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Questions about Sunder, Crush, Pierce...

Gods Eater Burst
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Boards » Gods Eater Burst » Questions about Sunder, Crush, Pierce...

INFERTakuya  10 years ago #11

BlissfulPoison posted...
Thanks for answering. After having a few bouts against Borg Camlann, I can see how each breakable part
of an Aragami would have certain defenses. The descriptions that are given in the game's Database is
helpful to an extent, but like a lot of God(s) Eaters, I'm out to get the quick job done.

But with that said, that must mean that well rounded weapons are a must, despite that there are only a few
of them that can be made. Though I'm only in Chapter 4, are there any Weapons Lists that are out there on
the 'net, just so I can preview the incoming awesomeness?

There is one, but it's almost completely in Japanese (the only English text there is "GOD EATER BURST"
and "wiki".)

Short Swords:

Long Blades:
Buster Blades:

PSN: HanabiraKage
A lone petal descends into darkness...

KrazytigerEX  10 years ago #12

You can use google chrome and have it translate to english. pretty cool and its easier to make out stuff.

INFERTakuya  10 years ago #13

KrazytigerEX posted...
You can use google chrome and have it translate to english. pretty cool and its easier to make out stuff.

Well, unless you can partially read Japanese and can get a rough idea of what it is, that is.

PSN: HanabiraKage
A lone petal descends into darkness...

Asiori  10 years ago #14

Let's say an Aragami has 2 breakable parts (can be any number. Just an illustration).

Part A has a certain amount of Crush Defense, a certain amount of Pierce Defense and a certain amount of Sunder Defense. (e.g. 0, 80 and 60 respectively)

Part B also has a certain amount of each type of Defense, but the values may or may not be the same Part A's. (e.g. 5, 65, 70 respectively)

The Aragami itself has a certain amount of each type of Defense, which again may or may not be the same as Part A/B's. These Defense values apply to all
non-breakable or broken parts of the Aragami. (e.g. 30, 15, 20 respectively)

Of course, in practice, Elemental Resistance also comes into play. They work similarly to the Defense values.
A couple wierd things that bug me. This rule of defense does not apply simply to breakable areas; Aragami have more hit zones than that. Also, whoever
said that hitting broken parts deal full damage was wrong; Broken Parts have lower defenses, but you do not deal full damage on them. Also, if it wasnt
clear, elemental damage is no different from Sunder/Crush/Pierce, and their mechanics/calculation is exactly the same.

Also, as an interesting note, the flashes when you hit Aragami do not indicate how much damage was done, but how much of your attack was resisted.

Boards » Gods Eater Burst » Questions about Sunder, Crush, Pierce...

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