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DIRECTION: Cite a big effect of science and technology on society and discuss it further and

does it effect you as a citizen?

Science and technology have had a significant impact on society, and their influence is
expanding. Science has caused changes in the moral values and basic philosophies of mankind by
drastically changing our modes of communication, the way we work, our housing, clothes, and food,
our modes of transportation, and, indeed, the length and quality of life itself. Science has changed
how we live and what we believe since the invention of the plow. Science has given man the
opportunity to pursue societal concerns such as ethics, aesthetics, education, and justice; to create
cultures; and to improve human conditions by making life easier. But it has also placed us in the
unique position of being able to destroy ourselves. Science and technology has brought the world to
our fingertips, from personalized computers in our pockets to self-driving cars. Technology has
advanced in many aspects of our lives, making information more accessible, improving
communication, and changing transportation, to name a few. While it is easy to sit back and enjoy the
benefits of technological advancements, it is critical that we do not become oblivious to their effects
on society. Today's society is heavily reliant on technology and shows no signs of abating its reliance.
When considering the impact of technology on our lives, what comes to mind may be more extreme
than what is currently in play. Small aspects of everyday life in society are changing, or have already
changed so dramatically that they have become merely societal norms. We may not yet have flying
cars, and artificial intelligence has not yet taken over the world, but science and technology continues
to have an impact on society. On the surface, one of the most obvious effects of technology is that
people no longer memorize phone numbers. Smartphones, and most phones nowadays in general, can
store hundreds of phone numbers that are all accessible with a single click. If we lost our phone and
all of its contacts, we'd have no idea how to contact anyone.
How often do we pull out our phone and snap a few photos when we see a beautiful sunset? People
aren't living in the moment because they have such easy access to phones, particularly smartphones.
When we see something we like or want to remember, we take a moment to take a picture and share it
with our friends. We are gradually living in hundreds of other people's special moments rather than
our own. Small invasions of technology like this will not lead to the extinction of the human race, but
small encroachments of technology into our lives are slowly changing society.

Many people are concerned about how society, science and technology will interact; this concern is
heightened when it comes to children. Children are being exposed to screens at a young age, spending
time in front of laptops, televisions, and other forms of technology. This has altered how children
interact socially. Children nowadays can communicate with their friends by texting or messaging
them online rather than going to their door and knocking.

This has altered how children interact socially. Children nowadays can communicate with their
friends by texting or messaging them online rather than going to their door and knocking.
According to research conducted by the University of California, Los Angeles, children are
spending more time than ever before in front of screens, which may be affecting their ability to
empathize and recognize someone's emotions. Sixth-graders who went five days without using

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