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Members  : Teacher : Mr LOUGUE

KINDA Hamidou
BERE Raoul

School year : 2020 - 2021






1. Machine Learning

2. Deep Learning



A- Advantages

B- Drawbacks





Artificial intelligence (AI), is intelligence demonstrated by machines, unlike
the natural intelligence displayed by humans and animals. Leading AI textbooks
define the field as the study of ‘’intelligence agents’’. Any device that perceives
its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of successfully
achieving its goals. Colloquially, the term ‘’Artificial Intelligence’’ is often used
to describe machines (or computers) that mimic ‘’cognitive’’ functions that
humans associate with the human mind, such as ’’Learning’’ and ’’Problem
AI was founded as an academic discipline in 1955, and in the years since has
experienced several waves of optimism followed by disappointment and the loss
of funding. For most of its history, AI research has been divided into sub-fields
that often fail to communicate with each other.

Intelligent robots and artificial beings first appeared in the ancient Greek
myths of Antiquity. Aristot's development of the syllogism and it's use of
deductive reasoning was a key moment in man kind's quest to understand its
own intelligence. While the roots are long and deep, the history of artificial
intelligence as we think of it today spans less than a century. The following is a
quick look at some of the most important events in AI.
 In 1943, Warren McCullough and Walter Pitts publish "A Logical Calculus of
Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity." The paper proposed the first mathematic
model for building a neural network.
In 1950, Alan Turing publishes "Computing Machinery and Intelligence,
proposing what is now known as the Turing Test, a method for determining if a
machine is intelligent. Harvard undergraduates Marvin Minsky and Dean
Edmonds build SNARC, the first neural network computer.Claude Shannon
publishes the paper "Programming a Computer for Playing Chess."Isaac
Asimov publishes the "Three Laws of Robotics."
In 1952, Arthur Samuel develops a self-learning program to play checkers.

In 1954, the Georgetown-IBM machine translation experiment automatically
translates 60 carefully selected Russian sentences into English.
In 1959 Allen Newell, Herbert Simon and J.C. Shaw develop the General
Problem Solver (GPS), a program designed to imitate human problem-
solving. Herbert Gelernter develops the Geometry Theorem Prover program.
In 1969 the first successful expert systems are developed in DENDRAL, a XX
program, and MYCIN, designed to diagnose blood infections, are created at
In 1997 IBM's Deep Blue beats world chess champion Gary Kasparov
In 2005, STANLEY, a self-driving car, wins the DARPA Grand Challenge.
The U.S. military begins investing in autonomous robots like Boston Dynamic's
"Big Dog" and iRobot's "PackBot."
In 2008, Google makes breakthroughs in speech recognition and introduces the
feature in its iPhone app.
In 2012, Andrew Ng, founder of the Google Brain Deep Learning project,
feeds a neural network using deep learning algorithms 10 million YouTube
videos as a training set. The neural network learned to recognize a cat without
being told what a cat is, ushering in breakthrough era for neural networks and
deep learning funding.
In 2014, Google makes first self-driving car to pass a state driving test.


AI put its capacities in avail to people’s towards lot of domains. AI is
considere often as a framework of some companies because it interfere in those
companies totaly or slightly partially.
Moreover AI giving birth to some organization’s such a SYNAPSE,SN,Créeia
and those companies and organizations work hard daily in order to improve
machines performances or humans life (that is one of its objectives) exactly in
followings domains : aviator, network, business,industry, health domain,
agriculture, sport, transport…. By mislead we can said that AI interfere in all
domains !


1- Machine Learning
Since Artificial Intelligence is trying to imitate the human race in some
way, it is necessary to note that the forerunners and first inventors of devices
whose frame is Artificial Intelligence. And these early equipments included
elemental algorithms. But over time, scientists have continued to look for ways
to improve these algorithms. This is how these different forms of automatic
learning that scientists have thought of are: Deep learning and machine learning.
The widely-quoted definition of Machine learning by Tom Mitchell best
explains machine learning in a nutshell. Here’s what it says:

“A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some

class of tasks T and performance measure P if its performance at tasks in T, as
measured by P, improves with experience E ”
Did that sound puzzling or confusing? Let’s break this down with simple

We have to first scour through all the data and find patterns in this data. Our task
is to search which conditions lead to a storm.

We can either model conditions like – if the temperature is greater than 40-
degree celsius, humidity is in the range 80 to 100, etc. And feed these ‘features’
manually to our system.

Or else, we can make our system understand from the data what will be the
appropriate values for these features.

Now to find these values, you would go through all the previous data and try to
predict if there will be a storm or not. Based on the values of the features set by
our system, we evaluate how the system performs, and how many times the
system correctly predicts the occurrence of a storm. We can further iterate the
above step .

2- Deep Learning

The concept of deep learning is not new. It has been around for a couple of years
now. But nowadays with all the type, deep learning is getting more attention. As we did in
Machine Learning, we will look at a formal definition of Deep Learning and then break it
down with example.

“Deep learning is a particular kind of machine learning that achieves

great power and flexibility by learning to represent the world as nested
hierarchy of concepts, with each concept defined in relation to simpler
concepts, and more abstract representations computed in terms of less
abstract ones.”
Now – that one would be confusing. Let us break it with simple example.

Example 1 – Shape detection

Let me start with a simple example which explains how things happen at a conceptual
level. Let us try and understand how we recognize a square from other shapes.

The first thing our eyes do is check whether there are 4 lines associated with a figure or
not (simple concept). If we find 4 lines, we further check, if they are connected, closed,
perpendicular and that they are equal as well (nested hierarchy of concept).

So, we took a complex task (identifying a square) and broke it in simple less abstract
tasks. Deep Learning essentially does this at a large scale.


Artificial intelligence present in many areas this justified by the following
1) Artificial intelligence in the means of transport
For vehicles we have :
Autonomous vehicles ; their function is based on machine learning, it is an
algorithm capable of learning on its own and of performing tasks hitherto
As an example we have ;
 UBER the transport company which carries out tests on these customers
with autonomous cars in 2016.
 In 2017 during the FRANKFURT forum several car manufacturers
offered prototypes of autonomous vehicles.
 In aviation we have automatic pilots an artificial intelligence used to pilot
an aircraft without the intervention of a pilot but which are limited in
certain maneuvers during disturbances.

2. Artificial intelligence in games

In this branch we have ;
 Artificial intelligence stockfish the world champion in classic software
which defeats alpha zero in 2017, an artificial intelligence created by a
subsidiary of google.
 In 1997 the computer DEEP BLUE an artificial intelligence which beats
the world chess champion KASPAROV.
 Deep mind a google program beats the go world champion in 2017.

3. Artificial intelligences in medicine

 ELYSA an artificial intelligence stimulating a psychotherapist.

 In 2017 at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical
Oncology (ASCO) they affirmed that WATSON artificial intelligence
has improved the healing performance of people with cancer. Specializing
in the diagnosis of cancer and its personalized treatment WATSON

delivers a diagnosis and treatment in 24 minutes unlike the oncologist
who takes an average of 110 minutes, as nearly 78% of the treatments
prescribed by WATSON gave extraordinary results.

4. Artificial intelligence in Astronomy

In 2017, NASA and google announced at a press conference the discovery of
two exo planets called KEPLER-80g and KEPLER-90i. This discovery was
made possible thanks to some artificial intelligence based on artificial neurons.

5. Artificial intelligence in frequency management

In search of a better method of frequency allocation we see ourselves using
artificial intelligence to enter filters that are more dynamic and in real time.
6. Artificial intelligence in agriculture
The use of artificial intelligence in agriculture is booming, we have some
examples like :
 SMART FARMING which is an artificial intelligence which use
sensors, cameras and drones to monitor and maintain a crop field.
 Microsoft, with the help of Mackmyry, created the first whiskey with
mon generated ? by artificial intelligence capable of generating nearly
70 million revenue and finding a perfect and innovative combination.


A- Advantages of AI

1- Health
AI opens the doors to personalized medicine, adapted to each individual, which
takes into account all of their personal data, ranging from their place of birth,
their consumption habits and their genetic mutations, crossing them with the
gigantic databases of available data and allowing doctors to choose the most
appropriate treatment.  Doctors are overwhelmed with information from
scientific literature, clinical trials carried out or in progress, but also from their
patients.  Where the human mind is not suited to handling such amounts of data,
algorithms can now take over.  It is truly a tailor-made medicine that emerges ;
where what is treated is no longer the one-off disease in the body but the disease
and all its data in a global approach.
2- Banking and financial sectors
The general public is familiar with AI through banking assistants and online
simulations : chatbots ; voicebots whose objective is to facilitate the
understanding of the offers of financial benefits and services.  Thus in France,
the virtual agent of Orange Bank, Djnko, aims to answer customers ; questions
or put them in touch with an advisor, and would process an average of 17,000
conversations per week with a rate 85% comprehension of questions asked.  AI
is also called upon to play an important role in controlling the risks associated
with the use of the Internet (cybercrime), in particular in terms of payment
where the risk of fraud has only increased in terms of volume of  recurrence, in
addition to other techniques such as behavioral biometrics which allows a more
specific profile to be created for the user, taking into account their usual mode of
use of the phones and tablets (striking force on the screen, angle of  scanning,
speed of entry, usual area of use).

Chatbot egg

3- Transport
AI is part of the everyday world of transport and continues to gain ground.
 * Equipment maintenance
 The AI is able to anticipate the maintenance and renewal of vehicle and train
parts.  Using sensors, AI conditionally or preventively detects faults, wear and
 * Material safety
 Artificial intelligence also makes it possible to detect markings on the ground,
for example on lanes, roadsides, barriers.  AI is also able to identify and
interpret road signs and traffic lights.  SAB MILLER, an American transport
company deplored a road accident every month.  Thanks to this technology, the
result is reduced by 65%.

 * Fuel economy
 In the search for a solution for lower fuel consumption, AI has proven itself.  AI
has enabled savings of around 30%.  The algorithm learns to combine the 2
energy sources by analyzing the user driving and the behavior of the vehicle. 
This solution makes it possible to reduce CO2 emissions and increase the range
of the vehicle.  These are hybrid vehicles like Toyota prius.
 * Optimize transport flows
 AI and machine learning make it possible to anticipate peaks in demand, but
also to predict which categories of products will be ordered more or less
depending on the periods and factors identified.
 * Simulate network evolutions
 AI allows you to simulate supply chain scenarios from all the data recorded.  In
fact, by creating scenarios, it is now possible to optimize routes and transported
loads, integrate new transport and storage capacities or even optimize transport

Except the 3 big points of AI applications ; we have sectors such as commerce
where AI is capable of finding the target customer on its own, or in industry
where it is able to reduce the failure of production equipment while increasing
the quality of production.
B- Drawbacks

Artificial intelligence may well conquer men by allowing them to improve their
lives by avoiding certain tasks. Moreover, it also constitutes a considerable
danger for men.
First, there is a growing insecurity caused by this so-called revolution. See
for yourself the security issue there is. Since artificial intelligence is actually
made up of suites or series of algorithms written by humans, you would agree
that these same algorithms could be manipulated by third parties for different
Thus, there is the theft of personal data. This means that users of
equipment equipped with artificial intelligence would risk being spied on, no
longer really being free. Such spying could give criminals the opportunity to
commit crimes with great ease.
Materials that we can use to
spy people

We also have the fact that we can bring injustice through artificial
intelligence. Take machine learning, for example, where AI designers vouch to
bring a database to the device. Let us focus on the fact that the security and

order forces have a database connected to surveillance cameras all over the
country (this is the case of Ouagadougou for example). If a person manages to
break into the database, he is thus able to add a picture of an innocent person to
the database and write some instruction about that person, without hi is the
offender. The cameras being placed everywhere in the city, if they identify this
person will send an alert to the database which will carry out certain instructions
such as for example the fact of imprisoning him. Therefore this person ends up
being a victim of injustice.
In addition, artificial intelligence allows certain powers to manipulate or
impose what they want on others just because they have a powerful army and
fortified thanks to the wonders it has done in this area. Artificial intelligence
with its meteoric evolution has boosted the invention of new, exceptionally
improved weapons that are quite scary. Indeed, weapons today are much less
mechanical and much more commanding than they were just about six decades
ago. Thanks to these weapons now, with much less human capital, in less time
and without having to travel, we are able to commit large-scale crimes. This is
the case with remote pilot drones, capable of tracking a target, launching
missiles, all of this from a distance. Thus, it must be clearly noted that if these
kinds of weapons fall into the wrong hands, humanity will be faced with serious

Wars drone 1

For the above reasons we are warned of the danger that artificial
intelligence can pose to humanity. However, the latter has a number of
advantages that allow it to appeal to men. Following this observation, what
should be done to take full advantage of the advantages provided by the advent
of artificial intelligence without being worried ?


Can artificial intelligence be greater than a man??

Yes!! we can prove it when the DEEP BLUE decorator beats the
champion of the BATRs in 1997.
Is artificial intelligence capable of expressing emotions??

We cannot say this because neither Eliza or the Turing test allows us to
de-enter this statement.
But the evolution of artificial intelligence leaves us perplexed,
In sense if before our firms were filled with workers each feigning a
specific task in the seeding of a machine today these same firms are
equipped of machine programming and run by an artificial
We also have Artificial Intelligence manages the security of certain
public places such as the station airports or even some private
property, a proffession that was until then the role of guard or
guardian.Then here,
Artificial intelligence reduce somes people to unemployment.
However somes organizations fight in order to make scientists
respects somes laws about artificial intelligence limits. Above these
organizations we have REEIA(Renewable Energy, Engineering and
Artificial Intelligence) and Creeia (Reflexion Center and Ethics of
Artificial Intelligence Education).


In Burkina Faso, goverment and firms are hunderstand that in order to be
developed, we must develop numeric sector. For this, they created NUMERIC
WEEK (Semaine du Numerique). It takes place every years since 16 years old
and in 2020 it records its 16th edition. Every year autorities and firms deleguates
potentials investors in numeric domain and students too are all invited to take
part of this activity. For the last edition the topic was « ARTIFICIAL
INTELLIGENCE : defits and opportunities » it happened on 8 to 10
September 2020 in Ouagadougou at Silmandé Hotel. ISGE was above the

guest of these days and have particapted to this considerably with ISGE students
and administration personals.

Overwise, Burkina Faso encouraged pupils to work and make researches on

AI by permetted them to find jobs by giving them financial resources to built
some projects. For example we have GOBELAB an association which make
some bot by using AI ressources. In add we have that
permits students which have any knowledges on AI to find jobs easily.
Goverment give opportunities to ambitious students to go in Europe, America,
Asia in oder to improve their knowledge and competence.

Even the minister to the developement of numeric and economic further AI
sector by creating importants projets like :
 E-Burkina : that’s to improve capacities and uses of TIC by public and
private administration.
 BODI : the objectifs is to make access and re-use of open data very easy.
 G-cloud : the MDENP helped by ANPTIC will build open cloud
infrastructure and allocate it to administration firms…
For the health part, goverment organize always some formations sessions on
operating of certain health devices that use AI technologies in order to safe lot of
population’s live. For example ISGE engeneers have built and intelligence
tunnel in order to fight against COVID 19.
Artificial intelligence is a very promising and constantly evolving field. It
aims to equal or even surpass human intelligence.
Currently, many obstacles are hindering the completion of this project. As a
result, artificial intelligence does not yet surpass human intelligence in all areas.
Among these obstacles are the tools used; in particular the binary code whose
effectiveness is strongly questioned.
However, there are solutions to these limits like the quantum computer. It is
considered by many researchers to be the key to creating true consciousness.
Indeed, this is one of the last barriers that stand in the way of the creation of true
Artificial Intelligence. We can therefore see that this field is in constant
progress, as its short history shows.
However, given the progress, questions emerge as to the consequences of the
success of such a project. According to the famous physicist, Stephen

Hawking, "man being limited by a slow biological evolution, he will not be able
to compete and will be surpassed".
The question that one could therefore ask would be: what will be the place of
Man in a future where he is no longer the most intelligent form of life on earth?



Barraud B., Le droit

Barraud B., Le droit en datas, comment l’intelligence
en datas, comment l’intelligence artificielle redessine le monde juridique.pdf

artificielle redessine le monde juridique. PDF


Somes Engeneers of ISGE are explained us, what is artificial

intelligence giving their opinion.
Mr Daniels : Teaacher of ‘’Informatique Industrielle’’ giving us
his thinking of Artificial Intelligence.

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