

37. Animated

Alive, lively, Active

38. In Animated

39. Annihilable

can be destroyed
40. In annihilable

cannot be destroyed
41. Apparent

visible, clear, obvious

42. In apparent

dark, Invisible, Unclear

43. Apposite

relevant, related to, applicable

44. Inapposite

Irrelevant, pointless
45. Apprehensive

aware, conscious, Sensible

46. In apprehensive

insensible, unaware, Unconscious

47. Articulate

well-spoken, fluent, Vocal

48. Inarticulate

In vocal
49. Audible

can be heard
50. Inaudible

cannot be heard
51. Avertible

can be prevented
52. In avertible

cannot be prevented
53. Calculable

Can be calculated, Certain, reliable

54. In calculable

Cannot be calculated
55. Carnate

Flesh, embodied
56. In carnate

Humanly, Souly (spiritual )

57. Caution

Warning, Precaution
58. In caution

Carelessness, Recklessness
59. Censurable

Objectionable, Offensive
60. In censurable

Blameless, Impeccable
61. Circumspect

Prudent, Alert, Cautious

62. In circumspect

Careless, Unmindful
63. Cognizant

Mindful, Apprehensive, Sensible

64. Incognizant

Insensible, Unmindful
65. Coherent

Compatible, Concordant, Harmonious

66. Incoherent

Unreasonable, Unsound
67. Comity

Concord, Harmony
68. In comity

Conflict, Discord
69. Commensurate

Proportional, Similar
70. Incommensurate

Disproportional, Dissimilar
71. Acquaintance

familiarity, cognizance
72. In Acquaintance

73. Beguile

Charm or enchant (someone), often in a deceptive

74. Blinkered

Having or showing a narrow or limited outlook.

75. Bottom out

To reach the lowest point in a continuously changing

level that is about to start rising or increasing again.
76. Breach

An act of breaking or failing to observe a law,

agreement, or code of conduct.
77. Bumble

There is something terrible about seeing others go about life

with rational deliberateness while we continue to bumble
78. Camouflage

The disguising of military personnel, equipment, and installations by

painting or covering them to make them blend in with their
79. Cogent

Clear, Logical, and Convincing.

80. Cohort

A group of people with a shared characteristic.

81. Complacency

A feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with

oneself or one’s achievements.
82. Conciliation

The action of stopping someone being angry;

83. Concomitantly

At the same time; simultaneously.

84. Condemn

Express complete disapproval of; censure.

85. Contempt

The feeling that a person or a thing is worthless or

beneath consideration.
86. Contention

Heated disagreement.
87. Contradiction

A combination of statements, ideas, or features

which are opposed to one another
88. Contrast

The state of being strikingly different from

something else in juxtaposition or close association.
89. Controversial

Giving rise or likely to give rise to controversy or

public disagreement.
90. Credence

Belief in or acceptance of something as true.

91. Cripple

Cause someone to become unable to walk or move

92. Affable

easily approachable, friendly

93. Amorphous

Having no definite shape, form, or structure

94. Censure

Strong criticism
95. Conceal

To hide someone or something | prevent

(something) from being known
96. Congruous

Corresponding or agreeing | suitable

97. Dearth

A lack of something
98. Frail

Having less than a normal amount of strength of

force : very weak | easily damaged or destroyed
99. Impoverish

To make someone poor or to make something

worse in quality
100. Antipathy

strong or deep-rooted dislike, aversion

101. Intimidate

To frighten or threaten someone so that they will

do what you want
102. Invigorate

To make someone feel healthy and full of energy

103. Pertinent

Appropriate to a particular situation

104. Somber

Dark in color
105. Abominate

To feel hatred or disgust for something or

106. Accolades

Praise or an award for an achievement that people

107. Acquittal

Deliverance from charges

108. Adverse

Going counter to one’s benefit

109. Aggravate

To make an illness or bad or unpleasant worse | to

annoy someone, especially deliberately |
110. Amateurish

Not done or made well or with skill.

111. Ambiguity

The state of having more than one possible meaning.

112. Ameliorate

To make (something, such as a problem) better,

less painful, etc.
113. Amenable

Easy to control
114. Archaic

old and not used anymore | very old- fashioned | from a

much earlier or ancient period of history
115. Augment

To increase the amount, value, size, etc. of

116. Avidity

Very enthusiastic about something

117. Antagonistic

showing or feeling opposition

118. Apathetic

Showing no interest or enthusiasm

119. Blasé

Unimpressed with or indifferent to something because

one has experienced or seen it often before.
120. Barbaric

Cruel and violent, and not expected from people

who are educated and respect each other.
121. Burgeon

To begin to grow or develop rapidly

122. Boon

Something that is very helpful and makes

life easier for you
123. Cavil

To make unnecessary complaints about something.

124. Conformity

Behavior or action that follow the accepted rules

of society
125. Credulous

Too ready to believe things and therefore easy to

126. Conspiracy

A secret plan by a group of people to do

something harmful or illegal.
127. Concealment

The act of hiding something

128. Cramped

With small letters close together and therefore

difficult to read
129. Census

The process of officially counting something, especially a

country’s population, and recording various facts; the results
of this process.
130. Commendation

131. Cater

To provide food and drinks for a social event

132. Critic

A person who expresses disapproval of someone or

something and talks about their bad qualities, especially
133. Clumsy

moving or doing things in a very awkward way

134. Commemorative

Intended to help people remember and respect an

important person or event in the past
135. Concord

Too ready to believe things and therefore easy to

136. Distort

To change the shape, appearance, or sound of

something so that it is strange
137. Deter

To discourage or restrain from acting or

proceeding. To prevent; check; arrest
138. Delusion

A false belief or opinion about yourself or your

139. Demise

The end or failure of an institution, an idea, a

company, etc.
140. Denounce

To strongly criticize someone or something that

you think is wrong, illegal, etc.
141. Derision

The feeling that people express when they criticize an

laugh at someone or something in an insulting way
142. Dawdle

To take a long time to do something or go

143. Docile

Easily managed or handles; teachable

144. Dilate

To become or to make something larger, wider, or

more open.
144. Dispersion

The process by which people or things are spread

over a wide area.
145. Destitute

Without money, food, and the other things

necessary for life
146. Debatable

Not certain because people can have different ideas and

opinions about the thing being discussed.
147. Didactic

Teaching or intending to teach a moral lessor.

148. Disposition

The natural qualities of a person’s character

150. Decry

to strongly criticize someone or something,

especially publicly
151. Encompass

To include a large number or range of things

152. Euphony

Pleasing or sweet sound

153. Exculpate

Clear from blame or guilt

154. Egregious

Extremely bad.
155. Enumerate

To name things on a list one by one.

156. Flaunt

To show something you are proud of to other

people, in order to impress them
157. Finicky

Too worried about what you eat, wear, etc.

158. Foreboding

A strong feeling that something unpleasant or

dangerous is going to happen.
159. Forgery

The crime of falsely making or copying a

document in order to deceive people.
160. Forlorn

appearing lonely and unhappy

161. Fervor

Very strong feelings about something

162. Germane

Connected with something in an important or

appropriate way
163. Gaudy

Too brightly colored in a way that lacks taste.

164. Hostile

Very unfriendly or aggressive and ready to argue

or fight .
165. Intelligible

That can be easily understood

166. Inclement

Not pleasant
167. Inane

Very silly stupid

168. Lackluster

Not interesting or exciting

169. Maverick

a person who does not conform to generally

accepted standards or customs
170. Nadir

The worst or lowest point of something

171. Obstruct

To block a road, an entrance, a passage, etc. so that someone or

something cannot get through, see past, etc. | to prevent someone or
something from doing something or making progress, especially when
this is done deliberately
172 . Obsolete

No longer used because something new has been

173. Ample

Enough or more than enough

174. Vociferous

Expressing your opinions or feeling in loud and

confident way
175. Vocation

a type of work or way of life that you believe is

especially suitable for you
176. Viscid

Sticky and Slimy

177. Vitriolic

Full od anger and hatred.

178. Ominous

Suggesting that something bad is going to happen

in future.
179. Prolix

Tending to speak or write at excessive length

180. Petulant

Unreasonable irritable
181 . Pertinent

Appropriate to a particular situation

182. Rostrum

a small raised platform that a person stands on to

make a speech, conduct music, receive a prize, etc.
183. Recipient

A person who receives something

184. Ridicule

Speech or action intended to cause contemptuous

laughter at a person or thing
185. Rejuvenate

to make someone or something look or feel

younger or more lively
186. Rampant

Existing or spreading everywhere in a way that

cannot be controlled.
187. Surplus

an amount that is extra or more than you need

188. Sloppy

not careful or neat : showing a lack of care,

attention, or effort
189. Scathing

Criticizing someone or something very severely

190. Smug

Looking or feeling too pleased about something

you have done or achieved.
191. Superfluous

More than you need or want.

192. Somber

Dark in color
193. Tranquility

peace, quiet
194. Thwart

Prevent the occurrence, realization of attainment of

195. Tight-lipped

Inclined to secrecy or reticence

196. Torment

Extreme suffering, especially mental suffering

197. Upbraid

Scold severely
198. Vapid

lacking liveliness, animation or interest

199. Vital

Necessary or essential in order for something to

succeed or exist
200. Vulgarity

The fact of being rude or not having good taste; a

rude object, picture, etc.
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