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1. Identify the Problem:

a. The learner (Rajiv) is not happy with the current course. He feels that we should have segregated the
leaners in different batches based on their past experience and knowledge.

b. Identify if there are any flaws or loop hole in our teaching system which we can rectify becuase Rajiv
is mentioning the issue in overall learning process because of some people.


In this step I will describe the problem to the Program Office team and take their inputs to get the best
possible solution as a team.


To do the analyzation we need gather the below information:

a. Rajiv's overall performance for the last four months.

b. Review the overall performance of other 5 learners(AC, AD, AE, AF, AG) during the entire course.

c. Review the performance and teaching method of the faculty who is taking the course.

d. What are the steps we took last time when we received the complain as according to Rajiv the
previous Program Manager didnt do much to resolve the issue.

e. Review the process of taking an live online class and see if its correct or there can be any scope for

f. Do we check the leaners background in detail before putting him in a batch?

g. Is there any solution that can be used for a long term benefit rather than dealing with the same type
of problem again and again


Scenario 1.

Suppose as per the above data Rajiv is correct, his performance has been good during the entire course
till now. He passed all the assessments with good scores and the other batchmates actually interrupts
during the class. Faculty is asking questions frequently in between the explaination of concepts.
In this case we will support Rajiv and tell him that we will do everything possible as a team to make the
learning process error free and more efficient.

Secondly, I will make suggestion to the entire team that there should be specific time frame only
dedicated for Q&A to clear all the doubts of the leaners at the end of the live online class. By doing this,
both the learner and the facult will follow the process and there will be no disruption during the
explaination of the topics.

Also, I will recommend this to the other teams to apply on all the batches as we do not want another
complaint related to the same issue.

Thirdly, we will analyse the feedback of the other learners fom various batches and see if it's actually a
problem by placing a new learners and a experienced one in the same batch.

If yes, then its a big loop hole which is creating hurdles in students learning process and this can impact
organization's reputation in future.

The best solution for this is to check the learners' baackground in advance and then creating the batches
accordingly so that all the freshers and experienced leanrers are segregated.

Scenario 2.

If what Rajiv saying is not correct, his performance has not been good during the entire course while the
other leaners from the same batch are performing good.

In this case we will motivate Rajiv to work on himself to perform better in class and the assessments. For
this if he needs supports related to the study material, recorded lectures etc we will make sure his
expectations are fullfilled.

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